Chapter 185 Important things announced

Bai Xiaoxiao pouted and asked complainingly: "Of course, why didn't you tell me about such a funny thing, and that about Linda. She was like a proud peacock that day. I can't wait to see how she cried to death. Past."

  Wen Ran’s eyes flashed a little astonishment, and he looked at Luo Haofeng in surprise. Did he tell Xiaoxiao about Linda?

"I didn't want to tell Bai Xiaoxiao, but last night I was disgusted by those two ugly women. If I didn't find a beautiful woman to accompany me today, I would definitely not be able to drink a sip of water. Besides, she was the protagonist. One, of course I have to inform her that you can't accompany me to the theater, right?"

  At the end, Luo Haofeng raised a handsome eyebrow, and the corner of his eye glanced at Mo Xiuchen inadvertently, silently suggesting that Wen Ran, don't let Mo Xiuchen do such wicked things next time.

   Wen Ran frowned slightly, worried that Bai Xiaoxiao would be confused by Luo Haofeng’s rhetoric. She had just lost her love, and at this time, she was most easily moved.

   And Luo Haofeng is also a lover who lingers in Hua Cong, if Xiao Xiao is hurt by him again...

   "Of course, we should go to the company. It is not good for those directors to wait too long."

  Mo Xiuchen squinted at Luo Haofeng warningly, looked down at Wen Ran, and said softly.


  Wen Ran pursed her lips and answered a word softly. Xiaoxiao has always been playful and seems to be interested in Luo Haofeng's proposal. If she lets her not go, it will definitely disappoint her.


  MS Group

When Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived, the outside of the building was surrounded by reporters.

  They didn't come too late. They went to Cheng Jia's house to watch the theater earlier than normal work hours. Therefore, they arrived here just in time for work.

  These reporters also rushed over from Cheng Jia's house, but they left before them, and arrived a few minutes earlier.

The flashing light kept shooting. Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran walked side by side towards the revolving door of the building. The appearance of men and women is really enviable. However, the most enviable thing is Mo Xiuchen's tenderness to Wen Ran. Look at her. The look in his eyes is a gentleness they have never seen before.

  The tone of speaking with Wen Ran is also gentle and pampering like no one has ever seen before. The two were surrounded by a group of high-level reporters and walked towards the special elevator.

   "Sure, let's go."

Mo Xiuchen turned his eyes and spoke softly to Wen Ran beside him, and then took her into the elevator. Several high-level people followed into the elevator. The reporter's elevator was beside him.

  When the elevator door closed, Mo Xiuchen raised his hand and brushed a few strands of hair behind Wen Ran's ears, acting extremely gentle.


  Wen Ran accompanied Mo Xiuchen to the board of directors, and verified that when he became the president of the group, Tan Mu was ordered to go to the hospital in person and take Wen Jin to Wen’s Pharmaceutical Factory.

  Went together, and Li Qian.

  Wen Jin seems to be in a bad mood, with a trace of depression in the words.

  Since he answered Mo Xiuchen's phone call in the morning, his mood suddenly deteriorated. That arrogant man, he informed him on the phone that he was going to accompany him to the board of directors, so he could not go to the pharmaceutical factory today.

  What else, if he can go back to take care of the pharmaceutical factory, he will let Ranran become his personal secretary in the future, and it will not be so hard.

   also sent Tan Mu to assist him pretendingly, fearing that his patient, who cannot stand on his legs, would not be able to subdue Zhou Mingfu.

  In fact, last night, Wen Jin had already called his friend in the police station and asked him to guard near Zhou Mingfu’s home in case he got the news and escaped.

  I just didn’t expect that he would really fight against Ranran in a hurry, and was lucky enough to be escaped by Ranran, and then arrested the two women he had instructed to go to the hospital.

  Late night, Wen Jin received a call saying that Zhou Mingfu wanted to escape and was caught by two policemen. He took him back to the police station on the grounds that he had kidnapped Wen Ran.

  So in the morning, Zhou Mingfu will not go to the pharmaceutical factory, Wen Jin only needs to announce his ‘criminal evidence’ in public.

  Without the presence of Zhou Mingfu, things are relatively simple and smoother.

The two women who followed Luo Haofeng home will also go directly to the police station today to confront Zhou Mingfu. The only regret is that the few people who kidnapped Wen Ran in City F before, no matter what method they used, they did not recruit. Come out of Zhou Mingfu.

  The clue to the kidnapping case is broken.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory held a plant-wide meeting.

  Wen Jin was pushed by Li Qian, and Tan Mu accompanied him on the podium. When the employees saw him, they were all delighted and excited. When Li Qian said'Welcome to the return of President Wen,' the audience suddenly applauded.

  It can be seen that Wen Jin's reputation in the pharmaceutical factory before is excellent.

  After the car accident, although he had to deal with part of the affairs in the hospital, and many employees went to the hospital to visit, they were not as encouraging as his return.

Li Qian first gave an opening remark. Wen Jin took the microphone and said gently: "First of all, I want to thank you all. During the time when my parents passed away and I was in a coma, you are willing to stay with my sister gently and unswervingly. Pharmaceutical factory work..."

When he said this, all the staff in the audience were more emotional. Before, they truly believed in Wen Ran, and they were so touched that their eyes were wet. Those who had been unhappy but were suppressed by Wen Ran, or hesitated all the time. , Ready to change jobs at any time, find another job, are embarrassed and guilty.

  80% of these employees have more than eight years of experience. Although Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory is not as strong as MS Group, the treatment of employees is impeccable.

Basically, employees who enter Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory will not think about resigning, except for the insurance that should be paid, the holiday benefits that should be given, regardless of the employee’s birthday, employee illness, or family celebrations, the factory will distribute red envelopes, gifts, etc. Wait.

  The most important thing is that Wen has no punishment. Working here, there are only countless rewards. Even if there is a mistake in the work, the superior will patiently teach instead of punishing.

  Such a good company, such a good boss, where are they willing to leave.

  However, the car accident not only took away Wen Hongrui and his wife, Wen Jin also became a vegetable. I don't know when to wake up, and all the burdens are on the shoulders of Wen Ran, a girl who has just left school.

  Under internal and external troubles, many employees are panicked and see no hope.

Wen Jin gave all employees a few seconds of moving or guilty time, and then the brows were lightly condensed, and there was a trace of deep pain in his expression. After the voice changed, he said in a deep voice: "Today we are convening a meeting to announce an important thing to everyone. ."

  Everyone in the audience condensed their thoughts and looked at him together.

Next to   , Tan Mu handed the relevant information and evidence to Wen Jin, and Li Qian asked him in a low voice if he wanted the two women to come to the scene last night.

  Wen Jin shook his head faintly, lowered his eyes, glanced at the data in his hand slightly, and when he raised his head again, his expression was serious and cold.

  (End of this chapter)

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