Chapter 1845 What can be done

  Wu Jingfang opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word.

  She looked at her son in front of her, how long has it been since then? It feels so strange.

  His handsome eyebrows are covered with an indifferent and cold color, and the breath that lingers around him makes her have an illusion like the solstice of winter.

  Wu Jingfang's heart is choked.

  Her son did what he said, did he plan to deny her as a mother?

  Perhaps, it’s not just that, if she always disagrees and promises him to be with Bai Xiaoxiao, then Luo Haofeng may have kept her under house arrest like this.

  Do not give her the opportunity to contact the outside world.

  Luo Haofeng allowed Wu Jingfang to watch, and there was no change in expression between her indifferent eyebrows.

   "A Feng, if I always disagree..."

  Wu Jingfang asked tremblingly.

  She wants to know how ruthless her son can be.

Luo Haofeng lowered his eyes and said coldly, "I always feel that you don't want me to live in pain for the rest of my life like you. Even more, I feel that you are actually very clear in your heart. Between Dad and Aunt Joe."

  Wu Jingfang stepped back unconsciously.

  Looking at Luo Haofeng's eyes narrowed.

  Luo Haofeng's voice continued, resounding in the cold living room, every word made Wu Jingfang want to cover her ears tightly.

  "You robbed my dad and ruined Aunt Joe. Mom, you can compare your hearts. If you and Aunt Joe change identities, should you hate it or Aunt Joe should hate it."


  Wu Jingfang's face was as pale as paper.

"I don't want to judge your things back then, but I will never allow those old past events to hurt Xiaoxiao. Mom, don't forget, I am your son, and I can do what you can do for love. "

  Of course he would not use that method to deal with his mother.

   But, he has another way to stop Wu Jingfang from telling Xiaoxiao what happened back then.


  Wu Jingfang looked at Luo Haofeng in disbelief.

   "Mom, don't worry, you are my mother, and the person who gave birth to me and raised me, I will not treat you too much. Also, I don't want to have that day..."

  The words fell, Luo Haofeng instructed the two bodyguards next to him, “In these few days, you protect your wife and don’t let her do something that hurts you.”

   "Yes, Mr. Luo."

  The two bodyguards answered in unison.

  Luo Haofeng nodded, turned around, and walked out of the living room quickly.

  Wu Jingfang hasn't recovered from Luo Haofeng's attitude towards her just now, but stared at the direction Luo Haofeng left.

  She didn't know where Luo Haofeng was leaving home this night.

  In the ear, a bodyguard said lightly, "Madam, please go upstairs and rest."

  Wu Jingfang glared at them bitterly, thinking of Luo Haofeng's threat just now, and still had a lingering fear.

  No matter how you think in your heart, I dare not do anything for the time being.

  Walking to the stairs, when he looked up and saw Luo Rongbin standing on the second floor, the crystal light hit his old face, and his eyes were cold.

  Wu Jingfang subconsciously clenched her hands.

Behind her, two bodyguards followed her closely. Even if Luo Haofeng was not here tonight, the two bodyguards would not let her leave or make a phone call.

  Luo Rongbin stepped down two steps, looked at Wu Jingfang condescendingly, and said lightly, “I didn’t persuade Ah Feng just now. You should see his determination.”

  Wu Jingfang nodded haggardly, the next second, Luo Rongbin reached out and took her hand, led her to the second floor together, and returned to the room.

  Two bodyguards are standing outside their room.

Luo Rongbin took Wu Jingfang to sit down in front of the sofa, poured a glass of water for her, and calmed down patiently, "Don't blame A Feng, he has a rare person he likes these years. Three years ago, he did it for you. I split up with Bai Xiaoxiao once, but in the past three years, he has not been happy at all."

  Speaking of this, Luo Rongbin sighed softly and said distressedly, “We are just a son of A Feng. You don’t want him to live in pain all his life.”

  Wu Jingfang's eyes are still red, and her voice is choked with a hint of, "Of course I hope Ah Feng is happy and happy."

  "He just took my phone away. You must be very uncomfortable now, but I still have to say it again. As long as you can let go of the past, we can have a few years of happiness."


  Hesitation flashed in Wu Jingfang's eyes, fixedly looking at Luo Rongbin.

  He has a calm expression and a gentle voice, without any trace of deception.

   "Let me think about it."

  Although she could not make a decision, Wu Jingfang's voice was very soft, without the original sharpness and anger.

  Luo Rongbin nodded, “Don’t worry, think about it. Anyway, you are not alone in opposing them being together.”

  Wu Jingfang's face changed, and she asked stiffly, "If I agree, will Qiao Xiuyun agree?"

  Luo Rongbin frowned slightly and smiled bitterly, “I’m afraid that you can only know this question if you ask A Feng.”

  Wu Jingfang understands.

   Even if she agrees, I am afraid that Qiao Xiuyun will not easily agree.

  In these years, not only she regarded Qiao Xiuyun as her love enemy, but Qiao Xiuyun also regarded her as her enemy.


  Luo Haofeng came out from home and rushed to the airport directly.

  I thought of what Bai Xiaoxiao said to him on the phone just now, "Hao Feng, I may be really pregnant."

  A layer of warmth rose unconsciously between his stern eyebrows, and a touch of tenderness rose in his narrow peach blossom eyes.

  Soon, he will be a father.

  He couldn’t wait to fly to Bai Xiaoxiao right away.

  Before leaving home, he talked with Luo Rongbin.

  He took Wu Jingfang's mobile phone, Luo Rongbin knew it, and also took the initiative to give his own mobile phone to Luo Haofeng.

   Ask him to disconnect the telephone line at home and the network cable.

  Luo Rongbin will comfort Wu Jingfang after Luo Haofeng leaves.

  On the way to the airport, Luo Rongbin called and called the secretary to arrange his work schedule for tomorrow.

  This time, he had no plans, but only stayed in City G for one night and rushed back to the company early the next morning.

  Xiaoxiao is pregnant, Luo Haofeng wants to accompany Xiaoxiao, even if he can't stay with her all the time, he will do his best to accompany her occasionally.

  At half past ten in the evening, Bai Xiaoxiao closed her laptop and climbed into bed to get ready to go to bed.

  The phone's ringtone rang at this moment. She leaned forward, took the phone on the bedside table, saw the caller ID, and smiled between her eyebrows.

  Xianxiansu refers to pressing the answer button, with a soft voice overflowing red lips, "Hey, Hao Feng."

   "Xiao Xiao, I'm downstairs in your house."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was startled, his eyes flashed, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked quickly to the French window.

  She lifted a corner of the curtain and looked through the glass window. Downstairs, a car was parked on the side of the dimly lit road.

  I couldn't see what car it was, but Bai Xiaoxiao could clearly see the tall figure of Junyi standing in front of the car and the man with his face up and looking at her.

  (End of this chapter)

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