Chapter 1843 Don't blame me for telling her

   "Dad, mom, why are you back?"

  Luo Haofeng's words fell, Luo Rongbin winked at him again and again.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes changed, his thoughts turned slightly, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and he walked to the sofa with his slender legs.

  Looking at Wu Jingfang with a cold expression, she indifferently sat down beside her, and asked with a smile, "Mom, how come you came back after a short time out? Didn’t you say that you are traveling around the world? Did my dad make you angry?

  Wu Jingfang glared at him coldly, snorted, but refused to speak.

  The smile on Luo Haofeng’s face remained unchanged, and continued, "Mom, did you come back because of me?"

   "Do you still need me to miss you? Your wings grow hard, you don't need me anymore."

  Wu Jingfang finally couldn't help but had an attack.

  Look at Luo Haofeng's eyes with deep anger and disappointment.

   "Jingfang, don't get angry with your son. If you have anything to say, please."

Luo Rongbin said hurriedly.

  Wu Jingfang lowered her head to open the drawer, took out an envelope from the inside, and threw it on the solid wood coffee table in front of her.

  "Do you see for yourself what's inside?"

  Luo Haofeng's eyes flashed a little astonishment, and he pulled out the contents of the envelope.

  Seeing the photo, Luo Haofeng's face immediately changed.

  This is the last time he went, G City and Xiao Xiao met, outside the restaurant where the two dine together.

  At the time, he felt as if someone was photographing them, but when he looked back, he found no suspicious person.

  Who actually took this photo?

  Luo Haofeng's mind quickly turned: Meng Ke has escaped from the country, and it is impossible to come back.

  Xu Wanqi has come out, but she has been under the supervision of the police, and it is impossible to find someone to follow him and Xiaoxiao.

  What's more, now Xu Wanqi has sold Meng Ke, and she has no reason to do these things again.

  The most likely person to do these things is Meng Ke.

  Thinking of this, Luo Haofeng couldn't help holding the photo tightly. Although Meng Ke was abroad, he knew that Luo Haofeng was in country D before and helped Xiaoxiao deal with the company's affairs.

  Maybe because of that thing, resent him.

  It is possible to retaliate against him in this way.

  At this point, Luo Haofeng could no longer deny it. He was thinking about it, looking for an opportunity to talk to his mother.

  Bo Yi's lips were pressed tightly, Na Hao Feng turned to look at Wu Jingfang who was extremely annoyed, and explained as gently as possible, "Mom, I and Xiaoxiao are together."

Next to   , Wu Jingfang's face suddenly changed when she heard these words.

Her eyes seemed to burst into flames, and her voice was sharp and stern, "A Feng, how can you do this? How did you agree to your mother in the first place? When did you and Bai Xiaoxiao get together? Has she seduced you since she returned home?"

  Luo Haofeng frowned and said solemnly, “Mom, please respect Xiaoxiao. I have always liked her and can’t forget her. I took the initiative to approach her after she returned to China.”

  "Aren’t you dating with Tian Ruoyi, is it all you lied to me?"

  Wu Jingfang asked sharply.

Luo Haofeng calmly met his mother’s anger and said calmly, “Mom, I didn’t lie to you. At first, I wanted to try out with Ruoyi, but I found that even if I’m with her, I The person I like is still Xiaoxiao."

  Wu Jingfang was trembling with anger, "You forget what I said at the beginning, and you broke up with Bai Xiaoxiao immediately. If you don't break up with her, don't blame me for telling her all the things back then."

   "Jingfang, calm down."

  Luo Haofeng's face changed. Before he spoke, Luo Rongbin who was standing next to him had already stopped him.

  Wu Jingfang sneered, “I should have known last time that you pretended to be good to me because you were helping those two bitches, Luo Rongbin, I didn’t expect you to act so well.”

   "You are really nonsense, do I have to treat you hypocritically?"

  Luo Rongbin was also angry, staring at Wu Jingfang sadly.

  Wu Jingfang stood up and looked at Luo Rongbin with a mocking look, "Now that's the matter, you still refuse to tell the truth. The last time the stranger called me, he told me the truth."

   When she said this, she looked at Luo Haofeng again, "Afeng, tell me, have you been with Bai Xiaoxiao since that time?"

  Luo Haofeng was silent for a moment, and his tone was calm when he spoke, as if he didn't care whether his parents agreed or opposed, he had already made a decision anyway.

  He won’t break up with Xiaoxiao.

  This time, no one can separate them.

"Mom, I and Xiaoxiao are together, but it has nothing to do with my dad. The reason why he let go and treats you well is because he figured it out and decided to give you each other a chance instead of wasting your whole life. Drop."

   "Don't you feel that my dad is kind to you these days, is it from the heart?"

  Wu Jingfang's face changed. Thinking back to the past few months, Luo Rongbin was kind to her.

  He was a little shaken in his heart.

   However, when she thought that it might be Luo Rongbin to help her son be with Bai Xiaoxiao, she was filled with resentment again.

  The anger of being deceived was even far better than her original resentment towards Luo Rongbin.

No matter what Wu Jingfang thought, Luo Haofeng said to himself, "Mom, you have loved my dad for decades, you should know this kind of pain best. Now the relationship between you and my dad has finally turned around, and you can live happily afterwards. It's been half a lifetime, why not let go of the past."

"lay down?"

Wu Jingfang seemed to hear some ridiculous joke, she laughed loudly, but her laughter was sharp and harsh, "Why did I suffer for decades? It was all caused by Qiao Xiuyun, and now I finally got rid of her. You brought his daughter home again, wanting me to face her daughter for the rest of my life."

   "A Feng, you are really my good son!"

  Speaking of the back, Wu Jingfang almost gritted her teeth.

  "Wu Jingfang, don't make troubles unreasonably. The things that happened back then were caused by you. What qualifications do you have to hate Qiao Xiuyun for the rest of your life, and what qualifications do you have to stop A Feng and Bai Xiaoxiao from coming together?"

  Luo Rongbin is really on fire.

  In other words, he has had enough in the past few months.

  If he treats Wu Jingfang well and allows him to change and accept Xiao Xiao, then he is willing to treat her well.

   But obviously, this woman Wu Jingfang doesn't know good or bad, and she doesn't know how to cherish the happiness in front of her.

  Not only that, but she also has to regard Qiao Xiuyun, who was destroyed by her, as her enemy's hatred for a lifetime.

Hearing Luo Rongbin's words, Wu Jingfang became more angry and asked sharply, "You finally can't play anymore. Are you finally not acting anymore? Luo Rongbin, you keep saying that you really want to be with me, but you are actually a lie. Mine, what you called in your dream was that bitch's name Qiao Xiuyun."

  Luo Rongbin's complexion froze.

  Luo Haofeng was also taken aback, and instinctively looked at Luo Rongbin.

  The air in the living room suddenly stagnated.

  (End of this chapter)

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