Chapter 1836 His plan

  After a long time, Xu Wanqi looked up at Lu Zhiyan and asked stiffly, “If I know everything, can I be innocent?”

  Lu Zhiyan squinted his eyes, "As long as you confess, I will intercede with the judge on your behalf."

  Xu Wanqi pressed her lips tightly, looked down at her abdomen, and said faintly, “I don’t want my child to be directed by others when it is born, and I don’t want to have the opportunity to grow up with her.”

   "Go ahead, what do you know?"

  Lu Zhiyan naturally couldn't guarantee her innocence before he knew what Xu Wanqi had done.

  However, if Xu Wanqi can confess and assist them in catching Meng Ke, and then appear in court to testify, that would definitely be her best outcome.

  "What do you want to know?"

  Lu Zhiyan sneered, looking sharply at Xu Wanqi, "What did you do when you went to Country M with Meng Ke last time?"

  Xu Wanqi hesitated, "Qing Yang, are you really awake?"

  Lu Zhiyan ignored her question.

  Xu Wanqi bit her lip, and told Lu Zhiyan what she had done the last time she and he accompanied Meng Ke to Country M.

  Lu Zhiyan listened to Xu Wanqi's explanation, and what she said was not far from what Qingyang told him.

  However, as one of the parties involved, Xu Wanqi said to be clear and detailed. Of course, she knew more about some of the people they contacted than Qing Yang.

   "Because Qing Yang found out about you, Meng Ke wanted to kill someone?"

When    asked this sentence, Lu Zhiyan's tone was a little cold.

  Meng Ke can really do everything, not even afraid of killing.

   "This matter has nothing to do with me, it is the idea of ​​those people, if the seniors don't do it, then we will have trouble."

   Although Xu Wanqi betrayed Meng Ke, she still couldn't help clearing things out for him.

  Lu Zhiyan's expression became cold, and he asked in a deep voice, "Did the thing that happened to the Bai family in country D be caused by Meng Ke?"

"It's him."

  Xu Wanqi dare not deny that Lu Zhiyan had already guessed what Meng Ke did before going to the hospital.

   "What is Meng Ke's plan to go abroad this time?"

   "I don't know the senior's plan either."

   Her eyes flashed, but she still didn't want the police to catch Meng Ke.

   "Will you know if he takes you away with you?"

  Lu Zhiyan obviously does not believe Xu Wanqi's words, and he is not so easy to be deceived.

Stared at by his sharp eyes, a trace of panic flashed across Xu Wanqi’s face, “The senior said that he would go to Bali first, and then transfer to country D. I also only found out that morning that he was going to find Bai Xiaoxiao and wanted to take her. go away."

   Lu Zhiyan's mouth evokes a cold arc, and sure enough, it was the same as Mo Xiuchen and the others had guessed.

   "Then when will he go?"

   "I really don't know this, the senior did not say it." After hesitating, Xu Wanqi added, "Even if he said it at the time, he might change the plan temporarily."

  Lu Zhiyan nodded, which he agreed with.

   "So, Meng Ke doesn't believe you that much either."

  "Maybe from the moment I stayed, he has already made other arrangements."

   Xu Wanqi said that, not that she really believed that Meng Ke did not believe her, but that she hoped that the police could not catch him.

  Anyway, what she should explain has already been explained. Whether they can catch Meng Ke or not, it doesn't matter to her.

  Lu Zhiyan saw her thoughts in his eyes, and did not intend to expose her, but got up and went out of the interrogation room and took out his mobile phone to make a call.


  Haochen Group

  Mo Xiuchen had just finished his work, and when he got up to pour water on Wen Ran, the phone on his desk rang.

  He looked back, brought the water glass to Wen Ran's desk, smiled and said, "Ranran, drink a glass of water."

  Wen Ran gently nodded, "Your phone rang, go pick up the call!"

   said, taking the cup in his hand.

  Mo Xiuchen watched her hand the water glass to her lips before returning to the desk to answer the phone.


As soon as he gave a feed, Lu Zhiyan’s voice came through the phone, "Xu Wanqi has already hired, and the Bai Xiaoxiao company is a ghost of Meng Ke. He wants to take the opportunity to trick Bai Xiaoxiao into country D, and then Go there by yourself and take her away."

   Listening to his words, a trace of coldness flashed in Mo Xiuchen's eyes. Does Meng Ke like Bai Xiaoxiao that much?

   Still, because I can’t get it, I’m not reconciled.

  However, when he was under investigation by the police and might be exposed at any time, he was running for his life while calculating Bai Xiaoxiao, which was quite contemplative.

   "I see, I will call A Feng when I go home later and ask him to be more careful. When will your people arrive in country D?"

  Knowing that Meng Ke will go to Country D, of course the police will go there and wait for him.

  It’s just a question of who comes first.

  Behind the desk not far away, Wen Ran, who was drinking water, heard Mo Xiuchen's words, and couldn't help putting down the water glass, looking at Mo Xiuchen with concern.

  Meeting her look, Mo Xiuchen returned a soothing smile.

  I don’t know what Lu Zhiyan still said to him. After a while, Mo Xiuchen hung up the phone.

   came out from behind the desk with the mobile phone, while dialing the phone, walked towards the sofa in succession.

  Wen Ran also got up and went to the sofa, and sat down beside Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen turned on hands-free. He held Wen Ran's hand in one hand and his mobile phone in the other. There was a touch of coldness between his handsome eyebrows.

  Wen Ran didn't ask him, but looked at him quietly.

  The phone rang a few times, and Luo Haofeng's voice came, still a little sleepy.

  At this time, it was still early in the morning over there, and the sky was still dark.

   "Hey, repair the dust."

   "Qing Yang woke up."

  Mo Xiuchen's simple four words made Luo Haofeng on the other end of the phone wake up suddenly, and when the voice came, he didn't even have a trace of sleepiness.

   "Xiu Chen, did you say Qing Yang woke up?"

  Listening to Luo Haofeng’s surprised and delighted voice, the corner of Mo Xiuchen’s mouth evoked a faint arc, "Yes, Qing Yang woke up, Xu Wanqi also recruited."

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran did not call Luo Haofeng immediately when they returned from the hospital.

   is to wait for Lu Zhiyan to see if Xu Wanqi will confess.

   Now Xu Wanqi has recruited, confirming their previous worries and speculations, “Meng Ke will go to D country, Xiao Xiao and his company are controlled by him behind the scenes, and his purpose is to take Xiao Xiao away in D country.

   "Meng Ke that mean bastard."

  In the beginning, it was just their guess, but now is it really Meng Ke's ghost? Luo Haofeng couldn't help being angry.

   "A Feng, it's useless for you to be angry now. The most important thing is to handle things over there and protect Xiaoxiao's safety."

  Since Meng Ke has the ability to reach out to Country D, it means that he has made arrangements.

  Mo Xiuchen was a little worried. Even if Luo Haofeng was by Bai Xiaoxiao's side, Bai Xiaoxiao's absolute safety could not be guaranteed. Thinking of this, his handsome brows couldn't help but frown.

  (End of this chapter)

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