Chapter 1834 The Truth

   "Officer Lu, I can answer questions."

   Qing Yang, who was lying on the hospital bed, had a pale face, but his eyes had the firmness of a soldier.

  After being in a coma for so long, his ability to wake up is also inseparable from his perseverance.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Qing Yang, then raised his head to look at Gu Kai standing aside, and asked him with his eyes, can Qing Yang do this? Let him rest again.

  Gu Kai smiled faintly, and said gently, “Don’t ask too many questions, you can hold on for a while.”

  I just woke up, my body must be weak.

  But, it’s not. I can’t say a word or two.

  Looking at Qing Yang's appearance, he must have a lot to say. It's better to let him say a little bit to save him from feeling uncomfortable.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, indicating that Lu Zhiyan would ask if he had any questions.

  Although he and Wen Ran arrived at the hospital earlier than Lu Zhiyan, they only asked Qing Yang about his physical condition and did not ask him about those things.

  Mo Xiuchen took a step aside, holding Wen Ran's hand with his distinct big hand, looking calmly at Lu Zhiyan and Qing Yang.

  Lu Zhiyan took a step forward. Before asking, he still asked with concern, "All right?"

  Qing Yang nodded, indicating that he could stick to it.

   "I will ask a few simple questions. If you feel too tired, just tell them and ask them later."

   Qingyang woke up, and was not in a hurry at this moment.

   Standing outside the ward, Qingfeng also walked in at this time, and did not come to the bed, but stood at the door.

   "The one who attacked you in country m, was it Meng Ke? Or is it related to him?"

  Lu Zhiyan hit the nail on the head and went straight to the topic.

Hearing Meng Ke's name, the expression on his face changed, and a touch of anger emerged. He raised his head and glanced at Mo Xiuchen and others standing next to him, "It's Meng Ke, because I found him smuggling drugs. "

  Sure enough, it was Meng Ke.

   Hearing Qing Yang's words, Mo Xiuchen's eyes flicked with coolness.

  Their speculation has always been correct, but there is no definite evidence to prove that Meng Ke did those things, and the police did not have evidence to arrest him, so that he would leave G City and go abroad.

  Thinking of Meng Ke, who had already gone abroad, the expressions of Mo Xiuchen and others became even more grim.

   "Did you see him trading with someone?"

  This is a crucial clue. Tang Yang and the others have been investigating in Country M for so long. Although they have some evidence, they also arrested a single person, but they did not turn off that criminal group.

  The number of people involved and the scope are so wide that they cannot find out in a day or two.

  Qingyang thought for a moment, and said softly, “I saw it, and he was trading with a brown-eyed man who was about 1.9 meters tall, weighed about 200 jin, and was about fifty years old...”

  Lu Zhiyan listened while writing down what Qing Yang said.

   asked you a few more questions, and Qing Yang answered them one by one.

   Seeing a faint cold sweat on his forehead, Lu Zhiyan stopped asking questions and let him rest first.

  Mo Xiuchen also spoke gently at this time, "Qing Yang, take a good rest, you don't need to worry about other things."

   Qing Yang nodded.

  When I was in country m, I thought I was dead, but I didn’t expect to have it, so I returned to China.

   To pick up a life again, of course he must cherish it.

  Qingfeng also intervened at this time, “I answered all the calls at home during your unconscious period. If you don’t wake up again, Grandpa and the others should doubt it.”

   Qing Yang looked at Qing Feng with a hint of apologetic expression, "I will go home and have a look in a few days."

   Seeing Lu Zhiyan put away his notes, Mo Xiuchen asked faintly, “Xu Wanqi, what are you going to do with it?”

   "When I received the call, I was chatting with Xu Wanqi. I forgot to tell you that your guess and analysis should be correct."


  Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes narrowed slightly, looking sharply at Lu Zhiyan.

  What analysis is correct?

  Lu Zhiyan sneered coldly, “I told Xu Wanqi your analysis again. Her expression is very varied.”

   If Xu Wanqi heard Lu Zhiyan’s words, she would vomit blood on the spot.

  Where does she have a lot of changes in her expression, she will not just show a trace of hatred and jealousy.

   Actually arrived at Lu Zhiyan and became rich.

  If you let Meng Ke know, don’t you think she betrayed him.

  Mo Xiuchen understood, and said coldly, “Before it was just a guess, now you have the evidence, you can take care of the next thing yourself.”

  Some things are beyond their ability.

  Lu Zhiyan blinked, “If President Mo has the manpower, he might as well help us find Meng Ke.”

  Mo Xiuchen gave him a cold look, do you think I am a god? Meng Ke escaped from the country, I can help you find him.

  Lu Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, disapproving of Mo Xiuchen's mockery, wouldn't Meng Ke go to D country to find Bai Xiaoxiao?

  The people next to them watched them ‘eyebrows and eyebrows’, but there was a strange breath flowing in the air.

   "Of course, let's go back to the company."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Zhiyan, lowered his head and said gently to Wen Ran.

   Nodded with a smile, and then told Qing Yang to let him rest before asking his brother if he wanted to go together.

  Gu Kai raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Qing Yang, just take a good rest. I’m fine for the time being. You can go to my office and have a cup of tea.”

   "I won't go. The police station still has a lot of things waiting for me to go back to deal with."

  Lu Zhiyan touched his nose and said wittily.

  A few people walked out of the ward together. When they got to the elevator, Mo Xiuchen said to Lu Zhiyan who stepped into the elevator, “Don’t forget to tell Tang Yang the news.”

  Lu Zhiyan returned him a relieved look, the elevator door closed, Xiu Chen and Wen Ran went to his office with Gu Kai.

  As soon as he arrived at Gu Kai’s office, Mo Xiuchen took out his mobile phone and called Luo Haofeng.

  Gu Kai made a cup of tea for each of them, glanced at Mo Xiuchen who was calling, and motioned for him to go to the side.

  Mo Xiuchen really stood up and walked to the window to talk on the phone.

   "Of course, how is your body?"

  Gu Kai asked Mo Xiuchen to go to the side without disturbing him talking to Ranran.

  Wen Ran smiled, "I feel better after winter."

  It is said that the elderly have difficulty in winter, but since Wen Ran gave birth to Zi Yi and Mo Mo, every winter, he feels particularly cold.

  Wear more clothes than before giving birth, but it is not warm.

   "Did you finish the medicine?"

  A trace of distress flashed in Gu Kai’s eyes, how important it is for a woman to confinement, but because of Mo Mo’s disappearance, just a few days after giving birth, she was overwhelmed with grief.

  How can we not leave the root of the disease.

   "I'm almost done eating."

  Wen Ran frowned when he mentioned taking medicine.

  Traditional Chinese medicine is not an ordinary bitterness. Although she has taken it for a long time before, it is impossible to eat medicine as a meal.

  Gu Kai said gently and honestly, “After taking those medicines, there is no need to take them again.”

  (End of this chapter)

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