Chapter 183 Watching a play

  Wen Ran startled.

   raised his head to meet Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes, and the little emotions in his heart instantly dispersed like a cloud.

She was secretly annoyed, just as Mo Xiuchen said to him, Cheng Jiaxiao thought, but her husband, if the person who went to her house last night was Mo Xiuchen, even if Mo Xiuchen was unprepared last time. Now Cheng Jia will not look haggard, for fear that she will be proud and proud to show off to her.

  It was not only Cheng Jia who saw them, but also the reporters.

  I don't know who shouted, "Young Master Mo and Miss Wen are here!" The reporters left Cheng Jia and surrounded Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran.

The reporters following Cheng Jia and Xiao Liu also quickly turned their targets to Mo Xiuchen. As soon as the reporters dispersed, Xiao Wenqing and Zhou Lin, who were at the back, and Mo Zixuan, who was forced by her, entered. Wen Ran's sight.

   Xiao Wenqing's face was blue and white, which was not unsightly, especially when she saw Mo Xiuchen's gentle appearance, she immediately realized that she had been calculated by Mo Xiuchen last night.

  At that moment, a vicious and vicious flash appeared in her eyes.

Zhou Lin's complexion next to her also changed, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at Mo Zixuan, who was walking behind her and Xiao Wenqing. As she expected, Mo Zixuan's eyes flashed with jealousy, handsome face, and slightly One white.

  She put her hand in her pocket tightly into a fist, scolding Wen Ran countless times in her heart. As long as she appears, she will not forget to seduce/lead men every minute.

   "Shao Mo, what do you think of the behavior of Miss Cheng and Mr. Liu last night?"

   "Little Mo, did you know what happened last night?"

   "Mo Shao..."

  Countless questions exploded. A group of reporters surrounded Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran, staring at him intently, trying to find a trace of the truth from his calm expression.

  Mo repaired the dust and did not change his color, and the eyebrows were still so indifferent and cold. Only when the reporters came around, he held Wen Ran's hand and embraced her instead, showing his care for her.

It was not until the reporters had asked their questions that he looked at Xiao Liu and Cheng Jia a few steps away coldly. Seeing that Xiao Liu was holding Cheng Jia's shoulders and protecting her in his arms, he glared at the reporters, and his lips swept. There was a slight smile, but the smile faded too quickly. Everyone hadn't seen it clearly. He had recovered his indifferent expression and asked instead: "I don't know how you got the news. I came here early in the morning to disturb the people. ."

  The reporters were shocked by his question, and for a while they looked embarrassed and did not know how to answer.

Among the   crowd, one person ‘bravely’ admitted: “Young Master Mo, we received an unfamiliar call saying that you spent the night at your secretary’s assistant, Miss Cheng’s house, and we arrived early in the morning.”

"Ha ha!"

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, and everyone's hearts were raised together.

His smile was not only cold, but also with two points of sarcasm and one point of harshness. The laughter stopped, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that I have to thank everyone for caring about me, Mo Xiuchen, in order to get my scandal. , You rushed here to wait before dawn."

  Everyone's complexion changed, and their eyes flickered and they dared not look at him.

Mo Xiuchen's cold eyes swept across the reporters like a sharp arrow. He cast his sharp gaze on Xiao Wenqing, who was standing behind Xiao Liu and Cheng Jia. He snorted and said, "You are not good kids, you can't just make a phone call. Here, the people who can let you come here as a group are certainly not ordinary people. Since you have said everything, it is better to make it clear, who called you to come here, eh?"

At the end, he raised his words slightly, and looked back at the female reporter closest to him. Although he is not passionate, he has always known his lethal power against women. The reporter's eyes are as deep as a pool in his eyes. Li almost forgot her last name, she just shook her head instinctively: "The other party didn't say her identity, but I kept her phone number in my phone."

After speaking, she lowered her head and quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it to Mo Xiuchen.

  A few meters away, Xiao Wenqing's face changed and she winked at Zhou Lin. The latter was also clever, and immediately said loudly: "Young Master Mo doesn't need to look at his phone number. I know who notified the media reporters."

  Mo Xiuchen clicked the corner of his lips and took the reporter's mobile phone. He didn't check it immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhou Lin, who was walking quickly. Behind her, Xiao Wenqing followed.

  Mo Zixuan still stood silly on the spot, staring at Wen Ran in a daze.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes quickly passed a trace of coldness, and the breath radiating from his body instantly made the sun lose its temperature.

Everyone’s eyes were on Zhou Lin. She came forward and looked back at the back. Cheng Jia, who was supported by Xiao Liu, explained unhurriedly: “Yesterday afternoon, I met him in a nearby supermarket. Cheng Jia, she happened to be shopping for groceries."

  Behind, Cheng Jia's expression changed, and her empty eyes gradually focused, and she quickly condensed a cold and shot at Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin did not look at her, but continued to say: "I asked one more question, and Cheng Jia told me that she had an appointment with Mo Shao at night, and I began to think I had heard it wrong because Shao Mo was not that kind of passionate person. , I know that He Ranran has been married not long ago, but his relationship is very good."

"Cheng Jia said that she was the lifesaver of Young Master Mo. Not long ago, she was injured when she blocked the falling bricks for Young Master Mo. Based on these two points, Young Master Mo reluctantly agreed and went to her house for dinner at night. , Listen to her talk about important things."

   "Zhou Lin, you are talking nonsense."

   Cheng Jia fully awake, she struggled out of Xiao Liu's arm and rushed towards Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhya Killing people?"

Cheng Jia's face was blue and white, her hair was messy, she stared at Zhou Lin's eyes as if she was about to burst into flames, "I wanted to kill you because you were born out of nothing, Zhou Lin, you said I called the reporter, didn't you? "

She was staring at Zhou Lin, but when Xiao Wenqing looked over, she nodded solemnly and said firmly: "It was originally you. You like Shao Mo, and you also provoke Wen Ran time and time again. Others don't know about this. I know, you took advantage of your being Mo Shao’s lifesaver, and finally tricked Mo Shao into your home. Not only did you spray the aphrodisiac perfume at home, you also put medicine in the dishes and water. …Then call the reporters and let them go to your house this morning to catch/rape. With this, you can stalk Young Master Mo brightly!"

  Everyone was in an uproar.

A mocking smile appeared on Wen Ran's lips. Zhou Lin understood it so clearly, it was really bothersome.

"I have never done what you said, Zhou Lin, dare you swear to God, none of what you said is false? If the person who notified the reporter was not me, the child in your stomach and Mo Zixuan would do it. Don't die!"

  Update no less than 20,000 words today, dear ones, Yezi needs your support, encouragement, red envelopes, and tickets!

  (End of this chapter)

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