Chapter 1829 Taking a taxi is not safe

  Mo Xiuchen made Qin Mu’s investigation still unsuccessful, but met Jiang Hui at the dinner the next night.

  It turns out that Jiang Hui is the goddaughter of a certain minister.

   "Why didn't President Mo come with Mrs. Mo today?"

  The minister's wife asked with a smile.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled faintly, "Of course she is not in good health, I will let her go home to rest."

  It may be the reason why he took Ranran to see the stars on the mountain last night. However, he had a small cold. Tonight, Mo Xiuchen did not bring her to the dinner.

  Instead, she sent Wen Ran home to rest first.

"Ms. Mo's gentle and considerate towards Mrs. Mo is so enviable." The director's wife said here, and turned to Jiang Hui, who was sitting next to him, and said, "Xiao Hui, if you look for a boyfriend in the future, you will find someone who looks like Mo. Always such a good man."

  Jiang Hui was teased, his fair and beautiful face couldn't help but flushed, and replied with a little shyness, "Godmother is laughing, where am I as good as Mrs. Mo? It is even more impossible to find a good man like President Mo."

  "This kind of thing depends on fate, but Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo are really fate. Although I saw Mr. Mo for the first time today, I have heard of the love story between Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo a long time ago."

  During the feast, Jiang Hui flushed with a glass of wine.

  But sitting there was a rule, and didn't deliberately talk to Mo Xiuchen.

   only occasionally glanced at Mo Xiuchen, her eyes seemed to have a girl's love for an excellent man like Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen turned a blind eye to this, his eyes drooped slightly, and there was a coldness in the depths of his eyes.

   "I heard that your company is hiring interns from President Mo, can you take in Xiaohui from our family?"

  After the dinner, when the group left, the minister asked casually.

  Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes flashed slightly, and without waiting for him to speak, Jiang Hui on the side said with a smile, "Mr. Mo, although I have always had a part-time job during college, my ultimate goal is to go to Haochen to work after graduation."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Jiang Hui lightly, ignoring her expectation and excitement, "When will Miss Jiang graduate?"

  The phone's ringtone rang at this time, and Mo Xiuchen took out the phone and answered the call.

  His secretary, sent the director and his wife to leave first.

  But after he answered the phone, he realized that Jiang Hui was still standing there waiting for him.

  Mo Xiuchen frowned slightly, and a trace of unnoticeable unhappiness flashed across his eyes, "Ms. Jiang, is this?"

  Jiang Hui lowered his eyes, some of them did not dare to look directly at Mo Xiuchen's sharp eyes.

  But it was only a moment, and soon raised his eyes again, and looked at Mo Xiuchen calmly, with a serious tone, "President Mo, please give me a chance. I really want to enter Haochen."


  Mo Xiuchen frivolous and handsome eyebrows, the expression in Jiang Hui's eyes became deep.

  Jiang Hui was very courageous. Facing his strong oppressive aura, although his back was a little stiff, he did not look away.

  After a while, Mo Xiuchen said faintly, "Then you can submit a resume."

   Hearing this, Jiang Hui smiled with joy, and said excitedly, "Thank you, President Mo, but who do I need to vote for?"

  The implication, of course, she hopes to submit her resume to Mo Xiuchen.

  So, Mo Xiuchen was very good, and asked her to post her resume to his mailbox.

   Jiang Hui happily thanked him, and turned around to leave.

   "Miss Jiang."

  Behind him, Mo Xiuchen's voice sounded low, Jiang Hui turned around and looked at Mo Xiuchen with a smile on his face, "President Mo, is there anything else to order?"

   "How can Miss Jiang go home?"

  Jiang Hui was excited, and replied softly with a smile on his face, “I’ll just take a taxi and go back by myself.”

   "It's not safe for girls to take a taxi at such a big night. I will ask the driver to see you off."

  If it is said that Mo Xiuchen gave Jiang Hui the opportunity to let her join the company, it would be a joy, then at this moment, Mo Xiuchen took the initiative to send Jiang Hui home. This joy is something she could not even dream of.

  So that Jiang Hui was stunned for a moment, completely unable to believe that a man as cold as Mo Xiuchen would actually take her home.

  "How can I trouble Mr. Mo, I can just take a taxi home by myself."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't have any extra words, but just dropped a sentence of "let's go" and stepped away.

  Looking at Mo Xiuchen's leaving back, Jiang Hui subconsciously bit the flap of his lower lip, then couldn't help but smile, and quickly followed.


  Mo Xiuchen returned home and saw Wen Ran leaning against the bed in his pajamas, holding a mobile phone in his hand. It should have just made a call.

  Wen Ran smiled softly at him, and raised the phone in his hand at him.

   "Of course, who do you call?"

  Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth. When he saw Wen Ran, the deep and sharp eyes became gentle, and he walked to the bed with his slender legs.

   Wen Ran said Xiaoxiao.

   When Mo Xiuchen was standing in front of the bed, Wen Ran smelled the woman's perfume on him, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

  Mo Xiuchen saw Wen Ran's frowning movement in his eyes, and stretched out his big hand and rubbed her head fondly, "You call first, I'll take a bath."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Xiuchen did not stop, turned around and entered the cloakroom.

  The phone rang a few times before Bai Xiaoxiao’s voice came from the Pacific Ocean through the radio wave, "Hey, ran."

   "Why take so long to answer the phone? Are you busy?"

  Wen Ran glanced at the direction of the bathroom, and asked with concern.

   Bai Xiaoxiao’s sighs and complaints came from her ear, “Don’t mention it, from here to now, I haven’t been idle for a minute, I’m almost exhausted.”

  Even through the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao's voice can be heard with a deep fatigue.

  I want to be really busy, and things are troublesome.

   "Luo Haofeng has flown to Country D. When he gets there, he should be able to help you a bit, so you don't have to work so hard."

  Grinned softly, with a hint of playful tone.

  On the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao asked in surprise, "Of course, you said Hao Feng came to Country D?"

   "Well, tomorrow will be here."

   "What did he do? Didn't I say that he didn't need his help, and he didn't notify me."

   "If he informs you, would you agree?"

   Wen Ran sighed, and said seriously, "After you left City G, Meng Ke also went to Bali. If it wasn't for Big Brother Lu who stopped Xu Wanqi at the airport, they would leave together."

   "He is kind to Xu Wanqi." Bai Xiaoxiao's words contained a hint of sarcasm.

Wen Ran chuckled, "Yes, I heard that Xu Wanqi is pregnant. It is conceivable that the child should belong to Meng Ke. Xiaoxiao, Meng Ke has been active in country m before, but he did not go to country m this time. , But went to Bali."

"what happened?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao doesn't quite understand what Wen Ran means.

Wen Ran hesitated for a moment and said softly, "Maybe I think too much. You are abroad by yourself, and Meng Ke is out of the country at this time. I'm afraid he will fly from Bali to Country D to find you. Be careful yourself."

  (End of this chapter)

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