Chapter 1826

  Qiao Xiuyun certainly understands this.

  In this case, it is impossible for her to let Xiaoxiao marry another man, and it is impossible for her to destroy the child.

  The only way is to promise Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng together.

   But as long as she thinks of the woman Wu Jingfang, Qiao Xiuyun can't calm down.

  Wen Ran saw Qiao Xiuyun’s contradiction in his eyes, and knew in his heart that it was impossible for Qiao Xiuyun to oppose Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng being together, and it was really impossible for Xiao Xiao to get rid of the child.

  She is not that vicious.

  Of course, Qiao Xiuyun would not simply agree to them being together.

   is just a step back, but for Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng, this is already a big improvement.

   "Of course, is Luo Haofeng in G city?"

   "Why does Aunt Joe ask like this?"

  Wen Ran looked at Qiao Xiuyun without answering questions, and quickly wondered if she missed Luo Haofeng.

  Qiao Xiuyun smiled coldly, “Yesterday Xiaoxiao gave me a set of jewelry. That kind of valuable thing shouldn’t be found by Xiaoxiao.”

  She said so, Wen Ranzi couldn't hide it anymore, "Auntie Qiao, Luo Haofeng seems to be on a business trip to G city, but I'm still not here now, I don't know very well."

"okay, I get it."


  G City International Airport, Xu Wanqi looked at Meng Ke beside her and asked with a smile, "Senior, who was the person who called you just now?"

  She listened, it was the voice of a woman, but she didn't know who the other party was.

   Xu Wanqi was unhappy that Meng Ke designed Bai Xiaoxiao out of the country, but never told her.

Meng Ke glanced at her faintly, with a calm tone, "Wen Ran has not only been instigating the relationship between Xiaoxiao and me, but also helping Luo Haofeng pursue Xiaoxiao with Mo Xiuchen. Now that we are out of the country, I think we should send her off. A little gift."

  Xu Wanqi widened her eyes in astonishment, "Senior, are you giving Wen Ran a gift?"

  What gift does he want to give.

  A sneer crossed Meng Ke’s eyes, “Yes, I want to give Wen Ran a gift so that she can also try the one she loves and betray her.”

  In Meng Ke's view, Bai Xiaoxiao betrayed the feelings between them and returned to Luo Haofeng's side.

  Xu Wanqi frowned slightly, "But I heard that Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen have a very good relationship. Apart from Wen Ran, Mo Xiuchen doesn't look at other women too much."

  Furthermore, she didn't understand why Meng Ke wanted to offend Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen.

  They are obviously not offensive people.

  "Will you take a look, then you will know."

  Meng Ke is not a fool. He knows that their travel agency has had a cold business during this period and cannot get rid of Mo Xiuchen.

  What's more, there is someone to help in this matter, so why not do it!

  Mo Xiuchen and the others looked at them, even when she was dating Bai Xiaoxiao, no one looked at him.

  He has never shown it before, which does not mean that there is no resentment in his heart.

   stepped back and said that just the Qing Yang lying in the hospital, he had already offended Mo Xiuchen, so he didn't care if he offended a little more.

  "Miss Xu, Mr. Meng, please stay."

   Just as Xu Wanqi and Meng Ke were about to enter the security check, a low voice came from behind them.

  Meng Ke looked back and saw Lu Zhiyan walking a few steps away with a few policemen. His eyes quickly changed a few times, and the hand holding the luggage tightened slightly.

  Xu Wanqi's face changed slightly when she saw that the person who came was Lu Zhiyan, and a trace of tension passed through her eyes.

   "Officer Lu, what's the matter?"

  Meng Ke had a calm expression on his face. He couldn't see the slightest tension or abnormality. Instead, he looked at Lu Zhiyan suspiciously.

  As soon as he spoke, Xu Wanqi beside him immediately calmed down.

  Lu Zhiyan stood in front of them, glanced over the boarding pass and luggage in their hands, and asked faintly, "Where are Mr. Meng and Miss Xu going?"

  Meng Ke smiled slightly and explained calmly, “There is something in Bali that needs to be dealt with. I will take Wanqi to play for two days.”

   "I'm afraid Miss Xu, I can't leave G city in these two days."

  Hearing this, Xu Wanqi's expression changed, and she blurted out, "Why?"

  Meng Ke was much calmer than she was, "Oh, I don’t know why Officer Lu didn’t let Wanqi leave City G. Is it because of her cousin Xu Wanfei?"

  Lu Zhiyan glanced at Xu Wanqi, “According to Xu Wanfei, she was instructed to kidnap Qiao Xiuyun, and her psychiatric history was not her own, but Xu Wanqi got it for her.”

   "She is talking nonsense, she is mentally ill, it was two or three years ago, how could I get it for her?"

  Xu Wanqi was immediately angry.

On the side, Meng Ke's eyes changed, and his expression became more serious. "Police Officer Lu, I am afraid Xu Wanfei's mental illness has committed again. She didn't explain it clearly when she was sober. She herself resented Bai Xiaoxiao and robbed her of what she liked. Man, did you kidnap her mother?"

   "Yes, my cousin made it clear before, why does Officer Lu listen to her nonsense."

  At this moment, Xu Wanqi was afraid and worried.

  She did not expect that Xu Wanfei had been warned by someone, and she dared to say it.

   is simply deadly.

   "Mr. Meng, Xu Wanfei's emotions are normal. She may not have been calm before, but now that she calmly thinks about it, she doesn't want to carry it by herself.

  Meng Ke sneered, “Xu Wanfei is mentally ill, but she can’t fabricate it at will. Didn’t Officer Lu take the relevant machine to examine it?”

  "If there are any doubts in the case, as a policeman, I have the responsibility to find out, not to wrong an innocent person, nor to let anyone do evil."

  Lu Zhiyan looked solemn, and his cold tone had a righteous majesty. His voice fell, and his eyes looked at Xu Wanqi solemnly, “Please come back to the game with us.

  Xu Wanqi's face turned white, and she turned to look at Meng Ke.

  Meng Ke frowned, Lu Zhiyan did not deduct Xu Wanqi for no reason, but was sold by Xu Wanfei.

  It’s no use what he says or do. He’s afraid that if he delays, he won’t be able to leave.

   "Wan Qi, since Officer Lu wants you to cooperate, then you can go back with him, and I will take you to Bali for vacation next time."

  Meng Ke's soothing words did not really calm Xu Wanqi's heart.

  She yelled worriedly, "Senior, I..."

  Meng Ke put a hand on her shoulder and interrupted her, “Don’t worry, didn’t Officer Lu say it, he won’t wrong a good person.”

   "..." But I'm not a good person, Xu Wanqi frowned.

  Meng Ke put his hand on her shoulder, "Xu Wanfei, don't blame her, she has such a disease, there is no way to talk nonsense."

  (End of this chapter)

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