Chapter 1824 This kid can't take it

  Meng Ke glanced over the breakfast in her hand, smiled slightly, got up from the sofa and walked towards her, "Yes, it's good news."

   "Oh, what good news?"

  Meng Ke was silent, and walked into the restaurant with her.

  While eating breakfast, Xu Wanqi kept thinking about Meng Ke’s smile and what he hadn’t said just now.

  She felt a little uneasy, Meng Ke did not mention Bai Xiaoxiao these days.

  When he said that he was going to go abroad that day, he only said to take her and his family to go abroad.

  His parents have left G City in the name of traveling around the world, and now only Xu Wanqi and Meng Ke are left.

   "Senior, shall we go to Bali first?"

  Xu Wanqi asked casually, still chewing the food, looking at Meng Ke with bright eyes.

  Meng Ke nodded, "Yes, let's go to Bali first."

  Xu Wanqi smiled, "The good news that the senior said just now?"

  Meng Ke glanced at her, took a sip of the milk next to her, put down the cup, and said slowly, “There’s a problem with country D. Xiaoxiao has already gone this morning.”

  Xu Wanqi was surprised, as she had guessed.

  Meng Ke really couldn't let Bai Xiaoxiao go, and even took her when he went abroad.

Naturally, the thoughts in her heart will not be reflected on her face. Xu Wanqi looked at Meng Ke with a smile, "Then I congratulate the seniors. Unlike in G city, Bai Xiaoxiao dare not treat you like he did before. "

  Meng Ke was really happy, and smiled gently and said, “Xiao Xiao was confused by Luo Haofeng before, and the group of Wen Ran instigated discord, she didn’t know that I was good to her.”

  He thinks that since the day Bai Xiaoxiao agreed to be his girlfriend, he Meng Ke has never been sorry for Bai Xiaoxiao.

   But Bai Xiaoxiao has been vacillating between him and Luo Haofeng.

  No, in fact, it's not even vacillation, her heart has always been biased towards Luo Haofeng.

  Xu Wanqi was about to say something, suddenly there was a tumbling in her stomach, something surged upwards.

  The next second, she covered her mouth with one hand in discomfort, vomited, got up and ran to the bathroom.

  At the table, Meng Ke looked at Xu Wanqi who ran into the bathroom. His eyes changed a few times. After all, he did not get up to follow up. Instead, he pursed his lips and tore off a piece of bread to continue eating.

  A few minutes later, Xu Wanqi came out of the bathroom, her face pale because of the vomiting just now.

  She still covered her mouth with one hand, and when she met Meng Ke’s eyes, a smile appeared on Xu Wanqi’s pale face, her eyes filled with joy and excitement, "Senior?"

  Xu Wanqi couldn’t see, did Meng Ke know what her vomiting reaction meant?

  So, she just yelled and did not tell him that she was pregnant.

  Meng Ke looked normal and could not see any emotions.

   first glanced at her flat abdomen, her eyes fell on her three-pointed happy face, and calmly asked, "Wanqi, are you pregnant?"

   Xu Wanqi felt a little uneasy when he asked.

  Looking at Meng Ke’s eyes, she changed from the joy of just now to cautious, her lips pressed lightly, and she hesitantly asked, “Senior, don’t you like children?”

  Meng Ke raised his hand to support his forehead, "It's not that I don't like children, but at this time, we are not suitable for having children."

  Hearing this, Xu Wanqi's face turned pale.

   "Senior, don't worry, I won't hurt you because of being pregnant. This is your first child and I. Please let me give birth to him."

  This child is Xu Wanqi's heart, she has been looking forward to it for a long time.

  But every time Meng Ke stays with her, either he takes measures or asks Xu Wanqi to take after-the-fact medication.

   "I remember, I told you before, wait until it stabilizes before having a baby. Is the after-effect medicine you took is fake? Or is it ineffective?"

  Xu Wanqi’s eyes flickered, “Senior, I don’t know why it happened, but don’t you think it was given to us by heaven? And uncle and aunt want to hold grandson too.”

  Speaking of this, Xu Wanqi lowered her eyes, clenched her lips, and said softly, “Senior, if I’m really afraid that I will injure you, then I’ll stay in City G and have a baby.”

  Meng Ke's eyes narrowed and his brows frowned displeased.

  How could he be so stupid to let Xu Wanqi stay in City G? The police are already investigating. If they are asked to find out something, Xu Wanqi will be the first one to look for.

  Looking at Xu Wanqi's appearance, she didn't want to kill the child.

Meng Ke weighed it up in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, and his words calmed down, "What are you talking about? Air tickets are booked, how can I let you stay alone, let alone you are pregnant now? my child."

   "Senior, do you agree?"

   "Well, I agree. Sit down and have breakfast. We will go to the travel agency first."

  He still has some things to explain. Once he has explained it, he can go to the airport.


  Haochen Group

  At ten o'clock in the morning, Wen Ran received a call from Bai Mu.

  On the phone, Bai Mu asked her for coffee.

  A trace of doubt flashed in Wen Ran's heart, with a smile on her face, and briskly agreed to the White Mother's contract.

  She hung up the phone, and Mo Xiuchen just came in from outside, carrying a bag in his hand, and raised it warmly, "Of course, I brought you a snack."

   "Why do you think of bringing me snacks?"

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at Mo Xiuchen.

   "You don't eat much in the morning. I'm afraid you will be hungry before noon."

Mo Xiuchen said, and walked to the sofa with a snack. Wen Ran also stood up and came to him, with a trace of apology in his smiling eyes, "Xiuchen, I can't eat your snacks, Aunt Qiao just hit Call me for coffee."

   "Auntie Joe?"

  Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes flashed a little stunned.

  As soon as Bai Xiaoxiao left, what did Qiao Xiuyun unexpectedly do?

  Wen Ran nodded with a smile, "Yes, I don't know what is going on with Aunt Joe, but I can't refuse her appointment."

  In fact, it was nothing more than Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao's business.

  I just don’t know. Qiao Xiuyun’s purpose in looking for Wen Ran is to blame Wen Ran, or do he want her to do something?

   "I will go with you."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't want Qiao Xiuyun to embarrass him because of Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Wen Ran raised his hand to smooth his frowning brows, and said with a chuckle, “Xiu Chen, Aunt Qiao is just looking for me for a cup of coffee, not wanting to eat me. It is inconvenient for you to follow.”

  Mo Xiuchen thought for a while, "Okay, I'll take you there."

  Wen Ran shook his head, "Just let the driver take me there, there are still customers waiting for you in the meeting room!"

When I heard that there were still customers waiting in the conference room, Mo Xiuchen's expression suddenly became slightly unhappy, "That was a disaster caused by A Feng, and he should be asked to see Aunt Qiao. Of course, you should not go. Yes, I'll call A Feng to go."

  Mo Xiuchen determined that Qiao Xiuyun was looking for Wen Ran, and he must blame her.

  (End of this chapter)

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