Chapter 1822 Something happened to the company

  The white mother stared at her coldly, "Go to the hospital to check if you are really pregnant."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

  My mother, would you like to say that I was lying to you?

  Tactfully at any rate.


  Bai Xiaoxiao's words were interrupted by a crisp cell phone ringing.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled apologetically, and took out her mobile phone to answer the call.

   Seeing that her expression was normal, the white mother glanced at the caller ID on the phone screen. It was not from Luo Haofeng.

  She didn’t have to stay to listen to her answering the phone. She stepped out of the sofa and walked towards the stairs.



  I don’t know what the person on the other end of the phone said. White mother walked up to the stairs. As soon as she touched the handrail with one hand, she heard Bai Xiaoxiao on the sofa asking, "How could this be?"

  White mother looked back in surprise.

  I saw Bai Xiaoxiao frowning her eyebrows, her tone of voice worrisome.

  Something seems to have happened.

   stood there and listened for a minute. Although it was not very clear what was going on, I still understood one thing.

  That is, there is a problem with country D.

  Bai Xiaoxiao finished answering the phone and walked towards the mother white.

   "Xiao Xiao, what happened?"

  The white mother looked at her daughter caringly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled reluctantly, but her smile was a little stiff. She stretched out her hand to hold the wrist of her mother, “Mom, it’s something in the company. I will accompany you upstairs and talk to Dad by the way.”

  As for the company, Bai Mu never interfered.

  So Bai Xiaoxiao did not want her mother to worry about it.

   Seeing her daughter's reluctant smile, and hearing what she said just now, the white mother gently patted the back of Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, softly soothing, "Don't worry, discuss it with your father and it will definitely solve it."

  Bai Xiaoxiao followed her mother-in-law upstairs to her parents’ bedroom.

  Father Bai is not in the bedroom, but in the study.

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked her mother to go to bed first, and she went to the study to find her father.

   "Xiao Xiao, have you finished talking with your mother?"

   Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao who opened the door, Father Bai waved at her with a smile.

  Bai Xiaoxiao came to the desk. Father Bai finally found out that there was something wrong with her, thinking that she was arguing with her mother again.

   "Your mother said you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded and shook his head, "Dad, my mom is talking about me, but I came to you, not because of this."

   "Just now, I received a call from Jian Yiwei, saying that something happened in country D, and I will go there tomorrow."

"What happened?"

  As soon as Father Bai heard that something was wrong with the company, his expression immediately became serious.

  Bai Xiaoxiao told Father Bai what Jian Yiwei had said on the phone just now.

  After listening to her, Father Bai frowned tightly, “How can something like that happen? Even if you go there in person, it’s not easy to deal with it.”

  "Dad, it’s okay. They just want to blackmail a sum of money. On the contrary, as long as we find evidence, we can take them to court."

  Speaking of business affairs, Bai Xiaoxiao's expression became cold.

   Father Bai shook his head, "Where is it so easy to find evidence, but Jian Yiwei can't handle it by himself. Don't rush over there."

"I know."

  Bai Xiaoxiao agreed gently.

   Father Bai pondered for a moment, "When are you going to go?"

   "Early tomorrow morning, this kind of thing should not be delayed. I want to get over it as soon as possible."

   "When you get there, be careful. If you want to find evidence, don't rule out that the other party will stop it."

  After all, this is a huge sum.

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will be careful."

  Bai Xiaoxiao returned to the room and took a shower first. When she was about to call Luo Haofeng, her mother suddenly came in.

  "Xiaoxiao, your dad said you are going to country D tomorrow?"

  I heard this just now in the mother-in-law downstairs.

   But she thought that after Xiaoxiao discussed with his father, she would not go.

  Bai Xiaoxiao came over and took her mother to sit down on the sofa.

   "Mom, something happened over there, I must go over and solve it."

  White mother looked at her seriously, "No, you can't go."

  "..." Why can't I go?

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked dazed, she was familiar with the situation there, and who else could she send if she didn't.

  The mother-in-law glanced across her abdomen, “You are just pregnant. It is not suitable for flying, and it is not suitable for such long-distance travel.


  Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that the lie that she had just lied was a bit, it was not the time.

  But now she can’t say that he lied to her mother just now.

   can only squeeze out a reluctant smile, vowed to promise, "It's okay, mom, don't worry, I should give you a grandson, and I will give birth."

  White mother glared at her fiercely, "I told your dad just now, let him handle it over there."

  "My dad is over?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Mother Bai in surprise, her mother still cared about her.

  This recognition gave Bai Xiaoxiao a little joy in her heart, but now that something happened to the company, her heart is more troubled.

  It would be easier to deal with it if it is domestic, but now it is abroad, and many things are more troublesome.

   "Yes, your dad is in the past, it's the same if you stay in the company."

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and shook her head, "Mom, my dad is not familiar with that side. I will solve things more easily in the past. Don't worry, I will take care of myself. When I come back, I will go to the hospital for a check-up, okay? "

   "Why are you not obedient?"

   Although the white mother is very angry, her daughter is pregnant with Luo Haofeng's child, but no matter how angry she is, she still cares about her daughter.

  She is now in the early stages of pregnancy, but she can’t run around like that.

   "Mom, I know you care about me, but my dad is really unfamiliar with the things over there. I still have some contacts there. It will be easier to deal with it. It will not be good for us if it is delayed for a long time."

  White mother actually knew that Xiaoxiao had been dealing with foreign affairs before.

  Father Bai went to deal with it in the past, certainly not as convenient as Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Under Bai Xiaoxiao’s repeated assurances, the white mother was too lazy to take care of her, “Well, you can go if you want to, but you must take care of yourself when you get there. The first three months are the most prone to problems.”

  I don’t know, is it a different era or a different environment.

  Mother Bai and the others, when they were pregnant and gave birth, they were not as troublesome as they are now, and there were not so many checks, and there were not so many problems.

  But now, she often listens to the wives around her chatting, who is pregnant and has a miscarriage, and who is pregnant for more than a month will not develop...

  I was listening at the time, I just felt that now, wanting a healthy child is very troublesome.

  I heard Xiaoxiao say that she is pregnant and will go abroad again tomorrow.

  White mother couldn't help but worry, fearing that her long journey to deal with those things would be bad for the fetus in her stomach.

   "Mom, I know, I will call you every day to let you rest assured."

   "Then you rest early."

  Mother Bai sighed, she could only talk about it when Xiaoxiao came back.

  (End of this chapter)

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