Chapter 1818 Complete you

  There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

  Mother Luo's voice came again, with a three-point abruptness, "I will try my best."

   "Mom, I am also doing it for your own good. You and my dad have wasted a lifetime of time. Now that there is a turnaround, you should cherish it."

   "What are you talking about? Who said I don't cherish it?"

  Mother Luo retorted unhappily, she was already very good to Luo Rongbin.

  However, she and Luo Rongbin did waste a lifetime of time, and didn't want to continue wasting their time because of the woman Qiao Xiuyun.

   "I didn't say that you don't cherish it. I am reminding you to cherish it, and because of other people's other things, then the feelings between you and my dad."

   "As long as you don't provoke Bai Xiaoxiao, and I am involved in the Bai family, the relationship between me and your dad will not be affected."

  Mother Luo Although Luo Rongbin’s relationship has improved now, she still does not want Luo Haofeng to contact Qiao Xiuyun’s mother and daughter.

  For this, Luo Haofeng has a headache.

  He raised his hand and pressed his forehead, "Mom, you just have to live with my dad, and I will take care of my affairs."

   "If you can handle it by yourself, then you will remember what I said. If Yi is a good girl, you can't do anything to be sorry for her."

  Luo Haofeng ticked the corner of his mouth, "Mom, don't worry!"

  Although Wu Jingfang still disagrees with him and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  However, Luo Haofeng felt that her mother's tone had improved a little when she mentioned Bai Xiaoxiao. She used to be so sharp and mean, and her teeth tickled with hate.

  The power of love is really great.

  I believe that when the relationship between his mother and his father gets better, it will change a little.

   Thinking of this, Luo Haofeng's frowning brows stretched out, and the **** lips evoked a light smile.


  At noon, Bai Xiaoxiao came to the hotel as scheduled.

  In addition to Luo Haofeng and Qiao Siyi, there are also Xiao Yuting and his secretary.

  Only Bai Xiaoxiao came alone without an assistant.

In the   private room, everyone introduced each other, and after greeting each other, they sat down.

  Luo Haofeng sat next to Bai Xiaoxiao. As soon as he sat down, his eyes immediately turned to Bai Xiaoxiao, his long and narrow eyes made no secret of his longing for her and his love for her.

  Meeting his deep eyes, Bai Xiaoxiao missed a beat in her heart.

   didn't look away, just stared at him like that.

  I haven’t seen you in a few days.

   But for them who are in love, it seems like a few springs and autumns.

  Luo Haofeng smiled, and his broad palm stretched out from under the table, gently holding Bai Xiaoxiao's small hand.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed, and the hand under the table did not pull out.

   Just like that, let Luo Haofeng's warm palm wrap him.

  Xiao Yuting looked at the two people's eyebrows and flirted with each other, laughed twice, and brought up the official business.

  Luo Hao calmly talked to Xiao Yuting about business affairs, but the hand under the table gently held Bai Xiaoxiao's hand all the time.

  Until the dish was on the table, he held her hand tightly, and then let it go.

   "How many days does Mr. Luo plan to stay in G city this time?"

  Xiao Yuting saw Luo Haofeng put his own secretary aside and talked to Bai Xiaoxiao. He was very considerate to serve Qiao Siyi.

   Then smiled and asked Luo Haofeng.

  Qiao Siyi hurriedly thanked Jia and refused to stop Xiao Yuting from picking up vegetables for her.

Xiao Yuting was in a good mood, "Miss Qiao, the last time I went to City B on a business trip, thanks to your hospitality, I felt at home. Now that you come to City G, I should do my best as a landlord. "


  After lunch, Luo Haofeng asked Qiao Siyi to return to the hotel first.

  Xiao Yuting knew that he was going on a date with Bai Xiaoxiao, and said with a smile, "Secretary Qiao, why don't you come back to the company with us. I still don't quite understand some details."

  Qiao Si wanted to refuse, Xiao Yuting involuntarily pushed her into the car.

  Qiao Siyi had to go back to his company with Xiao Yuting.

  Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao got into the car.

  At noon today, he didn't drink, just to send Bai Xiaoxiao back to the company for a while.

Although Bai Xiaoxiao said that he could drive back by himself, Luo Haofeng said domineeringly, "Xiao Xiao, I am your boyfriend, and I am already very guilty for not being with you every day. Now that I am here, I need you. Drive, then I will feel very unqualified."

   "Well, since you want to be a driver so much, then I can only fulfill you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was amused by Luo Haofeng's words.

  So, she got into the passenger seat and asked Luo Haofeng to give her a personal driver.

  I have to say that Luo Haofeng is a very qualified driver. He drove her to the car, closed the door, got in the car, and turned sideways to fasten her seat belt.

   "Xiao Xiao, I am coming."

  Luo Haofeng grabbed the seat belt with his big hand, and at the same time he held the seat belt with Bai Xiaoxiao's hand.

  He leaned close to her, and the hot breath sprayed on her ear sockets, causing Bai Xiaoxiao's heart to tremble, and her heartbeat speeded up.


  She raised her eyes, and Luo Haofeng's handsomely carved facial features were close at hand.

  The tip of his nose was surrounded by his strong masculine breath. Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that it was no better than spraying his breath on her ear sockets just now.

  She clearly saw that Luo Haofeng’s Adam’s apple slipped sexy.

  The atmosphere in the carriage became ambiguous for a moment.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt that her cheeks were hot, and she blinked subconsciously, fearing that Luo Haofeng would kiss her here.

  Luo Haofeng just smiled gently, and as soon as the seat belt was fastened, he straightened up.

  As soon as the distance between the two was opened, Bai Xiaoxiao turned her face hurriedly, breathing fresh air.

  Luo Haofeng’s smile spread at the corners of his lips, spreading to the narrow peach blossom eyes, "Xiao Xiao, come home with me first, I have something for you."


  Bai Xiaoxiao then turned his eyes to look at his smiling brows.

  Luo Haofeng raised his handsome eyebrows, and said mysteriously, "Temporarily keep it secret, you will know when you get home."

  "You are not lying to me to go to the hotel, are you?"

   "Hehe, Xiaoxiao, I miss you very much, but I won't let you go home with me by cheating."

  He doesn’t have to cheat, Xiaoxiao will follow him.

  "You and Secretary Qiao are on a business trip together. She lives in a hotel, and you live at home?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and shifted the question.

Luo Haofeng fastened his seat belt, lowered his head and moved the car, reversed the car, and after getting on the road, he explained slowly, "I have an apartment in City G. I can't leave my house without living in a hotel. Secretary Qiao is If she comes on a business trip, her expenses will be reimbursed by the company. If she doesn't live in a hotel, is it possible that she will stay home with me?"

   "Actually, it doesn't matter, you have so many rooms in your house."

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled innocently.

  I don't know if it was her illusion. She felt that Secretary Qiao's eyes looked at Luo Haofeng with a little bit of admiration.

  Thinking of the phone call made by Secretary Qiao not long after she had just returned to China, Bai Xiaoxiao forced herself not to guess randomly. If Secretary Qiao really had any ideas, why bother to call her.

  This weekend, everyone hurry up and go out to play, you all go to play, poor I can rest.

  (End of this chapter)

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