Chapter 1813 Missing you, so here comes

  At night, Bai Xiaoxiao went to Yipinxuan and had dinner with Wen Ran and the others.

  It's just that she also brought a tail, Xiao Yuting.

  When she got off work, Xiao Yuting waited at the door of her company, opened the car door, and let her get in the car.

  Bai Xiaoxiao said, "I have a date tonight."

  Xiao Yuting smiled disapprovingly, "I have called my aunt and said that I invited you to dinner tonight. If you want to date Luo Haofeng, you must bring me."

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Yuting incredulously, "Who said I'm going to date him?"

  Xiao Yuting chuckled, and gave him a look that didn't want to lie to me.

   "If you don't let me follow, I will call and tell Auntie that you are going to see Luo Haofeng."


   is still the threat of Chiguoguo.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was about to scold someone, Xiao Yuting smiled and said, "Xiao Xiao, don't you want to know what Xu Wanfei said to me?"

   "Have you seen her this afternoon?"

   "I will tell you slowly when I get in the car."

  Xiao Yuting made a please gesture.

  Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, bending over and getting into the car reluctantly.

  If Xu Wanfei really said everything she knew, she didn't have to know from Xiao Yuting.

  She can ask Lu Zhiyan, and she doesn’t even need to ask, there will be results sooner or later.

  But if Xiao Yuting really promised Xu Wanfei to help her, Bai Xiaoxiao would owe him a favor, which is still a big favor.

  To my heart, I am grateful to him.

  Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao getting into the car, Xiao Yuting smiled with satisfaction, closed the car door, walked around the front of the car, opened the car door and sat in the main driver's seat.

  After the car hit the road, Xiao Yuting said casually, "Xu Wanfei didn't tell me everything, he only said part of it, and asked me to establish a letter."

  Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows lightly, "You haven't set up a letter, she will tell you part of it?"

  Xiao Yuting turned to look at her, "If she doesn't say anything, I don't believe her, so she just said a little."


   "What did she say?"

  "She told me that Xu Wanqi helped her get the proof of her mental illness."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was still a little surprised, "Isn't that one from three years ago?"

  The most important thing is that Lu Zhiyan and the others did not find the medical record. There is a problem with the time. Can the ink three years ago be the same as the proof just opened?

   "I don't know about this, you have to ask Lu Zhiyan."

   "Xu Wanfei just said this. Is there anything else?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Yuting curiously.

  Xiao Yuting shook her head, "For the rest, Xu Wanfei will wait until I hold the handwritten notes to her before saying it."

  "Do you really want to establish a letter as evidence?"

  Xiao Yuting snorted, "Of course not, she said one thing, and there is a way for her to say it later."


   "I have recorded her words and handed them to Lu Zhiyan. The rest is up to him."

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, without further questioning.

  Xiao Yuting is a natural acquaintance.

  When he arrived at Yipinxuan, he took the initiative to greet Gu Kai and the others, and then became a nanny and played with the children.

  The dinner party didn't end until half past nine.

   Before leaving, Wen Ran said to Xiao Yuting, "You go back first. Xiaoxiao will take our car and we will take her back."

Xiao Yuting squinted his eyes, watching Wen Ran's eyes flashing a suspicion, and then a smile came up at the corner of his mouth, "That's not good, I told my aunt, I asked Xiaoxiao, if you don't send her home, Auntie doesn’t believe me next time."

   "Who told you to talk nonsense first."

  Bai Xiaoxiao hates being threatened most, and can't help being a little angry.

  Wen Ran smiled, just about to speak, Mo Xiu on the side said casually, "Mr. Xiao, I have a cooperation project that I want to talk to you. I wonder if you are interested?"

  Xiao Yuting's eyes lit up when he heard Mo Xiuchen's words. He is a businessman, and of course he wants to earn money.

  He is very happy to cooperate with Haochen Group.

  "I don't know what project Mo is going to talk about?"

  Xiao Yuting raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Xiuchen with a smile.

Mo Xiuchen smiled and did not answer his question immediately. Instead, he said to Bai Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Xiao, you can accompany Ranran to send Momo for me first, Xinxin and Ziyi go home, and I will be with Mr. Xiao. After the talk, he will take you home again."

  Bai Xiaoxiao readily agreed, "No problem, you talk slowly, I will send my godson and goddaughters home."

  As soon as Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran walked out of the private room, Luo Haofeng called.

   "Xiao Xiao, I will be at Yipin Xuan soon."

   "Have you come to City G?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked in surprise, Luo Haofeng didn't tell her during the day that he was coming to city g at night.

  Luo Haofeng's deep laughter came from his ears, and his magnetic voice was a little more cheerful, "I miss you, so I came."

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Wen Ran beside him, and suddenly realized why Ranran asked Xiao Yuting to go home first, and they sent her home.

  It turned out that it was Luo Haofeng who came.

  Of course, she was afraid that Xiao Yuting would complain to Bai Mu, so she wanted to dismiss him.

  Tonight, Xiao Yuting followed Bai Xiaoxiao to Yi Pinxuan. Wen Ran saw Xiao Yuting's hospitality towards Bai Xiaoxiao, and naturally knew Xiao Yuting's intentions towards Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Wen Ran took a few children home first, and Bai Xiaoxiao waited for Luo Haofeng downstairs in Yipinxuan.

  In less than ten minutes, Hao Feng got out of a Maserati.

  The new driver from Mo Xiuchen's family picked him up at the airport.

   "Xiao Xiao, get in the car."

  After the driver left, Luo Haofeng opened the door and let Bai Xiaoxiao get into the car.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled softly from him, bent over and got into the car.

  Luo Haofeng put one hand on the roof of the car door, afraid that Bai Xiaoxiao's head would touch the roof of the car. He watched her get into the car, and he closed the car door for her and sat in the main driver's seat by himself.

   "Xiao Xiao, where do you want to go?"

  Luo Haofeng turned sideways, looking at Bai Xiaoxiao with gentle eyebrows.

  The long and narrow peach blossom eyes are extremely hot in this dimly lit carriage.

   "I don't know where to go, just let it be."

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know that Luo Haofeng would come tonight. When she waited for him just now, she didn't think about where she was going.

  I just feel so happy to see him.

  Where to go is not the point, the important thing is that it’s good to be with him.

   "Then let's go home, okay?"

  Luo Haofeng will go home now, listening to Bai Xiaoxiao'er, as if with some kind of hint.

  She missed a beat unconsciously in her heartbeat, but did not refuse, but replied softly, "Okay."

  Suddenly remembered something and asked, "Did you have dinner?"

  It's only half past nine, and he doesn't necessarily have dinner anymore.

  Luo Haofeng smiled, and he grasped the steering wheel with distinct joints, "I have eaten before boarding the plane."

Having said that, the affection in his eyes became thicker, his eyes locked tightly to Bai Xiaoxiao beside him, and said softly, "I know, you don’t have a lot of time, I won’t come hungry, let you give I make food."

  I have used up all the saved manuscripts. Today’s 8,000 words are updated. Don’t forget to watch it!

  (End of this chapter)

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