Chapter 1811 You miss me

  Bai Xiaoxiao went upstairs to take a shower, lay on the bed and took her mobile phone, reading the message Luo Haofeng had just sent her.

  "Xiaoxiao, how was your day? Are you busy?"

  Although Bai Xiaoxiao is in a cold war with her mother because of Luo Haofeng.

  But, seeing the message he sent, I still felt warm in my heart.

  The eyebrows and eyes were unconsciously dyed with a layer of tenderness, she hesitated, and dialed Luo Haofeng's phone number.

  The phone rang twice, and Luo Haofeng’s voice penetrated the night into her ears, "Hey, Xiaoxiao."

   "Are you still outside?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's lips have a slight smile, and the voice overflowing with red lips is soft and lazy.

   "My parents came back this afternoon. I didn't socialize tonight. I am already lying in bed."

  Luo Haofeng's voice is very nice, deep and full of magnetism.

   "Your parents are back?"

   "Yes, they said they would come back to spend the Lantern Festival with me."


  On the topic of his parents, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, so he just gave a faint oh.

  Luo Haofeng quickly changed the subject and asked with concern, "Xiao Xiao, is my aunt still ignoring you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao sighed, "My dad said my mom will wait until I surrender myself."

   "Does Auntie have anything she likes? You buy some gifts for her, she won't really ignore you all the time."

Hearing the depression in Bai Xiaoxiao's tone, Luo Haofeng helped her out on the phone.

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, "My mother doesn't have any special gifts that I particularly like... However, she mentioned a set of limited edition jewelry a long time ago."

  Bai Xiaoxiao thought while talking.

  Luo Haofeng smiled and asked, "What kind of jewelry, if you tell me, maybe you can find it."

  "I forgot the name of that designer. It is a famous designer in country D. I can't remember it at once. I heard that that piece of jewelry was designed to commemorate his wife..."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's words are here, Luo Haofeng laughed, "Xiao Xiao, I know the famous master you mentioned, don't worry, let me find a way."

   "No, I'll think of another way. I'm my mother's daughter after all. She can't do this to me forever."

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s worst plan is to stalk her, she must ask her mother to forgive her and promise her.

  Of course, this is difficult.

  The reason why Qiao Xiuyun kept ignoring her was because Bai Xiaoxiao did not surrender. If she told Qiao Xiuyun that she would never contact Luo Haofeng again, then Qiao Xiuyun would naturally reconcile with her.

  But Bai Xiaoxiao is so stubborn.

  In these days of cold war between mother and daughter, the most difficult thing is Father Bai.

  "Xiaoxiao, have you thought about how to spend the Lantern Festival tomorrow?"

  Across the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't see Luo Haofeng's expression.

  However, from his gentle tone, she could imagine that he must have a smile at the corner of his mouth, and in those peach eyes, the smile is more charming and charming.

  Luo Haofeng's handsome face appeared in front of her eyes, and Bai Xiaoxiao's heart was softened unconsciously somewhere.

   "I have to go to work tomorrow, and the company will have dinner in the evening."

   "Don't work too hard."

  Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself."

  "I will go to city g in a few days, and I will take Ruoyi with me this time."


  Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng both cooperated with Xiao Yuting’s company. Of course, he came to G City for official business.

  However, they can find a chance to meet.

  As Bai Xiaoxiao was thinking, Luo Haofeng’s voice suddenly became a little deeper, "Xiao Xiao, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Do not know why?

  The deep voice made Bai Bai Xiaoxiao’s heart beat a beat.

  She pursed her lips subconsciously and said softly, "I miss you too."

  At this moment, the electric wave conveyed their thoughts of each other.

  Bai Xiaoxiao squeezed the phone, tightening slightly.

  She didn't know what Luo Haofeng's expression on the other end of the phone would look like when she heard these words.

  Is moving, happy, or...


  Because the company is very busy, Bai Xiaoxiao did not have a holiday during the Lantern Festival.

  However, today is a good day.

  Not to mention the weather is fine, when she goes to work in the morning, there are flowers on the desk.

  The little assistant smiled and said, "Boss, you can take a look at it. Who gave you the flowers?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, and she walked over and picked up the flowers. When she saw the card in the bouquet just now, she frowned.

   "Boss, who is it?"

  The little assistant opened her eyes curiously and looked at the card in Bai Xiaoxiao's hand.

  Bai Xiaoxiao threw the card into the trash can on the side, stuffing the flowers in his hand into the arms of the little assistant, "Take it out and give it to everyone."

  The little assistant's eyes lit up, "Boss, what a beautiful flower, you really don't want it, you want to give it to everyone?"

   "If you don't want it, then throw the flowers away."

   Turned and walked towards the office, turned and walked towards the desk.

  Just after she walked to the desk, when she pulled out the chair to sit down, there was a knock on the door.

  The little assistant ran to open the door, and then exclaimed happily, "Boss, and your flowers."

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the door suspiciously, and saw the assistant step aside and let the flower shop staff come in with the flowers.

  "Miss Bai, your flower, please sign here."

  The flower-giving young man spoke politely.

  Bai Xiaoxiao quickly signed her name, took the flowers, took a look at the card, and threw it to the assistant standing nearby.

  Two bunches of flowers were in his arms, and the little assistant's face was hidden behind them.

   "Boss, do you want to divide this bunch of flowers?"

   "Whatever you want, throw it in the trash can."

  The little assistant chuckled, "Boss, I visually observe that you are going to collect a lot of flowers today, or I will wait here for a while, and then I don’t have to separate, and give them a bunch of them."

  Her joke drew Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes.

  However, what the assistant said is really effective.

  When she walked to the door, another flower delivery person came.

  This time, the other party was holding a bunch of bright and red roses, and she was surprised to understand that.

What day is today? One by one, they all gave her flowers.

  The two bundles just now were sent by Meng Ke and Xiao Yuting.

  Who gave this bunch?

  The little assistant stood aside and waited, with both eyes fixedly looking at Bai Xiaoxiao, waiting for her to sign, and dividing the bouquet of roses for her.

  Bai Xiaoxiao finished signing and drew out the card indifferently.

  When she saw the inscription, her originally cold and indifferent eyes were quietly infected with tenderness.

  There was a smile that couldn't be concealed on her lips. The little assistant on the side looked at the unconcealable spring scenery between her brows and eyes, blinked and craned her neck to look over.

  But before he saw what was written on the card, Bai Xiaoxiao avoided it and issued an eviction order, "You go out to work first."

  (End of this chapter)

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