Chapter 1809 It's better to be with me

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed.

  Xiao Yuting glanced at the steak in front of her, “Eat first, I know you can’t figure out what is wrong.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, looking down to take a knife and fork.

  Xiao Yuting saw Bai Xiaoxiao picking up the knife and fork, and the corners of her lips curled up in satisfaction, "Xu Wanfei must have been instigated by Xu Wanqi, and Xu Wanqi's doing this will do nothing to her."

   "But Xiaoxiao, you forgot a little."


  Bai Xiao looked up at him, the knife still on the steak.

  Xiao Yuting also picked up the knife and said casually, “Xu Wanqi loves Meng Ke’s madness, but Meng Ke doesn’t like her. The only way she can stay with Meng Ke is to please Meng Ke.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

  She could not understand Xu Wanqi's love for Meng Ke.

  To be precise, she can’t understand Xu Wanqi, her understanding of love, she loves a man, shouldn’t she work hard to be with him and make him fall in love with herself?

  Why do you want to help him and get other women to his side.

  Don’t Xu Wanqi care that the man she loves is with other women?

  If this is the case, I can only say that Xu Wanqi is a lunatic.

   "Actually, I don't think Meng Ke really loves you. He doesn't even have the honesty that I was when I came."

  Xiao Yuting took the initiative to mention his original absurdity, so that Bai Xiaoxiao could recognize Meng Ke.

A hint of ridicule appeared on Bai Xiaoxiao’s lips, listening to Xiao Yuting’s words, “If he truly loves you, he won’t get entangled with Xu Wanqi. He entangles with Xu Wanqi and wants you at the same time. It’s all because of you. Family background, and your interpersonal relationship."

  Bai Xiaoxiao fed the cut small steak into his mouth, thinking about Xiao Yuting's words.

  His words are not unreasonable.

   "So the answer is very simple. Xu Wanqi's birth is not suitable for Meng Ke. She is destined to be a lover who can only be seen for a lifetime. The identity of a lover still needs her to pay a price to get it."

   "How much did Xu Wanfei promise you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked in a deep voice.

  Xiao Yuting thought for a while, “If I promised her terms, she would know everything and endlessly.”

  He has been lingering in the flowers for so many years, not without any experience.

  In dealing with women, Xiao Yuting actually knows well.

  The only thing that made him depressed was Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Knowing is nothing but words, and words are endless?

  Bai Xiaoxiao deeply realized that Xu Wanfei knew a lot, so she dared to give Xiao Yuting such conditions.

   "Don't forget, she has a history of mental illness, and she can't prove what she said."

  Bai Xiaoxiao reminded Xiao Yuting that in her heart, she didn't want Xiao Yuting to agree to Xu Wanfei for her.

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to owe Xiao Yuting anything.

   "I think Xu Wanfei's mental illness history is fake."

  "She didn't get her mental illness just now, hasn't it been two or three years?" Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Yuting puzzledly.

  Xiao Yuting smiled meaningfully, “According to my investigation, Xu Wanfei has been mixed for less than a year over the years, and the men she has met are not as good as one. However, she has always been normal and has never heard of her illness.”

   "The most important thing is that when she went to our company for an interview last time, she didn't wear it as luxurious and expensive as it is now."

   Last time, Xu Wanfei went to his company to interview him. What he wore was only the clothes of ordinary office workers and the jewelry he wore, which he gave him before.

  Xu Wanfei is an office worker who is not an elite person, and his salary will certainly not be too high.

  However, the clothes and jewelry she wears today are all expensive.

  Although it cannot be compared with the wealthy daughter of Bai Xiaoxiao, it is no longer reasonable for Xu Wanfei.

  Furthermore, after she was expelled from the magazine, she did not look for a job again. How could she have the money to go extravagant?

   "You really know women, I didn't pay attention to this."

  "Xiaoxiao, are you complimenting me or demeaning me?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but laugh, “Of course I’m complimenting you, I’m serious, I don’t even think that Xu Wanfei is wearing a famous brand.”

   "Very abnormal, the necklace Xu Wanfei now wears on her neck is worth not less than 500,000 yuan."

"what do you mean?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in astonishment, how did she feel that things were getting more and more complicated.

  Xiao Yuting smiled softly, “It was Police Officer Lu who told me that when they were investigating Xu Wanfei, they found out that Xu Wanfei went to country m a year ago.”


   "This is Xu Wanfei's first visit to Country M. I don't know exactly where she has been."

   "But what Xu Wanfei knows may be far more than we thought."

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt that the steak fed into his mouth lost its taste.

  Xiao Yuting mentioned country m, which reminded him of Qing Yang who was still lying in the hospital unconscious.

   "However, Xu Wanfei only said that she was traveling to country M. There is no evidence, and there is nothing to do with her."

  Bai Xiaoxiao is a little irritable.

   took a sip of the drink next to him, his eyes fixed on Xiao Yuting, "So, you called me out tonight, what do you want to do?"

   "Of course I want to help you."

  Xiao Yuting smiled innocently.


  Xiao Yuting took a bite of the steak, chewed it carefully and swallowed it, and said seriously, “I thought about it. As long as I promise Xu Wanfei, she will vomit everything she knows.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed slightly, "You want to promise to be with her?"

  Xiao Yuting smiled but said nothing.

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, "Xiao Yuting, you don't have to do this."

  She knew that Xiao Yuting liked her, and he did it to help her.

  Although he also hopes that Xu Wanfei will tell the truth, so that the person who hurt her mother will be punished.

  But Bai Xiaoxiao did not want Xiao Yuting to be an unbelievable man for her.

  Xiao Yuting used to be ridiculous, but in the past three years, he has changed. Now he is a manager of a company, no longer like the **** before.

  He should have his own integrity.

   "It's okay, anyway, my reputation is already bad, and I'm also helping Xu Wanfei like this."

   "Xu Wanfei knows that you lied to her, she will hate you."

   "It's not that I haven't been hated by women. As long as I can find out the real murderer who hurt the aunt earlier, it doesn't matter if I am a liar."

  Xiao Yuting also really wants to do something for Bai Xiaoxiao.

  In addition to his love for Bai Xiaoxiao, he more or less felt guilty for hurting her before.

  But he has never had a chance to make up, and Bai Xiaoxiao did not give him a chance.

  "Xiao Yuting..."

  Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to say something, but Xiao Yuting smiled, interrupted her, and said half-truth, "Xiao Xiao, if you really thank me, it's better to break up with Luo Haofeng and stay with me."


  Bai Xiaoxiao's words stuck in her throat, and she was speechless for a while.

  Xiao Yuting was in a good mood, "Xiao Xiao, what I said is true, I can guarantee that you are with me, better than Luo Haofeng, and Meng Ke will make auntie come happy and relieved."

  (End of this chapter)

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