Chapter 177 Wen Jin's Concession

  Wen Ran's face suddenly whitened as soon as Wen Jin said.

  She looked at Mo Xiuchen requestingly, hoping that he would not embarrass her and refrain from arguing with his brother.

  However, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin had the same rare ideas, one refused to leave, the other refused to leave.

  Even if she looked at him pleadingly, he didn't mean to go out. He was sitting in a chair, standing tall and motionless.

  Wen Ran was in the dull and stagnant atmosphere, and her heart became more and more anxious. She was still holding Mo Xiuchen's hand in her hands, turning her eyes, looking at Wen Jin worriedly, "Brother, don't be angry."

Wen Jin didn’t look at Wen Ran, but looked at Mo Xiuchen with a deep gaze, and spit out coldly, “Mo Xiuchen, let’s not say that Ran Ran married you when you are forced to marry, even if you are in love with each other. As for marriage, she will not have nothing to do with my brother just because she married you."

   "Brother, Mo Xiuchen didn't mean that."

   "Of course, you go out first, I will talk with him alone."

Wen Jin turned his eyes to look at Wen Ran, his serious expression was different from his usual gentle pampering to her, Wen Ran was about to refuse, but Mo Xiuchen also said lightly: "You go outside and wait for me, me and Say a few words from your brother, don't worry, I won't do anything to him."


  Wen Ran bit her lip lightly and looked at Wen Jin anxiously.

  Facing with her watery eyes, Wen Jin still felt soft in his heart after all. He sighed and said: "Forget it, you go back, Zhou Mingfu, I will deal with it tomorrow."

  Mo Xiuchen can provoke him aggressively, but he can't ignore the feelings of his most beloved sister. What happened tonight, he is really not angry, but he just feels that he is very useless.

  The last few times, although there is danger, he can't help, and only knows the last one.

  This, for the previous ten years, Wen Jin, who has always played the role of the protector in Wen Ran's life, is naturally unacceptable, especially now that there is a man who is arrogant and domineering to steal his sister.

  Wen Ran wanted to say something, but Wen Jin slowly closed his eyes, and there was a faint fatigue between his handsome eyebrows.

Wen Ran pursed his lips, loosened his hand holding Mo Xiuchen, bent over, pulled the quilt for Wen Jin, and said softly, "Brother, I will pick you up tomorrow morning. What kind of breakfast do you want? I will make it for you. "

  Wen Jin did not open his eyes, but shook his head gently: "You don't need to get up early in the morning to make breakfast, Aunt Li will bring it."

   "Well, then I will pick you up tomorrow morning to go to the company."

  Wen Ran covered him with the quilt and stood up straight.

   "If you get up early, come to the hospital to have breakfast with me."

   Feeling her gaze rested on her, Wen Jin opened her eyes again, the sullenness that had just disappeared in her eyes, and warm feelings emerged.

  A smile broke out between Wen Ran's eyebrows, and he happily agreed: "Okay, I will definitely come to eat breakfast with you tomorrow morning."

  As long as her brother is not angry, she can do anything.

  The last touch of emotion in Wen Jin's heart melted into her bright smile, and her lips curled up in a spoiled arc, and said gently: "It's late, go home and go to sleep."

   Wen Ran nodded, and said briskly: "Brother, you also go to bed quickly, I'll go home first, see you tomorrow morning."


  Ink House.

On the third floor, in the luxuriously decorated bedroom, Xiao Wenqing was sitting on the exquisite fabric sofa in her nightgown, propped her head in one hand, and held the mobile phone to her ear in the other, and said to the person on the other end: "...Yes, tomorrow Hurry up early in the morning to make sure it is the front page headline you want..."

  Beside her, sitting Zhou Lin, who also wears a nightgown.

  Today, Mo Jing was discharged from the hospital. She did not dare to call in the room on the second floor, so she came to Zhou Lin as an excuse, ran to her room and called the media reporter.

  Notify them to rush to Cheng Jia’s apartment tomorrow morning and they must catch Mo Xiuchen in the bed.

   "Aunt Xiao, is Cheng Jia really sure to keep Mo Xiuchen?"

   Seeing her finish the phone call, Zhou Lin spoke, her tone of voice was faintly worried.

Xiao Wenqing sneered and said, "Men are animals that think in the lower part of the body. Before the change, Mo Xiuchen might not be moved, but now he has experienced men and women, and he has been provoked by desires and hopes. With a beauty like Cheng Jia throwing in his arms, how could he still refuse."

   "In this way, tomorrow Mo Xiuchen will become the laughing stock of the entire G city."

  Zhou Lin laughed happily. Once Mo Xiuchen had a scandal, one of his presidents would surely be useless. He had no hope, and it was Mo Zixuan's turn.

  As soon as Mo Zixuan became the president of the group, she was the wife of the future president. Thinking of this, Zhou Lin felt like a flower.

  Xiao Wenqing nodded, with a sullen expression on his face: "Lao Mo didn't know what fascinating soup was poured by Mo Xiuchen. Not only did he always believe that he would inherit the company, but he was so anxious that he didn't even consider Zixuan.

At first, she thought it was Mo Jingteng who had discovered something, but later, she discovered that Mo Jingteng had the same attitude towards her before. During those few days, she was angry because she added medicine to Wen Ran's shark fin soup. Let Mo Xiuchen turn his face with him.

  Not another thing has been discovered.

   "Could it be that Wen Ran said something to Mo Jingteng? Wen Ran would be the most provocative. She resented Zixuan in her heart and would definitely help Mo Xiuchen get the company as soon as possible."

   When Zhou Lin mentioned Wen Ran's name, her tone was like gritted teeth.

  The thing she hates most in her life is Wen Ran, who is from a better background than her, and she is smarter and more beautiful than her. The most hateful thing is that the man she likes has a deep affection for her.

  She could not wait for Wen Ran to die, but in order to pretend to be kind in front of Mo Zixuan, she had to hide it for her.

Suspicion flashed across Xiao Wenqing's face, "It's not that there is no such possibility. On the day Lao Mo fainted, Wen Ran was in the hospital, in front of Zixuan, openly defending Mo Xiuchen, seeing my eyes full of hatred. That bowl It's a pity that she didn't let her drink the shark fin soup."

Having said that, Xiao Wenqing looked at Zhou Lin’s abdomen, and said in a deep voice, “A Lin, you have to fight for your stomach. You must give Zixuan a son. Once Mo Xiuchen has a scandal, the Mo family belongs to Zixuan. Up."

Zhou Lin nodded and touched her unobtrusive abdomen with one hand, and said, "Don't worry, Aunt Xiao, I must give birth to a son for Zixuan. Even if Wen Ran didn't drink the shark fin soup last time, it doesn't matter. As soon as Jia's scandal spreads, Wen Ran won't be with him."

   With a gentle personality, Mo Xiuchen betrayed her, and she will definitely divorce him.

  Mo Zixuan was a good example at the time. Not only did she break up with Mo Zixuan, she also turned to marry Mo Xiuchen. This was not a kind of revenge for Mo Zixuan.

A smile appeared on Xiao Wenqing's face, "If you don't tell me, I forgot. As long as the scandal of Mo Xiuchen spreads, Wen Ran will definitely not continue with him. Even if he doesn't get divorced, he won't be able to give him another life. Baby.

  (End of this chapter)

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