Chapter 172 Everything is up to you


   When Zhou Mingfu got the news, it was already too late.

  Wen Ran and the medicinal material dealers were in Wenjin Ward. Zhou Mingfu called them, but all three of them hung up.

  Wen Jin lives in the hospital, but he knows everything about the pharmaceutical factory. After talking with the medicinal material dealer for nearly half an hour, the conversation was very pleasant.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, Wen Jin asked Li Qian to take them back to the hotel to rest, leaving Wen Ran to talk.

  Qin Mu and Gu Kai wittily reserved space for their siblings. The two went to Gu Kai’s office, asked Wen Ran to finish the conversation, and called them.

  Wen Jin said distressedly: "Of course, thank you very much."

If he is healthy, he doesn’t have to go to the medicinal material dealers. Thinking about Zhou Mingfu’s phone call was hung up just now, his eyebrows were frowned, and he urged not at ease: "You must be careful in these two days, Zhou Ming Fu will definitely do something."

   "Brother, are you really going back to the company tomorrow? In fact, I will do the same for those things."

  Wen Ran is afraid that his brother is inconvenient like this, and doesn't want him to be too tired.

   "Well, let me do it. I can't let you do everything."

  Wen Jin smiled slightly and said softly. It was not just that I was afraid of tired my sister, but that Zhou Mingfu would hate her even more if she did everything. Instead of letting Zhou Mingfu hate him, he would rather Zhou Mingfu come at him.

Wen Ran shook his head, "Actually, I didn't do anything about medicinal materials. Thanks to Mo Xiuchen and Brother Gu, if it weren't for the two of them, it would be impossible for those medicinal materials dealers to sell us at that price. It's strange not to take the opportunity to slaughter a sum."

   Hearing her mention Mo Xiuchen, Wen Jin's eyes moved slightly, as if casually said: "Of course, you and Mo Xiuchen seem to get along better and better."

  Looking at Ranran's happiness, he let go of the worry in his heart, but a certain emotion buried in his heart was drawn out because of the happiness between her brows and eyes.

  Wen Ran smiled and said, "Brother, Mo Xiuchen is not as indifferent and ruthless as the outsiders say. He is really good to me. You don't have to worry about it."

Her smile was reflected in Wen Jin’s ink-colored eyes. In his heart, he couldn’t tell what it was like. There was a spoiling arc at the corner of his mouth. When he spoke, he was faintly worried: "Although he is good to you, he will Bringing you danger, of course, Mo Xiuchen's situation is not better than ours."

It seems to the outside world that he is the heir of MS Group and will become the new president tomorrow. In fact, there are various risks around him. Xiao Wenqing is scornful of Mo family property. Although Mo Zixuan is not concerned about the future, he does not guarantee the future. Will you participate in the competition for property?

  The most important thing is that Xiao Wenqing is not alone, there is a backer behind her, and someone gives her advice.

  Wen Jin felt a little contradictory. He hoped that Mo Xiuchen would really treat Ranran well and care as much as he did, but he was also afraid that Mo Xiuchen caring about Ranran would bring her danger.

  The person behind her may not only be Wu Tianyi. He listened to Zhou Mingfu’s days and heard some shocking information. Now, thinking about it, Xiao Wenqing was one of the people who wanted to die.

Wen Ran looked at Wen Jin's expression change in surprise, thinking he was worried that Mo Xiuchen would hurt her, smiled slightly, and said comfortingly: "Brother, since I am married to Mo Xiuchen, I should be with him. Sharing blessings and adversities. Taking a step back, even if there is any danger, he will protect me."

   "Of course, you already like Mo Xiuchen."

  A trace of sadness flashed across Wen Jin's eyes, and soon returned to her warm, affirmative tone, and a trace of faint sadness penetrated.

  Wen Ran's eyes flickered, and she said perfunctorily: "My biggest wish now is to find out the murderer who killed your parents and injured you as soon as possible. Nothing else is important."

   "Stupid girl, revenge for parents, there is a brother, the only thing you need to do is to live happily, as long as you are happy, brother will be relieved."

  Wen Ran was moved by holding Wen Jin’s hand, and said movingly: "Brother, we all want to be happy. When you recover, quickly find a sister-in-law for me."

  Wen Jin’s face changed slightly, lowered his eyes, avoiding Wen Ran’s smiling eyes, and changed the subject and said, “It’s getting late. Go back and rest quickly.”

Wen Ran pouted pretentiously in anger, let go of his hand, and complained dissatisfied: "Brother, every time I ask you to find me a sister-in-law, you can either talk about him, I don't care, now my parents are not there. You have to listen to me, and when you are discharged from the hospital, I will help you find it."

  Wen Jin was amused by Wen Ran's pretending to be angry, and when he felt soft, he agreed: "Well, you will arrange everything when I am discharged from the hospital."

  It will take at least two or three months for him to be discharged from the hospital. In these two or three months, I will try to find evidence that Zhou Mingfu has harmed his parents. With Mo Xiuchen, Xiao Wenqing must be anxious too, afraid that he will do it as soon as possible.

  If at that time, Mo Xiuchen can really get rid of Jin Ji and give Ranran a happy future, it doesn't matter what he does.

  No matter what thoughts he has in his mind, he will not show it. Since Wen Ran became a member of his family more than ten years ago, he was destined to be her brother for the rest of his life.

   Hearing the words, Wen Ran’s eyebrows suddenly got a smile. This is what you said, and don’t shame at that time. Don’t worry, I will find a woman you like to be my sister-in-law. "

  Wen Jin smiled and nodded, glanced at the time, and urged her: "Let’s go, Tan Mu will be in a hurry for a while."

  As soon as his voice fell, Wen Ran's phone rang.

   took out her cell phone and saw the caller ID, Wen Ran's expression was slightly startled. On the hospital bed, Wen Jin looked at her expression in his eyes and asked gently: "Who is calling?"

  Wen Ran smiled, and said, “It’s Mo Xiuchen. When he came out of the hotel just now, he had other things to deal with. Unexpectedly, he would deal with it so soon.”

  Wen Jin glanced at the direction of the door, "Then you go quickly, he should be here to pick you up."

  Wen Ran said hello, walked out of the ward, then answered the phone: "Hey!"

   "Of course, are you still in the ward?"

   "I have been out of the ward, are you finished?"

  Wen Ran walked towards the other side of the corridor while talking on the phone. The corridor was very quiet late at night, except for the sound of her own footsteps.

   "I just arrived at the hospital and I plan to go upstairs to pick you up."

  The sound of closing the car door sounded on the other end of the phone. It should be Mo Xiuchen getting out of the car. He smiled and politely refused: "No need to come up, you wait for me downstairs, I will go down now."


  Someone happened to say hello to Mo Xiuchen. He paused, responded to the phone, and ended the call.

  Wen Ran took the elevator downstairs, got out of the elevator, and took out his mobile phone to call Tan Mu. He and Gu Kai were still waiting for her in the office. She and Mo Xiuchen were going back together, always telling him.

  She just dialed the phone, and suddenly an urgent voice came from the stairwell behind her: "Miss Wen, Mr. Wen asked me to come down to look for you, saying that there is still an important thing to tell you."

  (End of this chapter)

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