Chapter 161 The Woman Who Was Dazzled by Love

  At noon, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran have a meal together.

When sending Wen Ran back to the pharmaceutical factory, Mo Xiuchen told her that in the afternoon, Qin Mu and Li Qian would go to the airport to pick up the plane.

  He has also arranged the dinner for the evening.

  Wen Ran smiled and thanked him, returned to the company, and called Wen Jin again.

Just after the call, there was a knock on the door outside the office, Wen Ran put away the phone, and said "Come in" to the door. The red painted solid wood door was pushed open from the outside. Zhou Mingfu was holding a cane in one hand, supported by Zhou Lin, and appeared. at the door.

   "Of course, my dad said he was worried and he just wanted to come back to work."

   Zhou Lin explained helplessly, and helped Zhou Mingfu into the office.

  Wen Ran was slightly startled, and she quickly understood what she meant when she looked at Zhou Lin's eyes last year. She wanted to come home and persuaded Zhou Mingfu to'retire', but Zhou Mingfu was unwilling.

  She came out from behind the desk, glanced over Zhou Mingfu’s legs, with a smile on her face, and asked with concern: “Are Uncle Zhou’s legs better? Why are you coming to work in such a hurry?”

Zhou Mingfu looked at Wen Ran, his face filled with fat was full of hypocrisy, "Your parents are gone, your brother is in the hospital again, and you are the only one in the pharmaceutical factory. You Uncle Zhou, I’m not relieved, especially listening. It is said that this time medicinal material vendors have united to raise prices, of course, what do you think?"

  Wen Ran sneered in her heart. Zhou Mingfu was really anxious. He went straight to the subject so straightforwardly. Was he coming back because she was afraid that she would not want those medicinal materials?

  It seems that he still doesn't know that the medicinal material dealers will arrive in G City in two hours.

  She frowned, and pretended to be angry and said, “They raised the medicinal materials by 20% for no reason. Of course I wouldn’t want them. Do I really think that without them, we won’t be able to buy medicinal materials?"

  Zhou Mingfu's eyes flashed sharply, looking at the unabashed anger on Wen Ran's face, he smiled mockingly in his heart, Wen Ran was still an inexperienced little girl, even if she was a little clever, she would not be his opponent.

  Wen Jin handles the company in the hospital, but he is a patient after all and has limited energy.

Thinking of the monitor, his eyes quickly flashed a bit of sorrow, whether the monitor was a ghost of their brothers and sisters, if not for them, who was it, the most hateful thing was that he didn't even know, the monitor When was it put on him?

   "Of course, we don't want those medicinal materials, don't we have to stop production?"

  Zhou Mingfu looked at Wen Ran with concern and concern. It was entirely for the company's sake. If it were changed, Wen Ran really couldn't see any problems.

  She pointed to the sofa to the side, and said flatly: “Uncle Zhou, don’t just stand, sit down and talk.”

   Zhou Mingfu replied "OK", supported by Zhou Lin, went to the sofa to sit down.

  Wen Ran sat down on the opposite sofa. Zhou Mingfu sat down and said: “Of course, no matter how expensive the medicinal materials are, we should buy some for normal production. If you want to buy some less, you may be able to reduce the price after a while.”

  In Zhou Mingfu's view, it is impossible for Wen Ran not to buy anything. Although she borrowed medicinal materials from the Mo Group a few days ago, the medicinal materials were far from enough.

  At this year's drug fair, Zhou Mingfu thought that Wen Ran could not receive the order, but didn't want her relationship with Mo Xiuchen to be disclosed inexplicably, and she took this opportunity to win.

  Not only that, she also survived the kidnapping that night and survived by jumping off the cliff.

   Just as Xiao Wenqing said, Wen Ran can always avoid the danger again and again because of her luck. Every time, someone helps her.

Avoiding car accidents, avoiding drugs, avoiding kidnapping, and getting the love of Mo Xiuchen, a cold-hearted man. Not only does he want Wen Ran to die, Xiao Wenqing also wants Wen Ran to disappear, and Cheng Jia and Xiao Wenqing have carefully trained for ten years. , I thought it could confuse Mo Xiuchen...

   "Uncle Zhou, what are you thinking about?"

Zhou Mingfu thought so much that he forgot to conceal the viciousness and hatred in his heart. It wasn't until Wen Ran's suspicious voice reminded him that he suddenly regained his consciousness. When he met Wen Ran's quiet eyes, his heart jumped, and suddenly there was something. Feeling invisible.

  This feeling is terrible.

   "I'm thinking about that **** medicinal material dealer."

Zhou Mingfu randomly found a reason. Wen Ran seemed to believe him. He didn't care. Instead, he smiled faintly and said comfortingly: "Uncle Zhou don't be angry. I won't let them cheat us innocently. Those medicinal materials, We don’t want it."

   "But we need..."

   Zhou Mingfu said eagerly, if Wen Ran didn't want those medicinal materials, then his plan would have failed.

  No, he must persuade Wen Ran to compromise.

However, Wen Ran did not give him a chance to speak. She quickly interrupted him: "Uncle Zhou, you don't have to worry about company affairs. You should take care of your injuries at home. You can be injured for a hundred days. Don't be careless, besides, you have to trouble you to make preparations for the wedding of Arlene and Mo Zixuan. She is married to the No. 1 wealthy family in City G, so she can't be hasty.

Hearing what she said, Zhou Lin, who had been quiet next to him, suddenly became interested and interjected: "Dad, of course, you are right. Don't worry about company affairs. If you have time, why don't you help me prepare for the wedding." What should be prepared, but the same cannot be missed."

   Zhou Mingfu's face changed slightly, and she was a little annoyed by Zhou Lin. She didn't know what was wrong these days, she always sang him against him, and she was really stupid to be a woman who was dazzled by love.

  What else did he want to say, but Wen Ran's phone rang.

   "Uncle Zhou, I have something to do. You can go back and rest first."

  Wen Ran stood up, took out his mobile phone, walked out of the sofa and walked toward the desk. Behind him, Zhou Mingfu looked at Wen Ran's back with a vicious look, and then stared at Zhou Lin angrily.

   "I also call Zixuan and ask him to pick us up."

   Zhou Lin was stared at by Zhou Mingfu, her eyes flickering and avoiding her sight, she took out her mobile phone and called Mo Zixuan.

  The gentle call came from Cheng Jia.

  After she returned to the desk, she sat down in the high-end revolving chair, and then pressed the answer button, her voice overflowing with red lips was calm and indifferent: "Hey!"

   "Miss Wen, this is Cheng Jia."

On the other side of the phone, Cheng Jia's voice was unexpectedly polite and polite. If her voice hadn't changed, Wen Ran thought she had heard it wrong. When faced with her always sharp and mean woman, she suddenly became gentle and polite, and her lips couldn't help but feel soft. There was a smile, and there was a feeling of a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the chicken!

"Is there a problem?"

   asked faintly, and from the corner of her eyes she caught Zhou Lin who was calling, her eyebrows were full of the charming and tenderness of a woman in love. She was really fond of Mo Zixuan.

  "Miss Wen, do you have time? There are some things. I want to meet with you and talk about it. It's about Shao Mo."

   As if afraid of Wen Ran's rejection, Cheng Jia deliberately emphasized the word'Mo Shao'.

  (End of this chapter)

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