Chapter 154 This trouble must be solved for you

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, unable to find words to refute Wen Ran for a while.

She thought for a while, and then asked: "Of course, do you believe in Mo Xiuchen too much or don't care about other women admiring him at all? Even if you say that, since he is your husband, you have to pay close attention. Especially such a good man, don't let other women take advantage of it."

  Wen Ran smiled, and didn’t want to continue discussing this issue. He changed the subject and said, “Well, since you’re willing to go, then let’s go.”

  Mo Xiuchen, Gu Kai and others, in the private room at the end of this building, after Shen Yuting returned to the private room, the door did not close.

  Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao talked for two minutes, walked out of the private room, and saw Mo Xiuchen standing in the corridor at a glance. The dim light hit his tall and straight figure, his side face resolute.

   "Of course, Mo Xiuchen is here to wait for you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao also saw Mo Xiuchen, with a smile on his face, and said to Wen Ran.

   "Let's go!"

  Wen Ran smiled slightly, speaking calmly.

"I suddenly don't want to go. Of course, go by yourself. Those are Mo Xiuchen's friends. You know them, but to me, they are strangers. I was tired from shopping today. I want to go home early and go to bed. "

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly changed her mind, making Wen Ran a little surprised. Her eyes flashed and she wanted to say something, but Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and gave her a little push: "Go ahead, I have already taken you. In the afternoon and one night, if you don't know anything about it, Mo Xiuchen should be angry."

  "Xiaoxiao, if you don’t like eating with strangers, then I will come back after saying hello."

  Hesitated slightly. Today, Bai Xiaoxiao and Xiao Yuting really broke off their relationship. She is strong on the surface and must be sad in her heart. As a friend, she wants to be by her side when she is sad.

Bai Xiaoxiao glared at her and said: "Don't think about it, I'm really tired. I want to go home and sleep. Go quickly. I will return you to Mo Xiuchen. Let him treat this meal. You remember to let him pay the bill, I'll go first."

  Bai Xiaoxiao finished speaking, really turned around and left.

   Wen Ran opened her mouth, watching her briskly leaving, trying to say something, but did not say anything.

"Ran Ran!"

   Behind her, a deep magnetic voice sounded, and she brushed her nose with a warm and familiar breath. She turned her eyes, just to meet the warm eyes of Shang Mo Xiuchen, and explained casually:

  "Xiaoxiao said she was a little tired from shopping all afternoon, so she left first."

  "When did Bai Xiaoxiao come back?"

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Wen Ran with gentle eyes. She lowered her head by one head. He stood in front of her. She had to raise her face slightly to look at him.

  The breaths exhaled by each other converge in the air, penetrate into each other’s breath, and the airflow flowing between the two of them, unknowingly, becomes soft.

  Wen Ran smiled and replied: "I came back this afternoon. She was in a bad mood, so I accompanied her to go shopping and met Luo Haofeng."

Mo Xiuchen just heard Luo Haofeng talk about encountering Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao in the store. He gently explained: "A Feng mentioned that the store was opened by his sister. He said that there were two A woman embarrassed you and Bai Xiaoxiao."

  He didn't care about someone embarrassing Bai Xiaoxiao, but he cared about Wen Ran, afraid that she would be bullied outside.

   "Well, it's not too embarrassing, but those two women are a bit bitter and mean, they are the women Xiao Yuting likes now."

  "A Kai called me temporarily this afternoon and asked me to pick up his cousin Yuting at the airport, but I didn’t see you. I didn’t expect that you would meet Yuting in the bathroom."

  Mo Xiuchen's seemingly random words were actually explaining that whether Wen Ran saw him in the afternoon or not, he felt that he should tell her.

Wen Ran blinked and said briskly: "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so coincidental. Miss Shen actually recognized me at a glance, saying that you and Brother Gu were here to catch the wind for her. I think she is Gu. Brother's cousin, who knows you well again, but it seems impolite to come to say hello."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Wen Ran's hand, and said softly, "Let's go!"

In the private room, there were not many people, only Gu Kai, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu. Seeing Mo Xiuchen holding Wen Ran’s hand in, Gu Kai and others had been surprised, but Shen Yuting's eyes quickly passed a touch of loneliness. The smile was restored instantly.

   "Xiu Chen, I thought you took Miss Wen and left first. How about Miss Wen's friends, why didn't they come together?"

Shen Yuting left her seat, smiled and stepped forward, enthusiastically pulling up Wen Ran's hand that was not held by Mo Xiuchen, and eagerly said: "As soon as I came back and talked about meeting you, Xiu Chen will immediately go out to meet you. You, Xiu Chen, I found Ranran for you. Should you thank me."

When the words fell, Shen Yuting turned to look at Wen Ran again, and said happily: "Do you mind if I call you Ran Ran, take a mouthful of Miss Wen, I'm not used to shouting at all."

  Wen Ran quietly took out the hand held by Mo Xiuchen when Shen Yuting was holding her hand. The other party did not stop her from taking it out, but his eyes stayed on her.

   "Of course I don't mind, my friend has left beforehand."

  Wen Ran raised a smile, with a calm and gentle tone.

   "Then it is settled. I will call you no matter what. I am a few years older than you. If you want, you can call me sister Ting, or follow Xiu Chen and the others to call me Yuting."

   "Okay, sister Ting!"

As soon as   's warm voice fell, Mo Xiuchen's cell phone ringing suddenly rang next to him.

   "Of course, go and sit down before talking."

  Shen Yuting took Wen Ran to the big round table and asked Gu Kai to move a position aside, and pulled the chair previously prepared for Wen Ran next to her position and let her sit.

  Wen Ran smiled and said "Thank you Sister Ting", and sat next to her, which happened to be opposite Mo Xiuchen's position.

  Gu Kai is on her left, and Shen Yuting is on her right.

  Luo Haofeng sits on Gu Kai's left, Tan Mu sits on Shen Yuting's right, and Mo Xiuchen sits between Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu.

After Wen Ran sat down, he turned his head to look at Mo Xiuchen beside him, and saw him staring at the phone screen with frowning eyebrows. He might have felt her gaze. Mo Xiuchen looked away from the phone screen and looked at her. When he came, he grabbed the emotions in his eyes and smiled at her.

  He didn't answer the phone, but hung up.

He walked to the table and just sat down, and the phone rang again. On the side, Luo Haofeng asked, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Xiu Chen, which beauty is calling? It seems that if you don't answer, the other party will not give up. ."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at him coldly, and faintly uttered two words: "Cheng Jia!"

  The voice fell, he directly gave Luo Haofeng his phone, "If you like it, you can pick it up by yourself!"

Luo Haofeng widened his eyes in astonishment. Seeing Shen Yuting and Wen Ran holding back a smile, Qin Mu looked at him lightly, while Gu Kai's mouth evoked the arc of the theater. He laughed and said confidently: "Okay." , I will definitely solve Cheng Jia's trouble for you."

  (End of this chapter)

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