Chapter 151 She is not the best, but he likes it

  On the main road from the airport to the Corning Hospital, the black Aston shuttled in the traffic at a steady speed. The autumn wind blew in from the half-open glass window, and the air was stained with a little flower scent.

  In the co-driver's seat, Shen Yuting's eyes landed on the big hand holding the steering wheel, feeling a bit complicated.

  Although she received her from the airport, Mo Xiuchen said no more than ten sentences, and she had always said it, but she still keenly felt his changes.

  On the phone that day, she heard from her cousin that Mo Xiuchen had a good relationship with his young wife. He was less indifferent than before and smiled more. She didn't believe it at first.

  For so many years, there has never been a woman who can make Mo Xiuchen treat him differently. She always thought that he would be like this all his life, but she did not expect that he would have changed after only half a year after leaving.

  The breath exuding from his body has disappeared from the indifference of the past. When he mentioned his little wife, his eyes were warm, and there were traces of happiness between his brows.

She didn't speak, Mo Xiuchen never took the initiative to speak, her deep eyes focused on the road ahead, her facial features were familiar and handsome, she pursed her lips, and asked casually, "Xiuchen, I heard from my cousin. , Not only did you get married, but you also found the little girl back then. Is it true?"

  When she was abroad, Shen Yuting seldom contacted her relatives because of her work relationship. The few conversations with Gu Kai talked about topics that focused on Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen gave a faint "um", without any extra explanation.

  Shen Yuting's eyes flickered, wondering if he didn't like talking about that girl, so she changed the subject and asked curiously: "How did you and Wen Ran meet?"

   "At a banquet more than four months ago."

   This time, Mo Xiuchen's answer changed from a single note to a sentence, and Shen Yuting once again carefully discovered that as long as the mention of Wen Ran, Mo Xiuchen's tone would become softer.

  The tip of her heart seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and a pain quickly spread to the limbs. Seeing the gentleness between Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows, she suddenly became curious about the woman called Wen Ran.

  I really want to see how good she is to make a man like Mo Xiuchen normal.

   "She must be very beautiful, very good!"

  Shen Yuting's curiosity was swelling. She really couldn't imagine what type of woman Mo Xiuchen would like. In recent years, although he is not close to female, but there are countless women who want to be close to him. There are all types.

Mo Xiuchen turned his eyes and glanced at her. His thin **** lips were slightly curved, and a hint of warmth appeared in the deep sea-like eyes. He said gently, "She is not the most beautiful, nor is she the most beautiful." A good girl also has shortcomings. She is too simple, sometimes too stubborn, and strong enough to make people feel distressed. However, when you see her, you will love her."

  Shen Yuting looked at the gentle and handsome face beside him in a daze. The gentleness in his eyes and the pampering in his words were something she had never seen before.

  He is not showing off, nor is it deliberate. It is the most common tone, but it contains the most affectionate love in the world. At this moment, Shen Yuting's heart does not feel any pain.

  Some, it's just a dead silence.

  She knew that she had no chance anymore in this life. Mo Xiuchen is not the kind of person who is easily moved. Once moved, she will be a lifetime. That woman named Wen Ran is so happy that she can make him so enamoured.

  Mo Xiuchen didn't seem to see the sadness and trance in Shen Yuting's eyes. He kept watching the road ahead intently, and his big, well-knotted palms easily controlled the steering wheel.

  "Tell you a little secret again. A Kai feels very special about Ranran. Maybe she is A Kai's long-lost sister and your cousin."

  Mo Xiuchen said this, on the surface as if he was sharing a secret with her, but he was afraid that only he would know the real intention.

  At least, Shen Yuting's heart is in chaos right now. She really doesn't know Mo Xiuchen's mind. She was shocked by his words, and looked at him with eyes wide open: "Xiu Chen, you said, Wen Ran is my cousin?"

At the red light ahead, Mo Xiuchen slowly slowed down. The car stopped behind a Bentley. He rolled his eyes and looked at Shen Yuting gently, and said lightly: "It's not yet certain. Don't tell anyone about this matter, including Wen. Of course."

  Shen Yuting's lips twitched, but after all she did not make a note, she tightened her lips again.

  In just a few minutes, she felt like she was riding a roller coaster...

  When Aston drove back into the driveway, Mo Xiuchen said again: “I heard Kai say that you will have to make a national speech tour when you come back. When did you start?”

  In the next topic, most of the talks are about Shen Yuting's work. Due to her gentle and messy mood, she gradually returned to normal, and gradually began to talk more.


  Xiao Group

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran directly pushed open the door of Xiao Yuting's office.

  Behind the high-end and atmospheric desk, Xiao Yuting was chatting with his girlfriends. When he saw them, a trace of surprise flashed across his face. He said, ‘Talk later,’ to the person on the other end of the phone, and then hung up.

  He came out from behind the desk and greeted Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao to sit on the sofa. His attitude was considered sincere and polite, unlike his usual indifference to Bai Xiaoxiao.

  "Xiaoxiao, I heard that you traveled abroad. When did you come back?"

  Xiao Yuting sat down on the sofa opposite them and asked politely.

  Bai Xiaoxiao replied "just now", not only the tone was as plain as water, but the expression in his eyes also lost the love and tenderness of the past, and the bottom of his eyes was quiet, and there was also a faint autumn coolness.

She opened the limited edition bag she had just bought, took out an emerald bracelet from it and placed it gently on the coffee table, and said faintly: "This is the bracelet that my aunt gave me back. I kept it. Now, I put it on. Give it back to you, in the future, you are you and I am me, we have nothing to do."

   "Xiao Xiao!"

  Xiao Yuting's handsome face changed, and her eyebrows stared at Bai Xiaoxiao lightly.

I don’t know if I was surprised by her attitude, or there was a little bit of discomfort in my heart. From childhood to adulthood, Bai Xiaoxiao followed him like a tail, pestering him, how many times he talked about love, she destroyed how much .

  Since when did she stop pestering him? He thought for a while, as if he had been concerned about Pinxuan since the last time, he said he would never like her.

After   , she began to avoid him. She also deliberately avoided the cooperation between the two companies. She heard that she had gone to F city, and after returning, she went abroad.

  Bai Xiaoxiao at this moment made him feel different.

  Bai Xiaoxiao ignored Xiao Yuting’s surprised expression, and said gently to her side: “Of course, let’s go!”

  Wen Ran nodded with a smile, "Okay!"

  From entering the Xiao family to leaving the company building, it took less than five minutes for Bai Xiaoxiao to hold the relationship for more than 20 years, and it simply ended.

  No matter how sad she was, at least, in Xiao Yuting's office just now, she retained her only self-esteem, and did not let him look at herself with mocking or contempt.

  (End of this chapter)

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