Chapter 143 Is it Wen Ran?

  Luo Haofeng raised his eyebrows lightly, and when Wen Ran came over, he smiled and said, “If it’s not your light bulb, I will go upstairs to see what Cheng Jia looks like.”

  The words fell, he turned around and walked towards the stairwell.

  Mo Xiuchen's tall figure stood in the corridor, his eyes moistly stopped on the woman who came across, watching her approaching step by step, he couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart.

   "Are you in a hurry?"

  When Wen Ran was a few steps away from him, Mo Xiuchen stepped forward and asked with a smile.

  Wen Ran stopped in front of him, smiled and shook his head: "No, I was chatting with my brother, time flies quickly."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, raised his hand and gently brushed a strand of broken hair on her forehead, exposing her white forehead skin, and her slightly rough finger pads stopped touching her skin, causing Wen Ran's heart to tremble slightly.

   "How did you know that Cheng Jia had a headache? Did you go to see her in the ward?"

Mo Xiuchen's deep gaze stared at Wen Ran, and her low voice filled her cheeks with a warm masculine breath. Although the two of them did much closer every night than this, Wen Ran was still thin-skinned outside. There was a blush.

   "When I left, I just ran into Gu Kai and didn't say a few words to him. He received a call and said that Cheng Jia had a headache, so I went and took a look."

  Wen Ran explained lightly.

Mo Xiuchen stopped and put down the big palm of her cheek, holding her soft and slender hand very naturally, and said: "When you called, A Mu just found the worker who dropped the brick that day. I asked him something. Happening."

  Wen Ran’s eyes flashed with a slight stun, and then he asked concerned: "Did the question come out?"

  She knew that Mo Xiuchen felt that it was not a simple accident, because Xiao Wenqing called her after the accident on the construction site.

  Mo Xiuchen frowned slightly, and in her concerned eyes, she stretched out quickly, faintly curled her lips, and explained: "Not only did I ask about the result, it was also a surprising result."

   "What is the result?"

   Wen Ran’s curiosity was aroused, and her eyes were fixed on Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen took her hand, turned and walked towards the stairwell, and said calmly: "The worker explained that the person talking on the phone with her is a young woman, whose surname is Wen."

  After speaking, he turned his eyes to look at Wen Ran, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   Wen Ran was surprised, pointed his index finger to his nose, blurted out and asked: "What does he mean? I don’t know how to tell him to hit you with a brick, is it me?"

There are not many people surnamed Wen in G city, they are still young women.

Seeing her agitated, Mo Xiuchen held her hand harder, and said with a smile: "Don't say I don't believe it, even A Feng and A Mu don't believe that the person is you. Of course, don't be angry. Maybe someone deliberately misled the worker. Once things are revealed, they will let you be a scapegoat."

   "You don't suspect me at all?"

  Wen Ran was a little touched in his heart, and blinked at Mo Xiuchen's eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen said amused: “I’m not a fool. I know better than anyone what you treat me. Even if you don’t love me, you don’t hate me so much that you want to kill me.”

   Hearing what he said, Wen Ran also laughed.

I scratched my head with embarrassment and said, "It seems that I am too stupid. I am also worried that if you listen to the worker, you will not believe me. You just said that the other party talked with him on the phone, then if he heard the other party's Can you recognize the sound?"

  Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows frowned, and said thoughtfully: "Not necessarily, we don't have a candidate right now, so let's wait for more clues."

  Wen Ran pursed his lips, "It can only be done. Since it is determined that it was man-made and not accidental, you should be more careful in the future, especially when you go to the construction site."

  Fortunately, Cheng Jia pushed him away that day, otherwise the person who hit him was probably Mo Xiuchen. Thinking of this, Wen Ran couldn't help but feel tight.

   "I know, don't worry. I will check everything out."

   In the last sentence, Mo Xiuchen's voice seeps into a low tone, and Si Tan's deep eyes are somewhat firm.

  He won’t let himself be in trouble, let alone hurt the woman he loves.

  The two went upstairs while talking. Mo Xiuchen took Wen Ran's hand and walked outside Cheng Jia's ward. He heard Luo Haofeng's voice in the ward through the door panel.

"...Xiu Chen is a good man. Except for company affairs, he spends the rest of his time with his wife. Some ignore you as a lifesaver. Well, I have to stay in G city for a few days. I'll be fine these days. Come to the hospital to accompany you, if you have any needs, just tell me."

  Compared with Xiao Liu's honesty and Tan Mu's coldness, Luo Haofeng can be said to be humorous and humorous, and his methods of coaxing women are first-rate. In addition, he has a handsome face of evildoers, and few women can resist his charm.

On the hospital bed, Cheng Jia's face didn't turn pale from headache, she became pale because of Luo Haofeng's words, her hand under the quilt was quietly clenched, her lips were pursed, and she said lightly: "Thank you Mr. Luo for your kindness, I You don’t need someone to accompany you."

  Luo Haofeng laughed, glanced at Gu Kai who was watching the show leisurely next to him, and said, “But, I’m telling you a good news, Xiu Chen and Wen Ran may not last for a long time.”

   Cheng Jia's eyes changed, and she said angrily: "What does Mr. Luo mean? I can't wait for Young Master Mo and Wen Ran to get divorced. I don't have that idea."

  Gu Kai's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Luo Haofeng with his arms folded, not knowing what he was doing.

Luo Haofeng raised his eyebrows lightly, disagreeing with Cheng Jia's concealment, and encouraged her to act according to her own mind: "What's embarrassing about this, it's not a shameful thing to like Xiuchen, it's just that, He is now a married man, you can only like it now, and you can only keep it in your heart, otherwise you will become a junior who intervenes in other people's marriages, and everyone will despise him."

   Cheng Jia's face paled again, and Luo Haofeng's words were irritated, but she did not dare to attack.

He did not intend to stop, and continued to say: "If Xiuchen and Wen Ran divorce, it will be different. If he is single again, you can take advantage of it. Oh, after a lot of talk, I still Let me tell you the main point. A few days ago, you pushed Xiuchen away and got injured by a brick. In fact, it was not an accident, but a conspiracy of others."

   "What conspiracy?"

  Gu Kai's eyes are sharp and the process is good, and he took the question.

   Cheng Jia showed a look of surprise on her face, and blurted out: "Yes, what conspiracy?"

  Luo Haofeng gave a clear cough, and explained unhurriedly: "Xiu Chen asked the worker, and finally he hired him, saying that it was a young woman who instructed him to hit him with a brick and his surname was Wen!"

Cheng Jia's eyes widened in consternation, and she said without thinking, "The last name is Wen? Is it Wen Ran? Why does she want to kill Mo Zixuan? Even if she loves Mo Zixuan in her heart and marries Mo Zixuan for the benefit of the company, she doesn't have to be vicious. I want to kill him, Young Master Mo is so kind to her."

  At the end, Cheng Jia behaved very angry.

  (End of this chapter)

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