Chapter 140 Never Do That

  Mo Jingteng nodded, adjusted his leaning posture a little to make himself more comfortable. Looking at Wen Ran, the first sentence he asked turned out to be: "Do you like Xiuchen?"

  Wen Ran was startled by the question.

   At Shang Mo Jingteng’s quietly sharp gaze, she frowned and asked instead: “Chairman Mo asked me to come to the hospital, is it just to ask this question?”

  Mo Jingteng's face sank slightly, and he got used to it. He felt that Wen Ran didn't answer his words because he was disrespectful to him. If he changed the weekdays, he would definitely get angry.

Thinking of what he had done to Wen Ran, he suppressed his unhappiness, and made himself as approachable as possible: "Xiuchen visited the hospital yesterday. I saw that his expression on the phone when he talked with you was his expression to others. , I have never had it before. Wen Ran, I have no other meaning, but I owe Xiuchen a lot, and I hope you can give him happiness."

   "If I can give him happiness, it is not my decision."

  Wen Ran's tone is extremely weak. Happiness is for the person to feel, even if she promises Mo Xiuchen happiness in front of him, but if Mo Xiuchen's happiness does not need her to give, then she can do nothing.

  She originally thought that Mo Jingteng was going to be angry again, but she didn't want to. Not only was Mo Jingteng not angry, she laughed instead.

  Wen Ran was a little bit inexplicable, pursing his lips without speaking.

Mo Jingteng laughed twice and said thoughtfully: "No wonder Xiu Chen likes you, Wen Ran, you are an honest girl, you are right, whether Xiu Chen is happy or not is not your decision. But I hope you can do it and do your best to make him happy."

  Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and added: "Even if you can't make him happy, at least don't let him be alone."

   Seeing Wen Ran not speaking, Mo Jingteng's eyes flashed hesitation, and he slowed down and said, "I came to you today, in fact, I want to apologize to you. Besides, I want to say thank you again."

   "I don't understand what Chairman Mo means."

"Half of the shark fin soup is my responsibility. Our Mo family is known as the number one wealthy family in G City. The future heir must have the Mo family's blood. You were kidnapped that night, and Xiu Chen didn't tell me. I I learned it from other sources, so I have some misunderstandings for you."

  Wen Ran's face turned pale, her red lips pressed tightly. She could understand Mo Jingteng's approach, but she couldn't forgive it.

   "I was also confused for a while, but I never thought that you would never be a mother for the rest of your life. As for the result, I am sorry."

  Wen Ran wanted to laugh, she also really laughed, laughing mockingly: "Chairman Mo meant that you are not sorry for what you did, but are you sorry for the unexpected result?"

   A trace of anger flashed under Mo Jingteng’s eyes, and his face changed accordingly, and he said frankly, “I was to maintain the orthodox blood of the Mo family. Wen Ran, if you were me, you would do that too.”

  Wen Ran retorted unceremoniously: "I would never do that."

  After she finished speaking, she stood up from the chair, her voice was cold and cold: "If Chairman Mo has nothing else to do, I will leave."

   "Wen Ran, wait a minute."

  Mo Jingteng called her, Wen Ran just turned around, turned his head, and looked at him with cold eyes. Even if he is Mo Xiuchen's father, he cannot control the fate of others at will.

   "I proposed to let Xiu Chen take over the group yesterday. He rejected me at first, but this morning, he called and said yes. Did you persuade him?"

   Wen Ran frowned slightly, thinking about the meaning of his words.

   "Thank you for helping me persuade Xiuchen to let him agree to take over the group."

  Mo Jingteng didn't mean anything else, thank you very sincerely.

  Wen Ran pursed her lips, and said faintly: "Don't thank me, I am not for you, but for myself and all the employees of MS Group. Xiuchen can give them a better future."

  Mo Jingteng’s eyes flashed with a slight stunned and admiration. This was the first time that he had said so much to Wen Ran. With his countless experience in reading people, he could see that Wen Ran was really different from other women.

  No wonder Xiu Chen is so special to her, and Zixuan also misses her.

  She said it was for herself, but Mo Jingteng felt that she was not the kind of woman who admired vanity. Even if she wanted to do it, it was for the purpose of Xiu Chen.

Although Wen had relied on Mo Xiuchen's help to get through the difficulties before, but now Wen Jin has woken up and is absolutely capable of managing Wen's well. To put it ugly, if Xiuchen leaves the group and goes to Wen's, then Wen's development will be Will usher in a qualitative leap.

   "Anyway, I still want to thank you. Wen Ran, as long as you are sincere to Xiuchen, I will not object to you being with him in the future."

  Wen Ran was slightly startled, a little surprised that Mo Jingteng accepted her so easily.

  When meeting at Mo Xiuchen's house for the first time, he warned her not to vacillate between his two sons. Now, he actually said that he would no longer oppose her being with Mo Xiuchen.

   Did Mo Xiuchen impose any conditions on him, or did he really figure it out?

  Wen Ran couldn't understand, and she didn't bother to think about it. She pursed her lips and said, "Chairman Mo has a good rest." Then she turned around and left the ward.

  While waiting for the elevator, Gu Kai happened to come out from inside.

   "Of course, why are you here?"

  Gu Kai put his hands in his white coat, his body is long and handsome as loose.

  His eyes crossed her, he glanced at the other side of the corridor, before waiting for her, he answered his own question: "Did you go to see Uncle Mo? Or did he look for you?"

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, and said, “He called and said he had something to tell me, so I’ll be here. Brother Gu is going to check the room?”

  Gu Kai nodded and continued the topic just now and asked: "He didn't embarrass you, right?"

Mo Jingteng's instructions were in the shark fin soup. Mo Xiuchen did not tell Gu Kai. He just felt keenly that there was a conflict between Mo Xiuchen and his dad, and he would not come once in a few days. hospital.

  Moreover, even the group is unwilling to take over.

   "No, he just said a few words to me."

  Gu Kai saw that she didn’t seem to be lying, so he relaxed, and said gently, “You’re fine if you are not embarrassed.”

  Wen Ran warmed slightly because of his concern. His face was bright and smiling. Just as he was about to say something, Gu Kai's cell phone rang suddenly. He smiled apologetically and took out his cell phone to answer the call.

  Wen Ran stood aside quietly.

  I don’t know what the other party said, Gu Kai's face frowned slightly, his face changed slightly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

   hung up the phone, he explained to Wen Ran: "The special nurse called and said that Cheng Jia had a sudden headache. Let me see. Would you like to see it together?"

  A daze flashed across Wen Ran’s eyes, and his thoughts turned slightly, and he agreed to Gu Kai’s proposal: "Okay!"

  (End of this chapter)

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