Chapter 126 Confidentiality

After being robbed and mocked by Mo Zixuan for a while, Zhou Lin's face changed, and she said coldly, "It's not impossible. As far as I know, when Wen Hongrui and his family moved, they went to G City after Wen Ran fell ill. Wen Ran has never returned to City F. There must be some shady secret in this."

   "Then what did you find out?"

  Mo Zixuan was shocked, but he never showed it on his face. With a three-point sneer at the corner of his mouth, he looked at Zhou Lin with cold eyes.

Zhou Lin's face showed a bit of pride. She was not here these days. In order to step Wen Ran under her feet, she was very careful to check, "I suspect that Wen Ran is not Wen Hongrui's biological daughter. ."

   "Do you have evidence?"

  "Not yet, so I took a few more days off."

  "Your dad asked you to check? Did you tell your dad about these things?"

Mo Zixuan was not stupid. After Wen Ran’s parents passed away, he heard about Zhou Mingfu’s actions and knew that he wanted to occupy Wen. Even that night, Wen Ran was kidnapped in City F and was almost humiliated. Suspected that Zhou Mingfu did it.

  Except for him, no one hates Wenran that much.

  "Not yet, I just called back the other day."

   Zhou Lin said with blinking eyes.

  Mo Zixuan squinted his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "Really?"

   "Of course it is!"

  Zhou Lin looked up and met his sharp eyes again.

   "In the past few days, you will be playing here. Nothing happened. You are not allowed to tell your suspicion to your dad, and you are not allowed to investigate further. If you can't do it, don't blame me!"

  Speaking of the end, Mo Zixuan shot a fierce look in his eyes. The gentleness and grace of the week are like two people. Zhou Lin looked at it with chills, and subconsciously asked: "Is it because I keep it secret, so you are willing to marry me?"


  Mo Zixuan snorted in his nostrils, stood up from the sofa, and dropped a sentence: "rest early, and come back to city G with me tomorrow."

   stepped out of the sofa and strode towards the door.

   Zhou Lin followed up and asked eagerly: "Zixuan, where are you going at this late hour, stay!"

   "I live in the room next to you. You are a pregnant woman now. Don't think about it."

Mo Zixuan stopped and looked back at Zhou Lin. The bright crystal lamp outlines his handsome facial features. He who has captured his fierce breath, seems to have recovered his usual gentleness, although it is only a perfunctory comfort, Zhou Lin Still warmed my heart.

   obediently nodded: "Okay, I will go home with you tomorrow."

  If she keeps Wen Ran a secret and can exchange him for a different look to her and let him accept her, then she doesn't care about letting Wen Ran go for the time being.


  Weekend afternoon

  When Wen Ran came to the hospital, she saw Wen Jin taking a nap. She didn't go in, but went to find Gu Kai.

  Gu Kai was seeing a patient. Outside, a few people lined up. Wen Ran simply sat in a chair without problems and followed in line.

  She was playing with her mobile phone to pass the time, and suddenly a clear voice came from above her head: "Ms. Wen, Doctor Gu will let you in."

   "Ah, yes, thank you!"

  Wen Ran raised her head in shock, only to see a little nurse standing by, looking at herself with a smile on her face, she looked around, stood up, thanked her, and walked in.

  Behind the desk, Gu Kai is dressed in a holy white coat with an elegant temperament. He has a pleasant eyebrow and a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. If he changes to another woman, I am afraid that he will be fascinated by his handsome appearance.

   "Actually, I can wait until you finish seeing them."

  Wen Ran said, pulling the chair in front of the desk and sitting down.

  Gu Kai smiled lightly, took a sip of tea from the cup in front of him, and said, “I want to take the opportunity to be lazy.”

  Wen Ran was amused by his words, thinking about the purpose of her coming to him, she grabbed a smile, looked at him earnestly, and asked, "Big Brother Gu, did the result come out?"

  Gu Kai leaned back in the chair, holding the tea cup in his big, well-knotted palms, and said jokingly, “Don’t be so serious, it will make me nervous too.”

   Smiling forcedly, although she did not drink the shark fin soup, as long as she thought of the medicine in the shark fin soup, her mood would not get better.

There was a slight sound of opening the door, and Gu Kai turned to look at the door, and saw the little nurse walking with a glass of milk. He smiled slightly: "You have been waiting outside for so long. You must be thirsty. Drink this glass of milk first. I'll tell you again."

  The little nurse put the milk on the table in front of Wen Ran and walked out silently.

Wen Ran took two sips and put down the milk. Gu Kai's warm voice sounded again: "In addition to musk, there are several drugs in the shark fin soup. They are all extremely poisonous drugs. Although they are not large, they are mixed together. The consequences are very serious."

  Wen Ran's face changed slightly.

  Gu Kai said it was very serious, and that must be true.

  She thought for a while, and asked softly, “If I drink, will I be able to be a mother for the rest of my life.”

Seeing her frowning eyebrows and trying to suppress her emotions, Gu Kai's heart tightened slightly, and her handsome facial features appeared to be a bit soft, and said comfortingly: "Of course, you shouldn't be sad because you didn't drink that shark fin. Gen, the person who is anxious to get angry right now is the one who does everything possible to harm you."

Wen Ran pursed her lips, thinking that she was almost insulted in F market that night, and then jumped off the cliff and almost died. As a result, she was only slightly injured, but for three days, someone added medicine to the shark fin soup, but she still failed. In times of crisis, there are always nobles to help.

She is also really lucky. Now, people who want to harm her are afraid of vomiting blood because of anger. She laughed suddenly, and the sadness between her eyebrows disappeared like a cloud. Her smile was bright and her tone was brisk: "Brother Gu, you say That's right, I should be thankful that I didn't drink the medicated shark fin soup. I was not fooled."

  Affected by her, Gu Kai's smile spread on his face, raised his head and drank a cup of tea, then got up to pour water.

After pouring the water and returning to the desk, Gu Kai asked, "Of course, are you really going to tell Xiu Chen and your brother about this matter?"

  Hesitation flashed in Wen Ran's eyes. If she didn't say anything, they would definitely be angry when they knew about it. But what she said, she was afraid that they would be too worried.

"I think it's better for you to tell them. Once such a thing happened, it is impossible to guarantee that there will not be a second time. Since your parents passed away in a car accident a month ago, some things have been linked together. "


  Wen Ran's face paled slightly, and he opened his mouth. He wanted to say something but didn't say anything.

  Gu Kai was silent, and said carefully: "Those things, although no evidence has been found, you should be able to guess something in your heart."

   "The kidnapping that night, I think it was Zhou Mingfu, Shark Fin Soup, I think it was Xiao Wenqing."

  Wen Ran told Gu Kai frankly what she thought in her heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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