Chapter 117 Take care of her

  Capturing the subtle changes in Wen Ran’s expression, Gu Kai smiled slightly, and said in a clear and cheerful voice: “Maybe it’s because of your similar age to my sister. Every time I see you, I’m like seeing my own sister.”

The Xu embarrassment in Wen Ran's heart dissipated because of his words. Although Gu Kai had a wide eyebrow and a gentle smile, she felt that he missed his sister, and said comforting words: "Brother Gu, You will definitely find your sister."

  A trace of determination seeps into Gu Kai’s smile: "Well, I believe it too."

  Over the years, he has never given up looking for his sister. He believes that one day, he will find it.

   "Come on, you eat this."

In order not to make him sad, Wen Ran took the initiative to change the subject, took a skewer of barbecue from the plate and handed it to him. Gu Kai smiled and took it. After taking a bite, he narrowed his smile and asked curiously: "Of course, what are you doing? Don’t ask me about Cheng Jia’s situation?"

Wen Ran had just finished eating the skewers in her hand. Hearing his words, her eyes flashed, and she said faintly: "You did Cheng Jia's surgery. If her condition is really bad, then you must be sure now I'm not in the mood to sit here and eat skewers."

  Gu Kai's expression was startled, then he smiled, "Of course, has anyone ever said that you are smart?"

   Wen Ran raised his eyebrows, and replied with a noncommittal look in his eyes, and Gu Kai laughed more openly.

  Affected by him, Wen Ran was also in a happy mood. He picked up a bunch of skewers and ate it again. Although he knew Gu Kai for a long time, with him, Wen Ran was just like being with his brother, relaxed and kind.

She didn’t ask, but Gu Kai couldn’t help but want to tell her: “Cheng Jia suffered a head injury. It may take two to three months to fully recover. According to Xiu Chen, when they passed the construction site, a brick fell from above. Cheng Jia pushed Xiu Chen away and was hit by herself."

  Wen Ran's complexion changed slightly, and the hand holding the skewers was slightly stiff.

  Eating the food in her mouth suddenly seemed to lose its taste. She wanted to pretend to be indifferent, but even if she deceived Gu Kai, she couldn't deceive her heart.

  In her heart, she was very uncomfortable.

  It stands to reason that if Cheng Jia hadn't pushed Mo Xiuchen away, the injured person might have been him.

  Now, he is fine, she should be grateful to Cheng Jia, but she just feels uncomfortable.

  She knows what Cheng Jia thinks about Mo Xiuchen better than anyone else. She rescued him many years ago and saved him again today. Even if Mo Xiuchen is ruthless, it is impossible to be indifferent to her.

  It can be seen from him following to the hospital, leaning on the cart to the hospital, and staying at the hospital again.

   "Of course, do you also know Cheng Jia's thoughts on Xiu Chen? It stands to reason that as a good friend of Xiu Chen, I shouldn't tell you something."

  Gu Kai paused, considering the words.

He doesn't like Cheng Jia, and even more does not like Cheng Jia's love for Mo Xiuchen. Even if she is really Mo Xiuchen's lifesaver, she shouldn't get involved in the marriage, knowing that Mo Xiuchen is already there. Married man, still does not restrain his feelings.

   chuckled softly, and said softly: "Brother Gu, thank you for telling me this."

Gu Kai remained silent, but looked at her with concern. The smile on Wen Ran's face was a little uncontrollable. He pursed his lips and said again: "Mo Xiuchen is so good. It is normal for Cheng Jia to like him. I knew it from the beginning. She didn't hide it, she told me directly."

   Gu Kai's eyes moved slightly, and it was a little unexpected that Cheng Jia directly told Wen Ran that she liked Mo Xiuchen. That was a provocation, or?

   "Xiu Chen is not the kind of abusive person. Even if Cheng Jia saves him twice, he cannot have any other relationship with her. I can assure you that you don't have to worry about this."

  Gu Kai was afraid of being mildly cranky, and quickly comforted him.

  Xiu Chen's persistence and care for Wen Ran were in his eyes. Judging from the expression on Wen Ran just now, she should also be a little concerned about Mo Xiuchen.

   Wen Ran nodded, and said, "I know, if Mo Xiuchen is bothered, he won't be inferior to women all the time."

  Gu Kai smiled, and for some things, it is better for Xiu Chen to explain himself. Xiu Chen is not close to women, not entirely because he is not bothered, but there are other reasons.

  Wen Ran picked up the water, but before it was delivered to her mouth, the phone rang suddenly.

  Gu Kai swallowed the food in his mouth, smiled and said, "It might be Xiuchen."

  Counting the time, Cheng Jia had been sent to the ward. Mo Xiuchen was afraid that he had handled Cheng Jia's affairs, so he called Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran smiled, took out a paper towel and wiped off the oily hands, then took out the phone, saw the call, and replied softly: "It's him."

  She pressed the answer button and said softly: "Hey!"

   "Of course, where are you now?"

  On the other end of the phone, Mo Xiuchen was silent for a second, and then his voice came in a low voice. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked where she was.

  No way, even if Gu Kai, who is opposite her, doesn’t speak, but here is a barbecue stall in the form of a night market food stall. There are many customers, and some are still very loud.

   is relatively noisy.

  Wen Ran confessed: "Well, I am eating outside now, why are you calling me at this time, how is Cheng Jia?"

  "She finished the operation, but the effect of the anesthetic hasn't gone back, and people haven't waken up yet. Where are you so noisy, with Bai Xiaoxiao?"

   "Ah, I was arguing a little bit here. Is her injury serious?"

  He let out a gentle and vague ah, then changed the subject and asked about Cheng Jia's situation.

  Speaking of Cheng Jia, Mo Xiuchen’s voice was a little heavy: “It’s a bit serious. It may take a while to recover. The most important thing is that her parents have traveled abroad and no one is taking care of her now.”

  Wen Ran was slightly startled, Mo Xiuchen said that Cheng Jia’s parents had gone abroad for a trip, meaning that there was no one to take care of her. Does he want to take care of her?

  For a while, she didn't know how to answer, so she was silent and didn't say anything.

Mo Xiuchen did not wait for her to speak, and explained: "Cheng Jia was injured because of me. Now her parents are not in the country, so I should take care of her. I have asked Gu Kai to arrange special care. Twenty-four. She takes care of her for a little while, but tonight, I will wait for her to wake up before going back."


  The advantage of sitting in an open space with her lips gently pressed, is that as long as you look up at any time, you can see the peaceful night sky.

Opposite, Gu Kai leisurely ate the skewers, his eyes fell on Wen Ran's face casually, and did not miss her subtle expression changes. Although Mo Xiuchen could not hear what Mo Xiuchen said, she could guess from the changes in her expression. After that, Mo Xiuchen must be explaining Cheng Jia's matter.

  "Don't be outside too late. The two girls are not safe. I will let Xiao Liu pick you up."

  Mo Xiuchen did not explain why Cheng Jia was injured, so he changed the subject.

  (End of this chapter)

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