Chapter 114 Only you in his heart

   Even if Wen Ran doesn't like Xiao Wenqing, he can't completely ignore Mo Jingteng's relationship. Mo Xiuchen can be cold to Mo Jingteng, but she needs the least respect.

  While Xiao Wenqing moved Mo Jingteng out, she did not want to stay, so she had to agree to stay.

Hearing her say'good', Xiao Wenqing smiled immediately, ordered a few signature dishes, and finally ordered three shark fin soups. After the waiter left, Xiao Wenqing's gaze swept over the faded hickey on Wen Ran's neck, and his gaze stopped on She has grown tender meat on her face, and said with concern: "Of course, I heard from Zixuan that two days ago, the night before, you met a bad guy who was kidnapped in City F. The wound on your face was done at that time. Is it?"

   Wen Ran gave a "um", and his tone was calm and calm: "A little injury, it's healed."

"Don't blame Auntie for my troubles. In fact, Xiu Chen's father also cared about what happened that night, but it was not convenient for him to ask. Let me ask you what the specific situation was like that night. If I read it correctly, Is there a hickey on your neck? It was also kidnapped that night..."

  Xiao Wenqing said it implicitly, but the implication could not be more obvious.

  The people in City G knew that Mo Xiuchen was inhumane. They had been married for so long and they didn't see any traces on her body. Hickeys appeared after she was kidnapped.

  A girl of her was kidnapped. I heard that she was also given that kind of medicine.

  The result can be imagined.

Wen Ran's eyes changed slightly, and he did not answer. On the side, Bai Xiaoxiao was already unhappy, and coldly refuted: "What does Mrs. Mo mean? Do you suspect that you have been bullied by bad guys? If you want to know what happened to these hickeys on Ranran's neck, you can ask Mo Xiuchen, he knows best."

Xiao Wenqing was embarrassed by Bai Xiaoxiao's remarks, and smiled and said, "I didn't mean that. It's just that Xiuchen is sick. People in City G know about it. Of course, don't get me wrong, maybe I can’t express it clearly. It would be great if the traces on your neck were left in the dust. It proves that his illness is cured!"

  At the end, Xiao Wenqing was very happy, as if he was really happy that Mo Xiuchen recovered from his illness.

Wen Ran frowned slightly, Xianxian put her hand on her neck, and her voice was slightly cool: "The marks on my neck were indeed left by Xiuchen. That night, although I was kidnapped, Xiuchen found me in time. ."

   "Then the wound on your face?"

  The smile on Xiao Wenqing's face was reduced, and his expression of concern was changed again.

   "This is just a scratch, not worth mentioning."

  Wen Ran spoke lightly, skipping the thrill of jumping off the cliff.

"It’s okay, it’s okay. It seems that you are really Xiuchen’s lucky star. He has never been close to women before. He didn’t expect that after marrying you, his illness would be completely healed. Before, his father and I were worried. You can rest assured."

  Xiao Wenqing’s smile seems to be fake no matter how you look at it.

  Wen Ran couldn't see the emotional changes on her face, and she felt a little disapproving in her heart. She didn't believe that Xiao Wenqing would be really happy because of Mo Xiuchen's illness.

  Although Mo Xiuchen didn't say much to her, she faintly guessed that Mo Xiuchen not only hated Xiao Wenqing, but also suspected that he was kidnapped back then.

  Xiao Wenqing paused, and then said: "This weekend, you and Xiu Chen will go home for dinner. Good news has been sent back from Arlene. You and Xiu Chen should be coming soon too. Just go home to celebrate."

  Wen Ran was slightly startled. She knew that Arlene was Zhou Lin that Xiao Wenqing said. Is she really pregnant with Mo Zixuan's child?

  Calculating the time, it’s one month.

The waiter brought the food here, Xiao Wenqing's face was a little sad, and her voice lowered, "It stands to reason that Arlene is pregnant with Zixuan's flesh and blood. It is a happy event to open branches and leaves for our old Mo family, but Zixuan these days But I was drunk every night, and I was depressed every day. Of course, I asked you to come here because I wanted you to persuade Zixuan."

  This time, the worry and distress on Xiao Wenqing's face are true. Even if the person she loves is not Mo Jingteng, but Mo Zixuan is her biological son, she still loves it.

  Of course, she didn’t come to Wen Ran for this.

  Wen Ran's face changed slightly, and she refused without thinking: "Mo Zixuan is in a bad mood. You should call Zhou Lin. They are already getting married, so it is not convenient for me to persuade him."

When Xiao Wenqing heard her say this, she was immediately disappointed and asked to say: "Of course, I know it's not appropriate to ask you to persuade Zixuan, but Zixuan is the only one in his heart from beginning to end. He can't let go of you for one day. I'm not happy, I forced him to marry Zhou Lin."

  At the end, Xiao Wenqing almost cried with a sad face.

  The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

Seeing Wen Ran's lips pressed, Xiao Wenqing said to herself: "Zixuan is a child who admits to death. No one can change what he believes. You are now his brother's wife. I definitely won't let him do anything. The matter of robbing women with your brother, of course, you just have to persuade him not to drink all day, just once?"

   "For the sake of his infatuation with you, you cheer him up, auntie please!"

   "Well, I don't guarantee that he will listen to me."

  The last words of Xiao Wenqing worked. Thinking of Mo Zixuan's previous her, Wen Ran still felt a little unbearable. That night, he was designed to sleep with Zhou Lin and betrayed her, which was not his intention.

   "Of course, thank you, you are a kind-hearted child, and you will surely be rewarded."

  Xiao Wenqing immediately thanked him happily again, with a sorrow, warmly greeted Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao to eat food.

When the shark fin soup came up, Xiao Wenqing was very enthusiastic, "Of course, you taste this shark fin soup first, if you like it, you will have another one later."

   As she said, she got up and sat down on the chair next to Wen Ran, using a spoon to scoop up a spoon of thick soup and feeding it to her mouth.

  Wen Ran was about to refuse, the phone rang at the right time, and she laughed perfunctorily, said "I will answer the phone first", then stood up, took the phone and left her seat.

  When Xiao Wenqing lowered his head, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

  Two minutes later, Wen Ran returned to his seat and said without sitting down: "Aunt Xiao, I have to take a step first if I have something to do. You eat slowly, Xiao Xiao, you go with me!"


  Bai Xiaoxiao also put down her chopsticks from the moment she got up and left the seat.

  Xiao Wenqing's face changed slightly, and she picked up the shark fin soup before she even thought about it, "Of course, you can drink this shark fin soup before leaving. This has high nutritional value."

  Wen Ran's eyes swept over the shark fin soup she was carrying, seemingly embarrassed: "Aunt Xiao, I have something urgent to deal with right away, or else, I pack this shark fin soup and drink it back."

  It happened that a waiter brought dishes to the table next door, passing in front of them, Wen Ran waved to the waiter and asked him to pack her shark fin soup.

  (End of this chapter)

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