Chapter 1100 Give me the knife

  The coldness between Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows became more and more serious.

  Before the mudslide in City B, Cheng Jia’s parents appeared in the natural disaster along with Cheng Jia’s ID card. He felt that Cheng Jia should have died too.

   "If it were Cheng Jia, her purpose would be much simpler."

  Mo Xiuchen's deep voice was full of chills.

  Mo Jingteng said before his death that Cheng Jia would definitely come back to retaliate against him...

  For this reason, he has been looking for Cheng Jia. Gu Kai looked at his frost-covered handsome face, and said calmly, "Xiu Chen, if Cheng Jia is true, she shouldn't hurt Momo. Her goal has always been clear."


After Gu Kai left, Mo Xiuchen put Zi Yi back in the crib. He sat in front of the bed and gazed gently at Wen Ran on the bed. He looked at it, and his eyes became moist inexplicably. He bowed his head and became thin. Lips lightly kissed her hand, and whispered softly: "Of course, you must be stronger."


  Wen Ran had a dream.

In the dream, a fog can not see clearly, a person who can’t distinguish between men and women holds Momo and says to her in the fog: “Wen Ran, you owe me, today, I will use your daughter to come. also."

   "No, don't hurt my daughter." Wen Ran's eyes widened, mixed with panic and anger, "If you have any hate, come at me and let my daughter go."

   "You want me to let your daughter go, unless you die in front of me now."

With a bang, the man threw a knife.

   "I have dozens of sounds. If you haven't cut your wrist, then I will cut your daughter and let you watch your daughter run out of blood."

  Wen Ran paled, and screamed "No" sharply, bending down to pick up the knife on the ground, and the other party's hand, still holding a knife, gestured directly on Mo Mo's wrist with the bracelet.

  "Don't hurt my daughter, as long as you let her go, I promise you."

  Wen Ran's hand holding the knife was trembling, and her voice was also trembling, but in that trembling tone, there was a motherly woman's unique strength and great maternal love.

  I am willing to give up my life for the sake of my daughter.

"Cut it, you are dead, and I will let your daughter go." The man laughed, and the laughter pierced her like a sharp arrow. The next second, a familiar voice came from behind her, that was what she loved deeply. The man, Mo Xiuchen.

   "Of course, don't do stupid things."

  "Repair the dust."

  Wen Ran turned her head in astonishment and looked at Mo Xiuchen a few steps away. In the mist, his handsome facial features came into view clearly. Strangely, she could not see the person opposite, but she saw Xiu Chen so clearly.

   "Ranran, be good, give me the knife." Mo Xiuchen stepped forward, taking the knife from her hand while she was out of defense.

   "Mo Xiuchen, are you here to die? No matter who you die, as long as one person dies in front of me, I will let your daughter go, one, two..."

  "Repair the dust and return the knife to me."

  Wen Ran listened to the non-male and female voice, and looked at Mo Xiuchen in a panic.

   "Of course, after I die, you will find someone who loves you again. Remember, you must find someone to take care of you and our children. You are alone, and I am not at ease."

  "...Eight, nine, ten"

  Wen Ran watched Mo Xiuchen resolutely picked up a knife and cut his chopsticks wrist, she screamed: "Xiuchen, don't."

  Both opened suddenly, and the whole person bounced off the bed.

   "Of course, I am here."

  Before the bed, Mo Xiuchen was startled by Wen Ran's stern cry. Her soft little hand got out of her palm, and she sat up on the bed.

  A trace of distress flashed in his eyes, and he quickly reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Wen Ran sat up and once again affected the wound in her abdomen, her brows were frowned with pain. She clenched her lips and did not sigh, but turned her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

   "Of course, I was just dreaming just now, not afraid."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't know what she had dreamed of, but when she called his name in the dream, his heart seemed to be severely grabbed, and he leaned over and hugged her in his arms.

  Wen Ran's body was a little stiff, he didn't struggle, just like that, Ren Mo Xiuchen held him.

  She was thinking about the dream just now.


  D country

  In the apartment, as soon as Bai Xiaoxiao lay down and was about to go to bed, Eudora broke in and said anxiously, “Xiaoxiao, it’s not good. My friend just told me that Wen Ran’s child had an accident.”

Bai Xiaoxiao was startled when she heard the words. Her brain was a little slow to respond. It took two seconds before she reacted in Eudora's anxious eyes, and her eyes widened in astonishment: "Eudora, what happened to Ranran's baby you just said? ?"

Eudora came to her bed and simply explained: "I wanted to call my friend just now and ask him to help. There is no news. But he told me that something happened in G city. It is said that just yesterday, Wen Ran's daughter was taken away from the hospital."

   "Is this news true?" Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed drastically and rushed to the edge of the bed, grabbing the corner of her clothes.

   "It's true. I searched a domestic website just now. Look, this is news."

  Bai Xiaoxiao snatched her mobile phone and eagerly glanced through the web news. Sure enough, it makes sense that the daughter of Mo Xiuchen, the president of Haochen Group, disappeared just five days after she was born.

  The gangsters got into the Kangning Hospital. After a few days, they finally got a chance...

   "How could this happen." Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, and her voice was extremely anxious and worried. She returned her phone to Eudora, picked up her phone from the bedside, and quickly dialed a number.

   "Xiao Xiao, who do you call?"

  "Call my mother, I will ask, what's the matter." Bai Xiaoxiao answered her questions as she dialed the number.

   "Why don't you call Wen Ran directly?" Eudora asked puzzled.

  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at the screen of the phone closely, and said, “Of course, I must be sad now. The more I ask her, it will only make her sad. Let me first ask my mother to see how much she knows.”

  "Then you can give Mo Xiuchen a shot." Eudora couldn't understand Bai Xiaoxiao's thinking.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked up at her, and then replied, “Mo Xiuchen is looking for Momo now. If I call him, he will definitely be annoying.”

Hearing this, Eudora shrugged and said emotionally, "You really deserve to be your best friend and Wen Ran. I know her so well. I asked my friend, but unfortunately he doesn't know much. He happened to be on a business trip in G city, so he listened. Said the news."

  The call was connected, and Bai Xiaoxiao's voice came. Bai Xiaoxiao immediately asked: "Mom, I just heard that Ran Ran's daughter Mo Mo is missing. Is it true?"

   "It's true. Your dad and I are on the way to Kangning Hospital. We just learned the news after watching the news."

   "Then you will see it in a while, then call me." Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to say that she would buy a plane ticket and go back, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't say anything.

  (End of this chapter)

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