Chapter 110 Who can stand loneliness forever

  When Gu Kai came, Wen Ran just helped Wen Jin onto the bed.

  He brought the scar removal ointment and the supplies needed to change her dressing. Before Wen Ran went to find him, he came by himself.

  Bai Xiaoxiao came in with him and said that her father asked her to go back to the company, said hello, and left.

   "Of course, I didn't disturb your brothers and sisters, right?"

  Gu Kai dressed in a white lab coat, elegant and holy, without losing his noble demeanor, and his smile was warm and moist. In the hospital, I don’t know how many nurses and patients were stunned.

  Wen Ran smiled and shook his head, saying no.

  Gu Kai asked Wen Jin about today’s situation before changing the dressing for Wen Ran. After the dressing, he gently warned:

  “Don’t get water on the wound in the past two days. Change the medicine again after two days. After the ointment is applied, there will be no scars on the face and arms.”

  Wen Ran put the ointment away, smiled and said, "Brother Gu, thank you."

  Gu Kai laughed, "Thank you, I should answer your big brother Gu, even if you can’t do the same as your own brother and treat you like your own brother, you will definitely not refuse."

   "Thank you, Doctor Gu, for being so kind to Ranran."

  On the hospital bed, Wen Jin moved his eyes away from Wen Ran and looked at Gu Kai.

Gu Kai shrugged, constricted a smile, and sighed with emotion: "Years ago, Xiuchen was kidnapped. When he was in distress, a little girl rescued him. After he came back, he told me about it. His little girl is my lost sister."

  Wen Ran was surprised, and asked in amazement: "Brother Gu, you mean, Cheng Jia, is your sister who has been separated for many years?"

  Gu Kai smiled bitterly. If Cheng Jia was really his sister, it would be fine. After Cheng Jia appeared, he would quietly take her hair for DNA testing. The result was not as he expected.

   "Not only is she not my sister, she doesn't even believe Xiu Chen, she is the little girl who saved him back then."

   Listening to his words, Wen Jin's eyes changed slightly. He remembered what Mo Xiuchen said to him that day. He always felt that it was the little girl who saved him back then, but Mo Zixuan said...

  Now, Gu Kai said again that he had determined that the little girl who rescued Mo Xiuchen was his long-lost sister.

   "Brother Gu, is there a mole on your sister's chin, like Cheng Jia?"

  Looking at the sadness between Gu Kai's eyebrows, Wen Ran frowned her eyebrows subconsciously, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

  Gu Kai nodded. He never said much to outsiders about these things, but in front of Wen Ran, he would feel kind and unknowingly, he would say what was in his heart.

  Wen Jin put his hand to his mouth and coughed twice. Wen Ran immediately retracted his gaze looking at Gu Kai, took the water glass on the table and handed it to him, and said concernedly: "Brother, come, you drink some water."


  Wen Jin’s smiling eyes appeared to be a little bit pampered, and he took a sip from the water glass she handed to her mouth.

   Footsteps sounded outside the ward, and then the door of the ward was pushed open, and Mo Xiuchen's tall and tall figure appeared at the door, ignoring Gu Kai and Wen Jin in the ward, and his deep eyes looked directly at Wen Ran.

  His eyes met, a flash of emotion flashed through his eyes, then a warm smile filled his eyes, and he stepped into the ward, his eyes fell on her arm, "have changed the medicine?"

   "Well, Brother Gu replaced it for me."

Wen Ran stood up while talking, Mo Xiuchen turned his eyes to Gu Kai. The latter smiled and said calmly, "The medicine I use can make Ranran's injuries heal more quickly and completely. Don't let her in these two days. My arm is wet."

  Mo Xiuchen nodded and walked towards her, feeling the hostility in Wen Jin's eyes on the hospital bed, he turned to look at him, and calmly met his sharp gaze.

   "Of course, I want to eat bananas. Go downstairs and buy some for me."

  Wen Jin and Mo Xiuchen stared at each other for a second, then moved away, turned their eyes, and said to Wen Ran.

   "It just so happens that I have to go downstairs to buy something, of course, I will go with you."

  Gu Kai stood up and took the initiative to say that he knew that Wen Jin was very helpful and had something to say to Mo Xiuchen.

  Wen Ran is not stupid, and naturally knows that her elder brother intends to disengage her, a trace of hesitation flashes in her eyes, fearing that he will have a dispute with Mo Xiuchen.

   "Go, let Akai accompany you."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled soothingly, saying that he would not treat her brother anything.

   "Okay, then you talk, I will be back soon."

  Wen Ran finished speaking, and left the ward with Gu Kai.

Mo Xiuchen closed the door of the ward, turned around, and returned to the bed. He pulled the chair and sat down, his legs cocked at will, his eyes faintly looked at Wen Jin on the bed, and he said faintly: "I know, Mo Zixuan Before I went to City F, I visited you. If you have any doubts, just ask!"

  After Wen Ran went on a business trip, Mo Xiuchen had been busy with the project and had never been to the hospital.

  This does not mean that when Mo Zixuan came to the hospital, he did not know.

Wen Jin squinted his eyes, and his handsome facial features condensed a layer of coldness. He was straightforward, and he didn't want to go around with him, "Mo Zixuan said something to me, I don't believe it all, and I don't believe it all. He said, that night between him and Zhou Lin, it was you."

   When he said this, he looked at Mo Xiuchen sharply, not letting go of any changes in his face.

Mo Xiuchen snorted lightly, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He asked instead, "Did he still tell you that I hated Xiao Wenqing for killing my mother and for taking my dad, so I framed him and Zhou Lin." Go to bed and take away the woman he loves?"

"Is not it?"

   Wen Jin's eyes darkened, and her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

   "You only think that I use Wen Ran's life's happiness as a condition to help you Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory, but this is not my life."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't answer Wen Jin's words directly, but he asked with a hint of mockery in his rhetorical tone.

   "Who in the city of G does not know that your Young Master Mo is sick, not a normal man, even if those women admire your status, who can keep loneliness forever?"

  Wen Jin's unceremonious words only exchanged for Mo Xiuchen's sneer: "Do you still think I am sick now?"

   "Just because the world is deceived by you, I can't rest assured to be with you."

  Wen Jin was suddenly angry. He had guessed that his illness was a fake before. Those rumors were deliberately released by him, but there was no evidence. After last night, he had become a husband and wife. Now, he confessed in person.

   "Wen Jin, everyone has a secret, but I will not expose you. No matter what Mo Zixuan says to you, I only have one word, I will not hurt Wen Ran."

  Mo Xiuchen ignored his anger and accusations, and did not want to explain too much, but told him with certainty that he would not hurt Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran is already his wife. Whether he is worried about Wen Jin or accepts him, he can’t change this fact.

  It was before, and now it is!

  The things Mo Xiuchen identified, never changed.

  (End of this chapter)

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