Chapter 1098 Is there news from Momo?

  White blinked one at a time.

  One month ago, when Gu Kai learned about Tongtong’s life experience, Bai Yiyi wanted to tell her mother when he asked Tongtong to give his surname.

  But, she was hesitating when to say that Gu Kai was on a business trip again.

  This delay is one month.

  She took a deep breath and said calmly, “Tongtong’s father is Gu Kai.”

   "Gu Kai, is that Gu Kai from Kangning Hospital?"

  Bai Yuqin looked at Bai Yiyi in shock. Obviously, it was hard to believe this explosive news.

   "Well, it's him."

   Bai lowered his eyes one by one, nodding lightly.

   "How could it be him, one by one, how can you know Gu Kai and have students with him?"

   "Mom, listen to me, I didn't know him before..."

  Bai said things briefly. After hearing what she said, Bai Yuqin sighed long, “Karma cycle, this is retribution. Your dad committed the evil back then, you pay him back.”

   "Mom, what kind of retribution is not retribution, it is just an accident."

   "Yes, it was an accident, but with so many men in the world, it is not good for you to meet someone from the Gu family. Since Hitomi is his daughter, it is understandable that he asks Hitomi to be surnamed Gu."

  Don't say that it is asking Tongtong to be named Gu, but Gu Kai wants Tongtong's custody. Bai Yuqin feels that they can't grab it either.

  After all, the man she loved back then robbed Gu’s daughter.


  Corning Hospital

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin left the hospital, went to find Lu Zhihui, and searched for Momo with him.

   called Zhou Lin and Li Qian to accompany Ranran.

   "Sister Li, Arlene, let's go back, it's late."

   In the silent ward, a gentle voice broke the silence. She did not raise her head, but looked at the sleeping Zi Yi in the crib.

  The head of the bed stretched slightly higher. She was lying on the bed with her head tilted, even her neck was sore that she couldn’t bear to move.

   "Of course, you go to sleep, take a good night's sleep, and when you wake up tomorrow, Mo Xiuchen will rescue Mo Mo back."

  Li Qian looked at Wen Ran in sadness, her eyes astringent again.

  Zhou Lin wiped her eyes, stood up and said, "Of course, Sister Li is right. You sleep well, even if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about Zi Yi and Mo Xiuchen, right?"

   "I'm fine, I'll go to bed soon."

   Wen Ran raised his eyes and smiled at them, pretending to be strong, which made people feel more distressed.

   "Then we will see you tomorrow."

  Li Qian hesitated, feeling that they were staying here, but instead they would not rest. Asking Zhou Lin with his eyes, the latter nodded, exhorted Wen Ran, and left the ward together.

  The special nurse entered the ward when they were out.

   "Miss Wen, rest, I will take care of the baby."

   "No, I don't sleep now."

  Wen Ran shook his head, the special guard did not speak, and took two steps back to the wall, standing there quietly without disturbing Wen Ran.

  In the ward, there was silence again.

  Warmly looked at Zi Yi, and Mo Mo's small face appeared before her eyes. Thinking of Zi Yi and Mo Mo sleeping together in the baby room, sadness swept ragingly like a tide.


  This night is long and tormented.

  All night, Wen Ran did not close his eyes. In the early morning, Mo Xiuchen called back.

  The next morning, Mo Xiuchen rushed back to the hospital, seeing Wen Ran's red and swollen eyes, and inexplicable pain in his heart.

   "Of course, come, have breakfast first."

  A slight smile appeared on Mo Xiu's face, trying to make himself as usual as possible.

   "Xiuchen, I don't want to eat."

  Wen Ran shook her head. She did not know how many tears she shed all night last night. It was a kind of pain that no one else could feel. In fact, she is not sad when she thinks of it, but the sadness is like a shadow, and she can't shake it away.

  How long has she not experienced this feeling of being torn in her heart.

  It seems that since Xiu Chen came back to her, she has been very happy this year. Yesterday afternoon, she also said that she was very happy, but she did not expect the sadness to come so quickly.

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his eyes, and a touch of pain passed through his eyes. He held the heat preservation box tightly and smiled and said, “Of course, eat a little bit, if you don’t eat, how can you feed Zi Yi?”

  He put the heat preservation box on the small table in front of the bed, and watched him gently and skillfully open the box and serve her with porridge. Her heart was turned over by waves, and the heat spread over the tip of her nose and poured into her eye sockets.

  "Xiuchen, is there no news from Momo yet?"

  After all, I still asked.

  From the moment Mo Xiuchen entered the ward, Wen Ran's heart was suspended, with three points of expectation, two points of fear, and one point of hesitation.

If Mo Xiuchen didn't mention it, she knew that there was no news.

   Endured for a moment, still couldn't help but want to hear him say it himself.

  In the crib, Zi Yi cried, her long and thick eyelashes trembled, and her small body twisted.

   "Xiu Chen, hurry up and pick Zi Yi up, is he defecating?"

  Mo Xiuchen responded with a ‘OK’, and at the door, the special guard stepped forward quickly, picked Zi Yi to the side, and changed his diapers.

   "Of course, don't watch, eat breakfast first."

  Mo Xiuchen sat down on the edge of the bed and handed the porridge to Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran met his gaze, and immediately lowered her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Since Mo Mo's disappearance yesterday, her tears have made herself hate. No matter how hard she wants to be strong, tears still flow.

   reached out to take the bowl in Mo Xiuchen's hand, and asked softly, "Have you had breakfast?"

   "I'll eat later, you can eat first."

   "Xiu Chen, you accompany me to eat." Wen Ran raised her head and looked at Mo Xiuchen dimly with tears. She was sad, but did not ignore this man, knowing that he must be like her and could not eat.

  Mo Xiuchen twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not form a smile, "I watched you eat."

   "Did I eat it, you just eat it?"

  Wen Ran stubbornly looked at Mo Xiuchen, holding the porridge bowl tightly with both hands.


   "Okay, I'll eat." Mo Xiuchen took a breath and took out a tissue to wipe her tears, "There is salt in this porridge."

  Wen Ran tightened her lips, turned her face away and stopped looking at him.

  She fed porridge spoonfuls of porridge to her mouth. She didn't know the taste, but she ate faster than usual.

  Mo Xiuchen sat next to him, watching Wen Ran finish a bowl of porridge in a short time, and he smiled, "Ranran, are you still eating?"

   "Stop eating, it's up to you to eat now. You didn't sleep all night last night. After eating breakfast, go to bed."

  The gentle voice was choked with sobs.

Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips, and silently filled himself with a bowl of porridge. Wen Ran asked the special nurse to carry Zi Yi over to her, lifted her clothes, and breastfeeded Zi Yi. While listening to Mo Xiuchen, he said, "Of course, I'll take a moment. To go to City B, although Lu Zhiwei has contacted the police there, I still want to go there in person."

  (End of this chapter)

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