Chapter 1094 I can't control myself

When Bai Yi arrived at the door of the ward, Wen Ran was answering the phone.

  She opened the door, and Wen Ran just hung up the phone.

   "Of course, who made the call?"

   Bai saw Wen Ran's slightly red and swollen eyes one by one, and his heart tightened suddenly. As a mother, she can understand how Ranran is now.

  The baby born in October is the mother's heart. I wish I could give her the best in the world. No matter how much love, I feel that it is not enough.

  If a baby is stolen, it hurts hundreds of times more than it hurts.

  Wen Ran saw Bai Yiyi coming in, she was startled for a moment, raised her hand to caress her tears, she tried to make her voice sound calm: "It's An Lin's call, she knows about Momo."

   "Of course, don't be sad, Mo Mo will definitely be fine. President Wen went to the dean's office, Mo Xiuchen and Gu Kai are there, and they will definitely think of a way."

  While she was talking, she took out a tissue and handed it to Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran took the tissue that Bai Yiyi handed over and wiped her tears, and listened to her saying: "Of course, you can't be sad now, don't cry anymore. If you shed too much tears, it will hurt your eyes."

   "I can't control myself."

  Wen Ran bit her lips tightly, and the breath that enveloped her was full of deep sadness. This kind of sadness is not something other people can experience.

   "Momo is still so young, they took her away, what if she is hungry."

  Wen Ran dryly wiped her tears, but when she thought of Momo, the tears couldn't stop falling, like cut pearls, big and big, it made people's hearts tight.

  Bai's eyes quickly became wet, "Of course, it was Lu Zhihui's call to Mr. Wen. He must be looking for Momo at the station, airport and other places now."

  Bai Yiyi didn't know that the other party had already called and threatened Ranran, so she didn't want her to call the police. She wanted to comfort Wen Ran, but she didn't want to. Wen Ran heard her words and immediately sat up excitedly.

  The next moment, because of the wound involved, she made cold sweats on her forehead again, and her small face was pale and bloodless.

   "Of course, don't get excited, your wound hasn't healed yet."

   Bai's face changed drastically, as she reached out and held down Wen Ran.

   "You can't call the police, they said, as long as I call the police, Momo will be dead." Wen Ran paled with pain, but only thought of her daughter.

  Bai was startled one by one: "Of course, did they call you?"

   "Well, that person said that as long as I call the police, they will kill Momo. She is so young, and she has only been in this world for a few days. No, I have to call Xiuchen and ask him to stop Lu Zhihui from searching."

  Wen Ran said, grabbing the phone tremblingly, and dialing the number tremblingly.

   "Xiu Chen, didn't you say that there was no alarm, how could Brother Lu know?"

As soon as the call was connected, Wen Ran asked excitedly. Her choking voice penetrated into Mo Xiuchen's ears through the radio waves. Mo Xiuchen's heart suddenly hurt, "Of course, don't get excited, I will go back to the ward for a while. Tell you."

  "I only want Momo to be well. Before the other party has stated their purpose, don't let the police come forward and Xiuchen. I am afraid that they will hurt Momo."

  Speaking of the back, the sadness of Wen Ran's voice poured out, and tears again lost his sight.


  Mo Xiuchen stood up, glanced at the other three people, strode out of the office, and went back to the ward.

   "Of course, do you know who took Momo away?"

  Bai asked softly one by one. She knew that Wen Ran had almost lost her sanity because of Mo Mo's disappearance. She now has only one thought in her mind, as long as Mo Mo is well.

  This kind of worry and anxiety, when Hitomi hurt her eyes, she had it.

  Ke can't compare to Wen Ran's panic and fear at the moment.

  She looked at the cold sweat on her forehead, and she felt sad again, "Of course, you lie down first, and I will raise the bed, OK?"

  Wen Ran just stared at the phone closely. She flipped through the call log and looked at the blank record without a number. She only felt a sharp pain penetrated into her heart.

  The pain of heart-digging and eviscerating is nothing but that.

  Bai rose a little by the head of the bed, and as soon as Wen Ran lay down, Mo Xiuchen strode in.

"Ran Ran."

  The light in her eyes touched her crying red eyes, Mo Xiuchen's heart tightened, and he stepped forward, reaching out to wipe her tears.

  Wen Ran turned his head to avoid him, and said chokedly: "Xiuchen, those people can't be forced, if you push them in a hurry, they will hurt Momo."

   "I called Lu Zhihui. They are plain clothes and they don't wear police uniforms."

  Mo Xiuchen sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at Wen Ran distressedly.

   "Where is Zi Yi, why didn't you bring him back?"

  Wen Ran then saw that he was coming back alone, she panicked suddenly, and she sat up again with her body just leaning against the head of the bed.

Mo Xiuchen pressed her back to the bed distressedly, touched her cheek with a big palm, and said softly: "Of course, Zi Yi is held by A Jin and will be held back in a while. From tonight, Zi Yi can't live in the baby room. , Live with us."

  Originally, Wen Ran planned to leave the hospital tomorrow.

  I don’t know if Momo meets today.


  Wen Ran was stunned, the panic in his eyes gradually subsided.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at this kind of Wen Ran, and felt pain in his heart. He thought of Ranran’s mother. It was because of Ranran...

   Thinking of this, his heart suddenly choked.

   Leaned over and hugged Wen Ran, whispering in her ear: "Ranran, you must be stronger. I promise you that you will save Momo back."

   Wen Ran's body was a little stiff and Ren Mo Xiuchen hugged her. All that appeared before her eyes were Mo Mo's delicate and beautiful face. She had only been with Mo Mo for a few days, and she could no longer bear the pain of loss.

  Bai watched Mo Xiuchen hugging Wen Ran one by one, pursing her lips, and quietly exiting the ward.

  At the other end of the corridor, Wen Jin and Gu Kai walked side by side. Wen Jin held Zi Yi in his arms, while Gu Kai was pushing a crib.

   "Wait a while before you go in, Mo Xiuchen is calming down."

  Bai took a few steps forward one by one, stopping Wen Jin and Gu Kai.

   "You hold Zi Yi, I will answer the call." Wen Jin's cell phone rang, and he held Zi Yi to Bai Yi one by one. He took out his cell phone. It was a call from the customer. He took a few steps to answer it.

  In the corridor, only Gu Kai and Bai were left.

  For a time, the atmosphere was embarrassing.

  Bai held Zi Yi one by one, ignoring Gu Kai. She looked at Zi Yi and thought of the missing Mo Mo. Her mood became heavy.

   "Is Hitomi okay?"

  Gu Kai saw Bai one by one staring at Zi Yi for a long time, without looking up, looking over her, glanced at the ward in front, and asked dullly.

Bai Yi looked up at him one by one, then lowered his head, his eyes fell on Zi Yi's small handsome face, "Hit pupil is very good, she has already started to learn pronunciation, and two more teeth have grown this month, how about you? , Has the wedding date with Miss Fang set?"

  (End of this chapter)

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