Chapter 1089 When you get married and have a baby

   The next day, Luo Haofeng told Mo Xiuchen that his mother had agreed to the conditions he had made last night. In the afternoon, he and his mother went back to City B.

  In the afternoon of the same day, Gu Kai rushed back from abroad.

  After hearing Mo Xiuchen's words, she talked with Wu Jingfang about the injury and let Luo Haofeng get rid of Qi Meiling. Gu Kai just gave a faint oh, and said nothing more.

  Because Wen Ran gave birth prematurely, Tan Mu went on a business trip for Mo Xiuchen. In the afternoon of these five days, Mo Xiuchen was holding Mo Mo to show Wen Ran, and Tan Mu called.

  He handed Momo to the special nurse beside him, got up, and walked out of the ward to answer the phone.

   "You just put Momo on the bed."

   Seeing Mo Xiuchen out of the ward, Wen Ran asked the special nurse.

  The special nurse smiled and nodded: "Okay, Miss Wen."

  Outside the ward, Mo Xiuchen walked a few steps before pressing the answer button, and said in a low voice, "Hey, A Mu."

   "Repairing dust, things are a bit troublesome."

  On the phone, Tan Mu’s voice came, with three-point seriousness and two-point depression.

   Hearing the words, Mo Xiuchen's handsome eyebrows curled up, his expression sinking slightly, "I haven't seen anyone yet, or what?"


  In the corridor, it was very quiet. Only Mo Xiuchen stood tall and tall in the corridor. Under the dim light, his facial features were deep and three-dimensional, and there was a layer of coldness.

  After listening to Qin Mu's words, his thin lips pressed into a straight line of cold determination.

   "Xiu Chen, the other party is not good. The survey results show that he met your old man before going abroad. In the past few years, he flew to two places at home and abroad?"

  "Promise his request and let him come to the shareholders meeting."

  After a moment of contemplation, Mo Xiuchen spit out faintly. Of course, the man had planned for so long behind his back, and of course he had a purpose. It is a good thing that he is willing to surface now.

   "I think so too. Why not agree to his request and see what he wants to do next."

  On the other end of the phone, Tan Mu's thoughts were the same as Mo Xiuchen's.

"Well, you can bring him back. I have already told An Lin. During this time, she will handle the affairs of City C. You come to the headquarters of City G as acting president. I have to take care of Ranran and the two babies. So much time."

   "Can I refuse?"

   Tan Mu asked reluctantly.

  Xiuchen, this guy enslaves him when he catches the opportunity. Even if he travels for him, he actually has to go to G City to help him with his affairs.

   "No, but I need someone to take care of it."

  "You can ask your sister-in-law for a few more months, they are more experienced than you."

   Tan Mu protested over the phone.

   "I am not assured that others will take care of me. I have decided to take care of it myself. When you are married and have a baby, I will give you a year off."

  Mo Xiuchen spoke generously, but Tan Mu's mouth twitched.

   "Xiu Chen, of course, the birth of a dragon and a phoenix has nothing to do with you. What are you proud of."

  "I'm not proud, but not everyone can give birth to dragon and phoenix fetuses, A Mu, come on, find a wife who can give birth to phoenix wombs, and I will give you a long vacation at that time."

  Before he finished his voice, a beeping sound came from the phone.

   Tan Mu actually hung up his phone.

  He looked at the hung up phone, raised his eyebrows proudly, and cursed with dissatisfaction.

   "Xiu Chen, why didn't you accompany you in the ward?"

  At the elevator door, Gu Kai and Fang Zhiwei came together. They saw Mo Xiuchen from a distance, and Gu Kai asked.

Mo Xiuchen put away his mobile phone, standing tall and straight, waiting for them to come closer, he said: "I just talked on the phone with A Mu, he was jealous of giving birth to me, so he hung up the phone. "

  Gu Kai twitched his mouth and smiled: "Men all over the world are jealous of you."

   "Well, what did you bring Ranran to eat tonight?"

  Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes swept across the insulation box in Fang Zhiwei's hand, and asked calmly. Gu Kai relied that he was a doctor, and he had to agree with him overbearingly, but he was responsible for the confinement meal.

  Fang Zhiwei raised the insulation box in her hand, and answered the question in an unnatural way: "You talk, I went to the ward in advance."


  Gu Kai faintly responded, and signaled Mo Xiuchen to go to the smoking area over there.

   "Do you want it?"

   took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Mo Xiuchen, Gu Kai retracted again, pretending to be in a daze: "When I think about it, you might cough when you smell the tobacco, so you won't smoke it."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at him coldly and sat down in a chair beside him.

  "Have you and Fang Zhiwei's wedding date been set?"

  He said, Gu Kai's action of lighting the cigarette was slightly stagnant, and he looked down and looked at him faintly: "The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch?"

  Mo Xiuchen was choked by Gu Kai's words, his handsome face turned black, and he did not speak again.

  Gu Kai lighted a cigarette, took two puffs, and the smoke that he exhaled obscured his handsome facial features, and his voice came in a muffled voice: "I've only been back for four days. I'm so busy. How can I determine the date of the wedding."

   "You don't want to get married." Mo Xiuchen unceremoniously exposed him.

  If he wants to get married, he will never travel for more than a month. He doesn’t want to come back. He still goes to see Shen Yuting. Thinking of this, Mo Xiuchen asks, “How is Shen Yuting’s surgery done? Did he really forget it?”

   "When I came back, she hadn't woken up. However, the operation was very successful. I think she had the idea of ​​deleting her memory for a long time, so she would have to have an operation before her confinement."

   "It's okay to forget."

  Mo Xiuchen's tone is indifferent. To Shen Yuting, he does not have the affection of Gu Kai. He would not tolerate it again and again if it wasn't for the face of him and Jiang Liu.

   "Well, it’s okay to forget. She didn’t know how to live in those few months. Most women get fat when they are pregnant and give birth, but she is thinner than before, and the child is less than five catties.

   Although Gu Kai is annoyed by Shen Yuting's previous obsessions and extreme behaviors, she is a cousin who has loved her for many years. Perhaps, she has always loved her as a sister.

  After all, I still care.

   "Don't worry about Shen Yuting's affairs, but worry about your own affairs. Have you been out for a month, have you thought about it?"

  Mo Xiuchen swept across the cigarette between his fingers, and his deep words showed concern.

   Gu Kai's face changed slightly, and he said faintly: "I promised Zhiwei last time, what else is there to think about, don't you all say she is good?"

"I knew it."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at him coldly.

   With a determined expression, Gu Kai frowned: "What do you know?"

   "I know that your partner Zhiwei doesn't like it. You let Ranran go on a blind date with you at first, because you think that as long as she can get along well with Ranran, you can treat your sister as her sister."

  As Mo Xiuchen said, Gu Kai did not refute: "Of course it is the sister I found after searching for many years. Even if I never get married for the rest of my life, I will not marry a woman who is not good to her."

  (End of this chapter)

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