Chapter 1087 How do you compensate

  "Repair the dust."

  Luo Haofeng was touched.

  He thought that Xiu Chen would even blame him for his mother. Unexpectedly, Xiu Chen was still thinking about him, and also thinking of taking this opportunity to get him out of Qi Meiling.

  Mo Xiuchen gave a cold snort, and walked away.

Wen Jin was also shocked by what Mo Xiuchen said just now. Seeing Mo Xiuchen strode out of the hospital, he touched Luo Haofeng who was in a daze with his arm: "Let's go, just like Mo Xiuchen said, this Is the best opportunity."

Before   , although Wu Jingfang was also dissatisfied with Qi Meiling because of her unconsciousness, and even had conflicts with the Qi family, because the Luo Qi family was too deeply involved, Wu Jingfang was worried and not firm.

  Now that there is something like Ranran, Wu Jingfang owes Mo Xiuchen.


  Luo Haofeng brought Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin to the hotel.

   At the door of the room, Luo Haofeng stepped forward and rang the doorbell. Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin stood two steps away. Their handsome and tall figures were reflected on the walls on both sides, and the air filled with melancholy.

   "A Feng, how are you... President Mo, President Wen."

  Wu Jingfang opened the door and saw Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin standing beside her, her face suddenly changed.

  Before she opened the door, she watched the video and only Luo Haofeng was alone. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiuchen followed.

  I want to close the door now, it is naturally impossible.

   "Xiu Chen, A Jin, let's go in."

Luo Haofeng turned his eyes to look at Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin, and stepped into the room. Mo Xiuchen and Wen Jin walked into the room one after another. Wu Jingfang stood aside stiffly and watched them walk. After sitting down in front of the sofa, she followed along.

  From the moment he entered the door, Mo Xiuchen had a cold face, and the breath exuding from his body was somber and cold. On that handsome face, it was clearly written that he had come to Wu Jingfang to settle accounts.

   "Xiu Chen, when did you come back, did you wake up?"

  Wu Jingfang changed the name of Mo Xiuchen from ‘Mr. Mo’ to ‘Xiuchen’, the purpose is to get closer. Let him look at the face of her son A Feng and don't embarrass her too much.

  She didn't speak, Mo Xiuchen hadn't looked at her yet.

  As soon as she spoke, Mo Xiuchen's gaze shot like a sharp knife. When Wu Jingfang looked at his knife's eyes, her heart was inexplicably cold, and her heartbeat stopped for a while.

   "Thanks to Aunt Wu for your blessing, but you have saved your life."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was cold and mocking, Wu Jingfang's face turned pale when she heard it, and she twitched the corners of her mouth awkwardly, "Xiu Chen, do you know everything about this afternoon?"

  "If you want people to know it, you can't do anything about it. It's impossible, Aunt Wu thought I would never know, I'm here now, should Aunt Wu give me an explanation."

   Speaking of the back, Mo Xiuchen's tone became heavier and deeper.

   "Xiu Chen, it was an accident. I'm sorry. I accidentally pushed it down." Wu Jingfang knew that he couldn't lie. Mo Xiuchen found it, indicating that he already knew the situation.

  It’s just that I don’t know if Wen Ran told him or the **** told him.

   Thinking of the **** surnamed Qiao, Wu Jingfang gritted her teeth again, extremely annoyed.

  But on the face, she looked self-blaming and guilty. After speaking, she looked at Luo Haofeng for help.

Mo Xiuchen's eyes suddenly drenched, watching Wu Jingfang's eyes really resemble a knife, and a sneer on his lips, "Of course, because of you Aunt Wu, you almost lost your life. My two children were born prematurely because of this. Wu Auntie thinks I'm sorry, it's too easy."

   "Xiu Chen, I didn't mean it, you and A Feng are brotherly friendship, how could I deliberately harm Wen Ran."

   "If you let the media know what happened today, I don't know what will happen." Mo Xiuchen spit out every word.

Wu Jingfang's face changed suddenly, and she blurted out, "Xiu Chen, you can't do this. I really didn't deliberately push Wen Ran down. Or I will compensate Wen Ran. If you have any conditions, you can put it forward, as long as I can do it. , I must agree."

  Wu Jingfang pays the most attention to face, no matter how much she and her husband have different dreams in the same bed, outside, they are the images of loving couples, and they are well-known in the circle of happiness.

  She must not let the outside world know that the person her husband has loved for so many years is not her, but the **** whose surname is Joe.

   "Conditions? Aunt Wu thinks, what conditions can make up for Ranran's injuries, as well as the premature birth of my son and daughter, is it impossible, you want to give me compensation from the Rock Group?"

  Mo Xiuchen leaned against the back of the chair with his long body, and seemed to talk casually, but he had a heart-pounding audacity.

  Haochen Group has opened a branch in City B, and now has one or two cooperation with Haochen.

  Wu Jingfang's face changed, and he hesitated: "Xiu Chen, you Haochen has a branch in City B, and we also have cooperation. I can sign you all the contracts for the next few years."

  "Aunt Wu, do you say yes, do you want Haochen to replace the Qi family? Since it is a cooperation, it cannot be compensated. Moreover, you now have a disagreement with the Qi family. If Haochen joins, you will only be resented by the Qi family..."

   "Then how are you?"

"Like Aunt Wu, you said, Afeng and I are brothers who are brothers, and you are his mother, an elder. But, of course, my child and my child are my most important people. They have been hurt. I can't help but Don't ask. The person who hurt her today was Aunt Wu. If it were A Feng, I would have abolished his arm just now."


  Wu Jingfang's eyes trembled.

  She couldn't believe what Mo Xiuchen said. He seemed to speak calmly, but in fact, every word was bloodthirsty and brutal.

  Working in the mall, she hasn't heard of Mo Xiuchen's determination.

   "Xiu Chen, what conditions do you have, you can say it, as long as the aunt can do it, she must do it."

  Today she was unlucky and overthrew Wen Ran. On the way to the hospital, Wen Ran fainted due to excessive blood loss before reaching the hospital. She turned pale with fright.

  I want to come now, but fortunately, Wen Ran is gone.

  The baby in her belly is fine.

  If Wen Ran had a relationship with the child in her stomach, Mo Xiuchen would not talk to her like this at this moment, and he would give up because he was afraid that it would ruin the Luo family.

  A man who has become ruthless, even his own father will not let go, she dare not expect him to look at A Feng's face and let her go.

  Mo Xiuchen saw Wu Jingfang’s expression change in his eyes, and said coldly: “I can accept Aunt Wu’s proposal just now, but I want to add one more so that A Feng and Qi Meiling can break cleanly.”

   "You mean, let A Feng and Qi Meiling break the relationship between husband and wife?" Wu Jingfang's expression changed again.


  Mo Xiuchen responded indifferently, without a word.

  (End of this chapter)

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