Chapter 1085 You Haven't Seen The Babies

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, "Have you not been to see them all?"

   "Can I look the same as you?"

  Wen Jin gave him an angry look, strode to the hospital bed, and said to him: "You are the father of two babies, but you are not going to see them, don't you feel bad?"


  Mo Xiuchen answered calmly.

  What's wrong, he just went to see them later.

   "Which is the bigger one?"

   Just as Wen Jin turned around and went out, Mo Xiuchen suddenly spoke up again. He was afraid that he might ask after a while and he would not know.

  Wen Jin paused and turned to look at him. Seeing that he didn't lift his head, his eyes still fell on Ranran, his brows frowned, "Momo is the older sister, and Zi Yi is the younger brother."


  Mo Xiuchen gave a hum, and there was no more text.

  Wen Jin walked to the door and when he opened the door and went out, he asked again: "Are you not even going to eat?"

   "Eat it later."

  Mo Xiuchen's answer, Wen Jin expected, he was speechless, walked out of the ward, and closed the door for him. Mo Xiuchen didn't look at Mo Mo and Zi Yi, his uncle went to look at them.

  Wen Ran's time to wake up is almost the same as Gu Yan said.

  At 9:25 in the evening, Wen Ran opened his eyes faintly, and what he saw was the snow-white ceiling.

  Brain consciousness was blank for a moment, and before he fully awake, a gentle and extremely soft call came from the top of his head: "Of course, you are awake."

Wen Ran slowly rolled her eyes, and when she met Mo Xiuchen's deep and gentle eyes, her eyes blinked, the voice overflowing with red lips was three-point weak, and she asked softly: "Xiu Chen, you When did you come back?"

  "I've been back for a while, but, of course, why are you so stupid, so serious, don't let Qingfeng and Qingyang tell me."

  Mo Xiu's big, distinct palms still held Wen Ran's hand. While speaking, he leaned over and kissed her forehead gently.

   Wen Ran pursed his lips, and said softly: "You just went on a business trip, and I don't want you to worry about it."

   "Fool, is your job important to you? If you have any shortcomings..."

  "Repair the dust."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't finish speaking, Wen Ran interrupted him.

  She looked at the self-blame and the deep love in his eyes, and she felt warmth in her heart, "Am I not good now? Don't blame yourself anymore. By the way, our babies, where are they now."

   "The baby is in the nursery. If you want to see it, I'll let someone hold it. Don't move, be careful of the wound."

  Mo Xiuchen whispered, and nodded gently, looking at him gently.

  Mo Xiuchen got up and walked out of the ward. A nurse was standing outside. He gave an order and both returned to the ward.

   "Of course, does the wound hurt?"

   "It doesn't hurt."

  She shook her head with a smile. Even if it hurts, she couldn't tell him that this man was already enough to blame himself, and she didn't want him to blame himself more.

   "Xiu Chen, you just rushed back over there, what should I do with work?"

   Changed the subject gently and asked with concern.

  Mo Xiuchen hooked his lips and said gently, “I called A Mu and asked him to go over and deal with it first.”

   "You won't go, can you?"

  Wen Ran was a little worried, if he didn't need to go to Xiuchen, he wouldn't go personally.

"Okay, it's okay." Mo Xiuchen replied very surely. He was thinking, giving the CEO the top spot to A Mu. He will have children in the future. Not only should he take care of Ranran, but also two children. , Will be very busy.

  And Amu is the most suitable candidate.

  Two minutes later, the door of the ward was pushed open. It was not the nurse who came in with the baby, but Bai Yiyi and Wen Jin.

   "Of course, the nurse said that you woke up, and Mr. Wen and I brought the baby to you."

Bai Yi said with a smile, holding Mo Mo to the hospital bed, she did not let Mo Xiuchen look, she stood directly at the head of the bed, lowered it, and let Ranran watch, "Of course, this is Mo Mo, she is Sister, see if her eyes and nose look like you. You don't know, the nurse said, I have never seen such a beautiful baby."

  Mo Xiuchen stretched his neck and leaned over to look curiously.

  Bai glanced at him one by one, "Mr. Mo, do you think Momo looks alike?"

   "I'll hug."

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth curled up with a gentle curve, and a smile appeared in his deep eyes. While talking, he stretched out his hand to hug Momo.

   "Xiu Chen, didn't you just unwilling to see Mo Mo and Zi Yi?"

Behind   , Wen Jin's voice sounded coolly.

  Mo Xiuchen looked startled, turned his head and stared at him coldly.

   "Xiu Chen, haven't you seen the baby yet?"

   asked softly and suspiciously, and Qinghong's water blinked blankly.

   "I was too worried about you just now, and I heard that the two of them were sleeping, so I thought, when you wake up, we will watch together."

  Mo Xiuchen explained gently that changing his face is faster than changing the sky.

   "Of course, I'll hold it for you." After Mo Xiuchen finished speaking, regardless of whether Bai Yi wanted it or not, he arrogantly took Mo Mo from her hand.

  He had never held a child before, especially a newborn child, soft as if he had no bones. The moment he held Momo, his body stiffened.

   "President Mo, be careful."

  Bai saw Mo Xiuchen stiffly, and he knew at a glance that he would not hold the child, so he quickly reached out.

   "It's okay, I will hug."

Mo Xiuchen smiled unnaturally, but it was just a momentary stiffness. He quickly found a way to put Mo Mo in his hands. Such a small baby, held by him, looked even smaller. Up.

   "Xiu Chen, I want to hug the baby too."

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Mo. She opened one eye and half-squinted one eye. While she was looking at her, she was also looking at her curiously.

  Perhaps it is the nature of mother and daughter. After Mo Mo and Wen Ran looked at each other for a few seconds, they blinked, and the corners of their lips moved, as if smiling at her.

   "Momo, this is my mother, and I am my father."

  Mo Xiuchen stared at her daughter, the more she looked, the more she felt that she was printed in a single mold, no matter her eyes, nose, or cherry mouth, they looked very clear. Especially those two curvy eyebrows, they look very beautiful.

   "Xiu Chen, I want to hug Momo."

  Wen Ran’s words just now were ignored by Mo Xiuchen, and she repeated it a second time now, with anticipation in her eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen frowned his eyebrows and said softly, “Of course, you have just had an operation, and you can’t hold your baby now. After a few days, your wound will grow longer.”

Wen Ran pursed his lips in disappointment when he heard the words. Next to him, Wen Jin held Zi Yi and took a step forward, making him face Wen Ran and smiling and said: "Of course, Mo Xiuchen is right. You can't hold him now. It’s the same when we hold you."

  Zi Yi saw her mother, just like Mo Mo, with a curious look on her face.

The difference between    and Mo Mo is that his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the two beautiful babies, and suddenly felt that the pain of the previous months of pregnancy and the pain of this afternoon disappeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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