Chapter 1072 Blood Family Affection


  Bai Xiaoxiao refused to say anything. Li En had already snatched the towel from her hand. She opened her mouth and swallowed again.

  Li En smiled gently at her, “You have breakfast first, and then you will feed Hitomi later.”

  Bai opened the breakfast one by one, took a bite of a dumpling, and said softly: "Brother Li, I asked you to help the night before, no need."

  Li En's action to wash his hands for Hitomi was stagnant, and turned to look at Bai Yiyi who was sitting in a chair eating breakfast. Her dark circles under her eyes were really serious and her complexion was not very good.

   "Gu Kai already knows?"

   stared at Bai one by one for a few seconds, then asked faintly.

Bai nodded, "Yes, he suspected that Tongtong was hospitalized, and he did a DNA test." Seeing Li En's face changed, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes, "Gu Kai promised me, no Will take away Hitomi."

   "He speaks so well?"

  Li En narrowed his eyes and didn't believe it at all.

   "Well, I have negotiated with him."

   "What conditions?"

   Li En asked, his expression a little dark. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to finally marry him one by one.

  He has only become a boyfriend for a day, and he is about to be laid off. How can he not be angry.

  Bai's eyes flickered, and under Li En's sharp and gloomy eyes, she said calmly: "His conditions are exactly the same as I thought."

   Li En’s face showed anger: "As you think, is it, that **** Gu Kai wants you to be single for a lifetime and not allowed to get married?"

"Brother Li, don't be angry. Gu Kai is also for Tong Tong, afraid that I will get married, and if I have another child, I don't love Tong Tong. Anyway, I don't plan to get married. Hitomi, that's it."

  "On this one condition?"

   "There is another one, let Hitomi take his last name."

   "No, one by one, Tongtong was born in ten months after you were pregnant, and you gave birth to it with hard work. You have raised Tongtong by yourself for more than half a year. Gu Kai can't do nothing without giving Tongtong the surname."

  Li En didn't even think about it, so he opposed it.

  Bai Yi saw him angry and said mildly, “Brother Li, this is between me and Gu Kai. As long as Tongtong can be with me, her last name doesn’t matter.”

The implication of    is not to let him participate.

  Li En's face changed for this.

   "One by one, although this is your own business, but I can't just watch you being bullied. I will go to Gu Kai now."

  Li En said, threw down the towel, hugged Hitomi in the middle of the bed, took the Barbie doll on the side to her, turned and left.

   "Brother Li, you can't go."

  Bai Yi did not expect that Li En would be so angry to go to Gu Kai.

   Seeing him turn around and leave, she quickly put down the breakfast in her hand, followed up and grabbed him, "Brother Li, this is a matter between me and Gu Kai, you let me solve it by myself."


   On the bed, Hitomi saw her mother chasing Li En to the door, thinking that both of them had left to ignore her, and cried out with a wow.

  "Tongtong doesn't cry." Hearing Tongtong's cry, Bai let go of Li En one by one, turned around and went back to hold pupil, Li En opened the door and left the ward when she was going to hold pupil.

  Bai yelled one by one, and the answer to her was the sound of closing the door.

  She hugged Hitomi, and while coaxing her to stop crying, she quickly walked out of the ward to chase Li En.

  Li En took the elevator to Gu Kai's office floor, and when he knocked on the door, Bai followed her with her pupils one by one.

  In the office, Gu Kai opened the door, and when he saw Li En standing outside, his eyes changed slightly, and when he saw Bai Yiyi holding Tongtong coming, his face suddenly became gloomy.

   "Gu Kai, you bastard."

   Li En scolded angrily, as the last time, he fisted directly at Gu Kai.

  Where would Gu Kai hit his fist, tilt his head, avoiding his fist, and then fight back.

   "Brother Li, Gu Kai, don't fight."

Before Bai Yiyi had time to react, the two big men had already fought at the door of the office. She whispered, and in her arms, Hitomi, who had just coaxed to stop crying, burst into tears when she saw the two in front of him fighting. stand up.

  Li En was not Gu Kai’s opponent at all. After a few strokes, he received a punch in the face. Seeing that Li En was at a loss, Bai Yi rushed up holding his pupils to block Gu Kai, "Gu Kai, stop."

  Gu Kai shot her sharply, and the fist that was thrown out abruptly stopped. Seeing Tongtong looking scared, his heart tightened and he stopped.

  However, Li En, who had suffered a loss, was furious, and when he stopped, he slammed a fist in his face.

  Gu Kai was stretching out his hand, trying to hold Tongtong who was scared and crying. He couldn't dodge, and was struck by Li En's fist. He snorted, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

   "Brother Li, don't fight."

  Bai's expression changed drastically. Seeing Gu Kai's expression of anger, fearing that the two would fight together again, she quickly handed Tongtong to Gu Kai for a hug, "Gu Kai, don't fight, you scared Tongtong."

  Gu Kai raised his hand to wipe the trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, spit out another mouthful, endured the pain, and took his pupil.

   "One by one, you can't hug Hitomi, he is not worthy."

  Li En looked at Gu Kai gloomily, trying to get his pupil back, Bai Yi quickly grabbed him, "Brother Li, you go back first, I will deal with it myself."


  Tongtong is already beginning to make some vague notes. After being hugged by Gu Kai, there are still tears in her eyes, but she has stopped crying, and stretched out a small hand to touch the corner of his mouth.

  Gu Kai's heart warmed, and the anger in his eyes disappeared instantly when Tongtong's little hand touched his painful corner of his mouth.

   "Hitomi is so good."

  When the corner of his mouth was raised, his brows were frowned again, Li En, the villainous sneak attack, exhausted his full punch with that punch, and the corner of his mouth suddenly turned blue.

   Hitomi's movements are very gentle, although she is small and doesn't understand anything at all, the movements may just be unconscious. But it made Gu Kai feel unspeakably warm and moved.

  He regards Hitomi's behavior as her feelings for him.

  Even Bai Yiyi on the side was frightened by Hitomi's movements, and his mood was chaotic and complicated for a while.


  At the other end of the corridor, Fang Zhiwei, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran came together, and the speaker was Fang Zhiwei.

  Gu Kai saw her, his eyes changed, but he did not return Tongtong to Bai Yiyi.

  Aside, Li En's eyes flashed a sneer.

  "Miss Bai, you are here too...Akai, what's wrong with the corner of your mouth?"

When    walked in front of them, Fang Zhiwei and Bai said hello one by one, before turning their heads to look at Gu Kai, with deep concern in their eyes.

  Wen Ran glanced over Li En, and saw that his forehead was also blue, and the corner of her brother's mouth was injured. The two obviously had a fight. She frowned, and beside her, Mo Xiuchen held her hand and tightened comfortingly.

  (End of this chapter)

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