Chapter 1065 You are gone, what should I do

  At the weekend, Tan Mu and An Lin came back to City G to see Luo Haofeng.

  Mother Luo originally wanted to come to G city to pick up Luo Haofeng and go home. She called again on Friday night and asked Luo Haofeng to go back after a while.

At noon, Luo Haofeng, who had been eating in the hospital, went to Yipinxuan with everyone.

During the meal, Tan Mu asked curiously: "Afeng, you just said that Auntie wouldn't let you go back now because of the Qi family, isn't it?"


  Luo Haofeng had food in his mouth, but he hummed. After the food in his mouth was swallowed, he explained: "People from the Qi family, don't want Qi Meiling to live in the hospital, saying that she will be admitted to my house."

   Wen Ran was startled, the action of picking up the vegetables stopped, and he looked at Luo Haofeng with clear eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Luo Haofeng, and thoughtfully prepared food for Wen Ran, listening to Luo Haofeng said: "My mother is not willing, so let me not go back for the time being."

  "Didn’t your two contract be terminated?"

  Gu Kai casually inserted a sentence.

"That's just a recent cooperation. Qi Meiling's brother asked someone to warn my mother because of this. He is also stupid, knowing that my mother doesn't eat this kind of thing the least. The more they have this attitude, the more my mother thinks about it. Get rid of Qi Meiling."

  Luo Haofeng’s words were full of ridicule. His mother was never a kind person. A large part of the reason was the attitude of the Qi family that made her unhappy.

  Mo Xiuchen faintly curled his lips, then said: "It's best to fall out."

  "Well, but this matter is not in a hurry. Now the Qi family is making trouble, A Feng, you can stand up and express your opinion. You can't make people think that you are unreasonable, because Qi Meiling has become a vegetable, so you don't want her."

Tan Mu frowned thoughtfully.

Luo Haofeng thought for a while before he said, "Well, I think so too, wait for the Qi family to make trouble again." He turned his head and asked Mo Xiuchen: "Xiuchen, the branch over there, you don't send anyone. Sit down?"

   "Mo Zixuan said, he will go."

  Mo Xiuchen shrugged, and the answer was light and breezy.

   "Mo Zixuan, he won't stay in City G to take care of Zhou Lin's mother and daughter?"

Gu Kai raised his eyebrows and fed a piece of fish into his mouth. Tan Mu held up the cup in front of him, took a sip of water very gracefully, and said slowly, "Or I will go. , It may not go smoothly."

   "Tin Mu, you are there, what should I do?"

  An Lin blurted out the words, making everyone look at her.

  When she spoke, she realized that she had said something that was misleading, and she blushed when everyone was looking at her.

   Tan Mu frowned, turning his head to look at An Lin.

"I mean, when you leave, I will be left alone in City C. I can't be too busy." An Lin's reaction was also fast. In Tan Mu's opinion, she immediately returned to her normal expression, tone, and tone. natural.

   "There is nothing I can't do."

   "Amu, you stay in City C, and City B, I will arrange another person to go." Mo Xiuchen's deep eyes paused on An Lin for half a second, and said calmly.

"I think it's okay for Mo Zixuan to go." Wen Ran said his own opinion, "Zhou Lin can bring his own sweetness. Mo Zixuan is with Zhou Lin every day, and he doesn't see any emotional development between them. Let him After going out for a while, maybe he will know the importance of Zhou Lin and Tiantian."


  Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly, expressing his agreement with Wen Ran.

  Tin Mu's going to City B, it was nothing.

  Half of the meal, Gu Kai's cell phone rang, he took out the cell phone and saw the call, his eyes flashed.

   "Akai, it's not Fang Zhiwei who called to check Gang." Wen Jin glanced at Gu Kai's cell phone and laughed.

   "No." Gu Kai pursed his lips, pressed the answer button, and said in a low voice, "Hey."

  I don’t know what the other party said, but the color of Gu Kai’s eyes changes, and Bo Yi’s lips are pressed tightly, "Okay, I get it."

   "Did something happen to the patient?"

   Tan Mu looked at Gu Kai with concern. After he answered the phone, something was wrong.

"If something happens to the patient, A Kai won't be sitting here." Wen Jin squinted his eyes. He was close to Gu Kai. Just now, I vaguely heard the voice on his mobile phone, as if saying something similar. Ninety nine...

  Looking at Gu Kai's expression again, it is difficult to say that he did the DNA test.

   "I have something to go first."

  Wen Jin's words fell, and Gu Kaiteng stood up from his chair.

  After finishing speaking, before everyone could speak, he strode out of the private room, leaving a crowd of people looking at the door suspiciously.

   "What happened to my brother?"

   Looking at the direction of the door in doubt, Gu Kai had already disappeared.

  "Don't worry, there should be something. At night, call him and ask him again."

  Mo Xiuchen calmly patted Wen Ran, and then added vegetables to her, "Eat more."

  Gu Kai walked out of Yipinxuan, and suddenly a heat wave rushed over his face. He strode towards the parking lot, but the call he had just received echoed in his ear.

   "Akai, the result is... the similarity is 9.9%..."

   Needless to say, he also knows what it means. Thinking of this, he took a deep breath.

  The hands could not help but squeeze into a fist.

  Bai, the dead woman, she actually lied to him and wanted to dominate his child. Even, in order to dispel his doubts, she said that Hitomi is the daughter of her and Li En.

  He took out his cell phone, but before making a call, he gave up the idea and put the cell phone back in his pocket.

  Getting into the car, Gu Kai sat in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel in both hands, but calmed down.

  He didn't drive immediately, but leaned forward with his upper body, lying on the steering wheel, his expression contemplative. Everything Bai Yiyi did was because he was afraid that he would steal the pupil.

  Before I think about it, the phone's ringtone rang.

  Gu Kai took out his cell phone and saw the caller's name showing Fang Zhiwei's name. He closed his eyes depressedly. The phone rang several times before pressing the answer button, and the voice overflowing with thin lips became warm and moist: "Hey, Zhiwei."

   "Akai, my car broke down on the road..."

   "You are there waiting for Feng, I will pick you up right away."

  After Fang Zhiwei finished speaking, Gu Kai calmed her gently, “Don’t worry, you call the tow truck first. I’ll be there in about 20 minutes.”

  Hang up the phone, Gu Kai raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, not thinking about the white things first, fastened his seat belt, started the car, and went on the road.


  In the hospital ward

  Bai suddenly eyelids twitched one by one, she frowned, and a feeling of anxiety rose in her heart.

  On the hospital bed, Hitomi was playing with her Barbie doll, babbling something, on the bed sheet, and the syringe she dropped.

  This syringe is her new toy for these two days.

  I don’t know, if all children like to play like this, Hitomi has liked playing with syringes since yesterday.

  I also learned to give Barbie an injection with a syringe.

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  (End of this chapter)

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