Chapter 1059

  The air in the ward suddenly became a little thin.

Suddenly, Gu Kai's voice broke the silence and rang deep in the room: "Bai Yiyi, who is Tong Tong's biological father?"

  Bai's heart beats one by one.

   A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and quickly turned into anger: "What's up with you, Gu Kai, you are not an ophthalmologist, if you are okay, please go out, don't disturb me and Tongtong to rest."

   "Are you guilty?"

  Gu Kai squinted sharply, his upper body leaning forward, suddenly a strong sense of oppression forced Bai Yiyi.

Bai Yi instinctively leaned back, pulled some distance from him, and forced himself to meet Gu Kai's sharp X-ray eyes: "What is my guilty conscience, don't you always be nervous, thinking If you want a child, you can quickly marry Fang Zhiwei and have one."

  The corner of Gu Kai's mouth evokes a cold arc: "If I have a ready-made child, do I still need to regenerate?"

"I do not understand what you say?"

  White's face changed suddenly.

  The voice is stiff.

  Gu Kaiman blinked carelessly, and said slowly, “Bai Yiyi, I suspect that Tongtong is my daughter, so if you don’t admit it, I will prove it myself.”

   "Gu Kai, Tongtong has nothing to do with you."

  Bai instinctively protects the pupils one by one, and the look in Gu Kai's eyes is alert.

   Last time, she could calmly say that Tongtong has nothing to do with Gu Kai, but this time, it was different. ,

  Gu Kai obviously came here prepared. Maybe, when he held Tongtong in the morning, he had some doubts and discoveries. She knew that the kind of family affection that blood was thicker than water could not be believed by Gu Kai if she said no.

   "No, but yesterday I was holding Hitomi, but it felt strange."

  Gu Kai seemed to be reminiscing about the feeling when she held her pupil in the morning, “Bai Yiyi, I will give you another chance. If you don’t admit it, I have a way.”

   "Hitomi is not yours."

   "I count on living." Gu Kai's mouth evoked a touch of sarcasm.

   "To tell you the truth, Hitomi is the daughter of Brother Li and I. I am now ready to marry Brother Li. The night I was with you, I took the post-incident medicine."

  Gu Kai's face sank, "Li En's daughter, are you a lie?"

"What good is it for me to lie to you, because Hitomi is Li En's daughter. He only proposed to me last time, and I have promised him." Bai Yiyi panicked, and there was no logic in what he said. Not incoherent.

  Gu Kai coldly said, "Okay, then you call Li En, I want to see if he is Tongtong's biological father."

   "Just call, my brother Li is coming tomorrow, you just ask him."

   "Call now."

   Gu Kai is aggressive, with a sullen anger between his eyebrows, which makes Bai Yiyi a little timid.

  Who made her really borrow his seed?

  She scolded Gu Kai severely in her heart, and slowly took out her mobile phone under his powerful air-conditioning field.

   "You are not allowed to whistle on the phone, just let Li En come to the hospital." Gu Kai warned when she dialed the phone.

  Bai pursed her lips one by one, the phone rang twice, and Li En’s voice came: "Hey, one by one, why are you calling so late? Is it Hitomi’s eyes..."

   "Brother Li, come to the hospital, I have something to look for you."

  Bai interrupted Li En one by one and said calmly.

   "Okay, I will go now."

  Li En was puzzled, but didn't refuse. Bai had something to do with him one by one, he couldn't refuse.

  Bai hung up one by one, Gu Kai turned around and left.

"where you go?"

   "Go out and wait for Li En."

  Gu Kai walked towards the door without looking back.

  Bai changed his expression one by one and stopped: "Gu Kai, you are not allowed to meet with Brother Li alone."

  "Are you afraid that Li En won't play according to your script?" Gu Kai turned around and looked at Bai Yiyi mockingly at a distance of several meters.

Under the light, Bai Yiyi's face was a little pale, and with a mocking look at Gu Kai, he stiffly said: "I don't want to explain to your girlfriend again, Gu Kai, Miss Fang is such a good woman, how can you bear your heart hurt? she was."

   "Why didn't I know I hurt Zhiwei?" Gu Kai looked disdainful.

  "Don’t you? If you go down like this to find Brother Li, you will definitely do something with him. This is a hospital. If everyone in the hospital knows that you and I had a one-night stand, do you think Miss Fang would not know?"

  Bai asked one by one.

  Gu Kai frowned, and just about to refute, Fang Zhiwei called.

  He glanced at his eyes one by one, pressed the answer button, answered Fang Zhiwei’s call in front of her, and listened to her voice from the phone: "Akai, are you off work?"

   "No, have you finished watching the movie?"

  Gu Kai adjusted his mood slightly, and his voice was gentle and calm.

   "What time is it, I haven't finished watching the movie, Akai, I am in your office now. I wanted to invite you to supper, but I didn't see where you were."

   Gu Kai heard the words, his eyebrows were slightly flicked, his eyes whited one by one, and he said: "I'm in the ward now, and I will go back soon."

   "Is it in Luo Haofeng's ward, you don't need to come back, I will look for you."

  Fang Zhiwei finished speaking, and hung up the phone without waiting for him to speak.

  Gu Kai stared at the screen of the hung-up mobile phone for a few seconds, then raised his head and glanced at the white one by one, then turned and left the ward.

  This time, Bai Yiyi did not stop him.

   On the contrary, she was greatly relieved. She knew that Gu Kai was not looking for Li En, but his girlfriend.


  In the early morning, Wen Ran woke up, Mo Xiuchen had just put on his clothes and came out of the cloakroom.

   Seeing her sitting up, he strode to the bed, stretched out his hand to support her, and asked softly, "Of course, are you going to the bathroom?"


   Nodded warmly. As the baby grows up, the number of times she goes to the bathroom increases.

   Helped by Mo Xiuchen, he got up, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom door. Mo Xiuchen let her go.

   "You don't need to look at me, go downstairs to eat breakfast and go to work." Wen Ran went into the bathroom, reached out to close the door, but was stopped by Mo Xiuchen, "Don't close it, I'm waiting for you."

  Wen Ran wanted to refuse, but Mo Xiuchen had reasons: “Of course, it’s inconvenient for you to have a big belly. I don’t worry. There are not many things in the company today. I can handle it in the morning. I will come back to accompany you in the afternoon.”


  Wen Ran's lips moved, and there was no answer.

  Mo Xiuchen knew that she was protesting silently, and the corner of his mouth evoked a spoiling arc, standing domineeringly at the bathroom door, he must look at her to be relieved.

  This behavior, today is not the first day.

  Since Wen Ran was six months pregnant, he had not allowed her to go to the bathroom and closed the door, saying that he was worried.

  Not only this, the work of taking a bath at night has also been contracted by him overbearingly. Even if he takes a bath every time he takes a bath, he will feel uncomfortable himself, but he persists.

  Mo Xiuchen's gentle and considerate touched Wen Ran, but he was helpless.

  (End of this chapter)

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