Chapter 1052 Apologize

  "Your guarantee is invalid."

  Gu Kai Moyu's eyes narrowed sharply, and Li En's behavior this afternoon made him suspicious again.

  He decided to do a DNA test to find out whether Bai Yiyi’s daughter has anything to do with him. Save Li En going crazy next time.

Bai Yiyi used anger to cover up his guilty conscience: "Gu Kai, you are not qualified to use my daughter for DNA testing. I said last time that you have nothing to do with Tong Tong. Moreover, I will never do what I say. Let Li En trouble you again."

  What's the joke, let him do DNA test?

  Identified that Tong Tong had something to do with him. What should he do if he and her rob his daughter? Tong Tong was born in October after a hard pregnancy. She would never allow Gu Kai to rob her.

   "Why should I believe you?"

  Gu Kai leaned back on the sofa, took the coffee cup with one hand, took a sip to his mouth, and then put it down.

"I speak up, even if you don't believe me, you should think about it for yourself. If you really make things worse, Miss Fang will definitely be hurt. Gu Kai, I don't want to involve other people in that night. , And don’t want to be a sinner who destroys you and Miss Fang."

   "Li En's behavior in the afternoon has already misunderstood Zhiwei."

   Gu Kai's tone was deeply unhappy.

  Bai hurriedly said: "I can explain to Miss Fang."

  "How do you explain, tell Zhiwei, have I ever had a one-night stand with you?"

  Gu Kai was a little aggressive, and the more Bai Yi refused, the deeper his doubts.

   "Of course not, I will tell her the truth, because my dad hurt your sister, so you hate me."


   Gu Kai, who also said that he would test the NDA one second ago, when Bai mentioned her father Fu Jingyi one by one, he suddenly agreed to her proposal to explain to Fang Zhiwei, "Then explain clearly by yourself."

  Listening to the beep in his ear, Bai let out a long sigh of relief.

  She knew that Gu Kai suddenly changed her mind because she mentioned her father.


  The next day, Bai called and asked Wen Ran for Fang Zhiwei's phone number one by one.

   "Of course, I promised your brother yesterday to personally explain to Miss Fang yesterday's misunderstanding, can you tell me her phone number?"

When    received Bai Yiyi’s call, Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen had just arrived at the country house, and they had not even got off the car.

   "One by one, does my brother ask you to explain to Sister Wei?"

   asked mildly and suspiciously.

  "Well, your brother said, Miss Fang misunderstood, let me explain to her. This matter started because of me, I should explain clearly."

   Listening to Bai Yiyi’s sincere words, Wen Ran’s eyes flashed, “One by one, Sister Wei should not be such a stingy person. There is nothing wrong with you and my brother, how can she be angry?”

   "Let me explain, so that you don't have any misunderstandings between your brother and Fang Zhiwei, and blame me."

  Bai Yiyi didn't want to hear Gu Kai's sharp and mean words anymore.

   "Okay, then I will send sister Wei's number to your mobile phone, you can contact her."

   hung up, Wen Ran sent Fang Zhiwei's number to Bai Yiyi. Outside the car, Mo Xiuchen had opened the door for her, standing tall and straight two steps away.

   "Of course, what did Bai call you one by one?"

   Entering the villa, Mo Xiuchen asked Wen Ran to sit on the sofa. He went to wash a plate of fruit, put it on the coffee table, sat down beside her, and asked casually.

  Wen Ran ate the fruit he fed to his mouth, and said gently: “Ask me for Sister Wei’s number one by one, saying that my brother said it. Sister Wei misunderstood, let her explain."

"is it?"

Mo Xiuchen's long and narrow eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth evoked a funny arc: "Akai like this, how can people feel that his relationship with Bai is better than Fang Zhiwei. His girlfriend misunderstood, so Bai Explain one by one. Ordinarily, to explain, he or Li En should explain it."

"I think it's okay. Li En acted on my brother yesterday because one by one, if Sister Wei really misunderstands, she gets angry with my brother, and it's okay to explain one by one." Wen Ran frowned slightly. Wei paused, "It's just that my sister was angry yesterday?"

   "No, at best she can think about it, she can't even talk about misunderstandings."

Mo Xiuchen said mildly: "Fang Zhiwei likes A Kai, and A Kai treats her only in terms of politeness. As the client, she must know better than anyone else. Under such circumstances, she cannot be misunderstood because of Li En's words. It's even more impossible to get angry, Akai."

  Fang Zhiwei told Ranran that she liked Gu Kai, and after several contacts, Mo Xiuchen felt that Fang Zhiwei was a smart woman.

  Since she is a smart woman, she knows what to do and what not to do.

   "Forget it, don't talk about it, that's my brother's business, and he will take care of it himself."

  Wen Ran frowned, and waved his hand in annoyance.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and said dozingly, "Go, I'll take you to pick plums. It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, Akai will let us understand."


  Wen Ran smiled and nodded. She came here to live with Mo Xiuchen.


  G city

When Bai called Fang Zhiwei one by one, she was with Gu Kai.

  Gu Kai is a busy person and has surgery on weekends. Fang Zhiwei fully carried forward the spirit of a good girlfriend, boiled soup and brought it to the hospital.

  Gu Kai who waited in his office for half an hour before returning to finish the operation.

  The phone rang, Fang Zhiwei handed the soup to Gu Kai, took out the phone, and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. She blinked and answered the phone: "Hello, hello."

   "Miss Fang, this is Bai Yiyi."

  The sound of digging into her ears made Fang Zhiwei feel a little surprised, and she looked at Gu Kai instinctively.

  Gu Kai saw Fang Zhiwei look at her, her eyes moved slightly, and she continued to drink soup.

   "Miss Bai, what's the matter?"

  Fang Zhiwei retracted her gaze before asking politely.

   "I just wanted to explain to you what happened yesterday afternoon."

On the other side of the phone, Bai Yiyi’s voice was filled with three-point apology, "My friend has some misunderstandings with Gu Kai, and the reason is due to some grievances from the previous generation."

Fang Zhiwei smiled slightly and said, "Miss Bai, you don't need to explain. I have no misunderstanding. As long as you explain clearly to your friend, you can do nothing like that again next time. I accept your apology because your friend was true yesterday. Almost hurt A Kai."

   "Don't worry, there will be no next time."

  White pursed her lips one by one, with a very positive tone.

   hung up the phone, Fang Zhiwei took the initiative to tell Gu Kai: "Miss Bai called. She said that her friend did that yesterday because she misunderstood you. Let me convey her apologies."

Gu Kai had finished drinking her small bowl of soup. Hearing her words, he put the bowl on the coffee table, took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, Yun Danfeng said lightly, and his long body became lazy. Lean back into the sofa.

  (End of this chapter)

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