Chapter 1049 Confession

   "You ask Xiuchen."

  Hearing Wen Ran's words, Gu Kai glared at Mo Xiuchen, his tone faintly displeased.

  His voice fell, and when he saw Bai Yiyi and Li En at the table in the distance from the glass pillar, his handsome brows frowned.

   "Akai, wipe your sweat."

  Fang Zhiwei smiled slightly when seeing Gu Kai staring at the glass pillar, and took out a tissue and handed it to him.

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen who was wiping sweat with a tissue, "Xiuchen, what's the matter?"

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows and smiled, and threw the sweat-wiping tissue into the wastebasket beside him, and said calmly, “There is a traffic jam on the road. I'm afraid you are in a hurry, so I walked with Akai.

  "Can’t you just call me, in such hot weather, how far have you traveled, sweaty?"

   "It's not far, it's only ten minutes."

   "If you walk at a normal speed, you will definitely not sweat, but someone walks almost like someone else runs, how can you not sweat."

  Gu Kai took the paper towel handed by Fang Zhiwei and wiped his sweat, complaining loudly.

   "Of course you still go shopping with a heavy load, Akai, you only started to complain when you walked so far."

  Mo Xiuchen said he was shopping with a heavy load, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  The underground mall where she and Fang Zhiwei were visiting was not hot at all, which was different from walking under the sun.

  Several people were talking. In the hall, a few tables not far away suddenly burst into enthusiastic applause, and some people shouted "Be together, together."

  Some people shouted "Promise him, promise him."

  Wen Ran turned his head to look, Qinghong's water eyes widened in astonishment at any time. It turned out that the protagonists who everyone shouted were Li En and Bai Yiyi.

  Li En did not know when he was holding a bunch of roses in both hands, standing in front of Bai Yi, looking at her with scorching eyes.

  The guests and two waiters at a few tables next to them also fixedly looked at them.

   Gu Kai squinted her eyes, Mo Yu's eyes flashed a touch of sarcasm, she was really a watery woman. Not long ago, she explained that she and Li En were just friends.

  It's just a friend, would you confess to her in such a place?

   "I just thought that the man was Miss Bai's boyfriend. I didn't expect that he really liked Miss Bai." Fang Zhiwei looked at Bai Yiyi enviously.

  It would be great if the man beside her could confess to her like Li En confessed to her one by one.

  Bai Yiyi did not expect Li En to call her out today for this purpose.

   She looked at Li En with red lips and said softly: "Brother Li, I don't deserve you."

  "One one, I like you, I want to take care of you and Tong Dong. In this life, as long as I am with you, I feel worth it." Li En looked at Bai Yiyi affectionately.

  She has been avoiding him all this time, he asked her, she said that she was not free, he went to her house, and she hid outside and did not go home.

  Today, he finally called her out to confess to her.

   "I'm sorry, Brother Li, I can't accept you, I still have something to do, let's go first."

After Bai Yi and Li En looked at each other for a while, she flatly rejected him, turned around, and walked away quickly.

  Li En's tall body froze in place, his eyes dimmed as Bai Yiyi's figure disappeared from his sight, he retracted his gaze and turned his head to look towards Gu Kai.

   Seeing Li En looking at Gu Kai with hatred, Wen Ran couldn't help but frown.

  She thought of what Li En said to her last time, combined with Xiu Chen’s investigation, is it possible that her brother and Bai Yiyi, what is there?

  The next second, Li En hurried to their table and cursed angrily: "Gu Kai, you scumbag." His fist hit Gu Kai fiercely.

  Fang Zhiwei screamed in shock.

  Mo Xiuchen instinctively pulled Wen Ran into his arms, a coldness burst into his deep eyes, and shot Li En angrily.

  Gu Kai was on guard when Li En came over angrily, and his head turned away from Li En’s fist, his handsome face instantly covered with frost: "Li En, what are you going crazy?"

   "I'm crazy, Gu Kai, you bastard, you..."

   "Li En, please think carefully, this is a public place." Li En didn't say anything, but was interrupted sharply by Mo Xiuchen on the side.

  Li En, his face changed, suppressed his anger, and retracted his fist.

  He gritted his teeth fiercely and left a sentence, "Gu Kai, I won't let you go" and walked away.

  Gu Kai's handsome face was cold and he watched Li En out of the hall with a deep gaze. In his mind, his sentence echoed, "A Kai, you are a scumbag."

  Aside, Fang Zhiwei looked at Gu Kai blankly. She was really confused about what happened just now.

  A second before Li En was still confessing to Bai one by one, the next moment, he came to Gu Kai to shake his fist and scold others.

  Thinking of what, Fang Zhiwei gave a chuckle in her heart, and subconsciously squeezed her hands on her side into a fist.

   "Akai, did he hurt you?"

  She didn't ask what was going on, but asked with concern whether he was injured.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Fang Zhiwei, then turned to look outside, Li En walked to the parking lot, before getting into the car, looked back at them again before getting into the car.

   "I'm fine." Gu Kai's voice was a little indifferent, and he had countless questions in his mind.

  Li En must have known about the night between him and Bai Yiyi, but it is impossible that he thought Bai Yiyi’s daughter belonged to him. The confession just now failed, so he set the fire on him.

   "Xiu Chen, you go home first, Zhiwei, I will take you home." After Gu Kai finished speaking, he took out his wallet and paid the bill.


  On the way back, Wen Ran frowned and kept thinking about questions.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand, flattened her wrinkled head, and asked softly, "Of course, are you thinking about the relationship between Kai and Bai?"

   Turned her eyes gently, facing Mo Xiuchen's gentle eyes, she nodded gently: "Xiu Chen, after what happened just now, I think, my brother and Bai one by one, there must have been something."

   "Now you call Bai Yi one by one and tell her that Li En was fighting with A Kai just now. Listen to what she said." Mo Xiuchen tickled the corner of his mouth, calmly giving her an idea.

  "Is this all right? One by one I just rejected Li En’s confession. I will mention my brother to her now..."

   "Okay, you do what I say, it's not wrong."

  Mo Xiuchen's smiling eyes flashed a deep and sharp look. Now he is almost certain that A Kai and Bai Yiyi have an'addictive affair.' ’

  Hesitated for two seconds, then dialed Bai Yiyi's call. To resolve the doubts in his heart, he must act. She had to figure out where Li En's anger had come from just now.

  The phone rang several times before Bai Yiyi’s voice came: "Hey, of course."

   "One by one, are you home yet?"

  Wen Ran asked concerned first.

   "Well, I just got home. Of course, what's the matter?" On the phone, there were footsteps, as if they were climbing stairs.

  Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen beside him looked at each other and said, “One by one, after you left just now, Li En fought with my brother angrily...”

  (End of this chapter)

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