Chapter 1029 Don't Tell Her For The Time

  Mo Xiuchen went downstairs, and there was only Tan Mu in the living room.

   "Where are the two of them?"

  Mo Xiuchen walked to the sofa, sat down beside Tan Mu, and asked casually.

  Tin Mu's gaze retracted from the LCD screen, half-closed his eyes and looked at Mo Xiuchen for a few seconds before repliing faintly: "Go upstairs to sleep."

   "Why didn't you sleep." Mo Xiuchen leaned forward, took the kettle placed far away and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it in one breath, he poured himself another glass.

"I wait for you."

   Tan Mu's calm words reveal a certainty.

  Mo Xiuchen ticked the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

   "Just now, I chatted with A Feng for a while, and he said, you all know it." Tan Mu turned off the TV, turned his head, and looked at Mo Xiuchen calmly.

  Mo Xiuchen's smile disappeared from the corner of Mo Xiuchen's mouth, Bo Yi's lips pressed into a straight line, his handsome eyebrows twisted lightly, his long body leaned against the sofa, and he asked unhurriedly, "How did he tell you?"

   "He said, no matter what, Bai Xiaoxiao can't let Bai Xiaoxiao know about it."

   Tan Mu straightened up, and his voice was slightly gloomy.

   "How true do you think this is?" Mo Xiuchen squinted his eyes and asked Tan Mu.

  Tin Mu raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully: “It’s hard to say, this kind of thing is not easy to investigate. After all, it is related to the reputation of Bai Xiaoxiao’s mother. For a woman, that is the deepest harm.”

  Eternal dust is the best.

  If something is exploded, wouldn’t it mean that people’s scars will be opened bloody...

Mo Xiuchen's facial features condensed a layer of coldness, "The Qi family expected this before they would threaten A Feng. The key now is that Luo Haofeng's mother also admitted that what happened back then was true. "

   "Well, according to A Feng, his mother doesn't seem to be a lie. When he questioned her, her expression was flustered. At first, she didn't admit it. Later, when A Feng proposed Qi family, she admitted."

   Tan Mu took the words of Mo Xiuchen, they did not see the situation at the time, but listened to Luo Haofeng's description. In order to judge the truth of the matter, it is more uncertain.

  "Whether the investigation is good or not, you can't listen to the one-sided words of Qi family and A Feng and his mother."

  Mo Xiuchen thought for a while, and expressed his opinion.

  He came downstairs to talk to Tan Mu about this matter. The Luo family and Qi family's affairs seem to be getting more and more complicated.

  Luo Haofeng wants to get rid of Qi Meiling, it is not so easy.

Originally, they had gained little in the first few months and replaced the Qi family little by little, but Luo Haofeng went abroad to see Bai Xiaoxiao temporarily. Later, his mother cut her arms and killed herself. Now, this happened again. , Everything will return to the original point.

   "Is it difficult, really want to check?"

   Tan Mu Meifeng looked at Mo Xiuchen lightly.

   "I want to go to City B. I will find out the details first. Some things are not clear on the phone."

  Mo Xiuchen picked up the cup and took another sip. After putting it down, his long fingers were slightly bent on his legs, his deep eyes squinted slightly, thinking about the specific plan.

  A hint of surprise flashed in Tan Mu's eyes, "Are you going to City B?"

   "Yeah." Mo Xiuchen nodded.

   "Let me go, but in the current situation, you should still focus on her and stay with her more." Tan Mu pursed his lips and took the initiative to take responsibility.

   "Alright, it's the same if you go, I really don't feel relieved now."

  Not only is not at ease, but also reluctant. Thinking of what Ranran said tonight, if he was on a business trip, she would be uncomfortable, and the corners of Mo Xiuchen's mouth bent again unconsciously.

Tan Mu twitched his mouth slightly, "Actually, you didn't really want to go by yourself at the beginning?"

  He didn't know this guy for a day or two. Given how much he cared about Wen Ran, he would definitely not be willing to travel at this time.

   Hei Xiuchen's mouth raised lightly, and his voice was low and gentle, "Amu, it's the same when you go and I go, I can rest assured of you."

   "Then I will go."

   Tan Mu lightly sighed. After a few days of leisure, it seems that he has been busy for a while.

   "A Feng and Bai Xiaoxiao, of course, don't know it yet, don't mention it in front of her." Mo Xiuchen glanced upstairs and said calmly.

  Tin Mu looked at him slightly in surprise, "Of course I don’t know about the breakup of A Feng and Bai Xiaoxiao?"

   "Well, I told Bai Xiaoxiao not to tell her."

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, his handsome eyebrows lightly condensed, he didn't want to worry about anything, because pregnancy was already hard enough.

Tan Mu understands Mo Xiuchen's intentions, but thinking of Wen Ran's relationship with Bai Xiaoxiao, he still can't help reminding: "Xiu Chen, this kind of thing can't be kept secret. Ran Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao are the same sisters, she If you know it, you might get angry."

   "Wait for the opportunity, I will tell her again."

  Mo Xiuchen groaned.

  If the matter between A Feng and Qi Meiling can be resolved, wait until the matter is resolved before telling her.

   "Bai Xiaoxiao and A Feng, I am afraid it is impossible."

   Tan Mu’s voice was very weak. Luo Haofeng had a bad life this time. Since breaking up with Bai Xiaoxiao, he has been a little depressed.

   "It's human actions."

  Mo Xiuchen leaned against the sofa, and Ru Tan looked upstairs with deep eyes. Hasn't he and Ranran also gone through so many tests, and are still happy together today.

   "Go to rest, I am tired too, go to bed early, tomorrow I will go directly to City B."

Tan Mu smiled slightly, stood up, and walked out of the sofa.

  Mo Xiuchen saw him leave, and got up, and went upstairs with him.

  Returning to the master bedroom, Mo Xiuchen got on the bed, and carefully took Wen Ran into his arms, rubbing her abdomen with a large, well-knotted palm, and placed it there to feel the existence of their child.

  In his deep eyes, he was softly spoiled, with a happy arc at the corner of his mouth, bowed his head, kissed softly, and landed on Wen Ran's forehead.

  "Repair the dust."

  After Mo Xiuchen stared at Wen Ran for a long time, he woke up drowsily and warmly. In his opened eyes, he was sleepy.

   "Why did you wake up?"

  Mo Xiuchen looked at her with a smile.

   Seeing that she was about to get up, Mo Xiuchen hurriedly helped her up, "Did you go to the bathroom?"


   Wen Ran nodded, Mo Xiuchen got out of bed again, stood in front of the bed, helped her out of bed, and then insisted on helping her to the bathroom.

   "Xiuchen, I can go by myself."

  Wen Ran's words were deceived by him, she went into the bathroom, and he stood outside watching.

   looked serious and serious: "Of course, when you wake up in the middle of the night, your brain is definitely not clear. I will not be with you. What if you fall down?"

  Wen Ran didn't know whether he should be moved or should be moved by his caution.

  She didn't have the habit of getting up at night before, but recently, she would get up once at night. After two or three months, she may wake up more often. She doesn't want to wake Mo Xiuchen every time.

  But he woke up every night when she woke up.

  "Hungry, do you want to eat something." Wen Ran didn't eat much at night, and Mo Xiuchen worried that she would be hungry.

  (End of this chapter)

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