Chapter 1002 Does your daughter have my share

  Last night, Bai Yiyi and Wen Ran spoke on the phone.

  Originally, when she learned that Wen Ran was going abroad today, she wished her a good journey on the phone and have fun abroad.

  Woke up this morning, after Bai Yi was breast-feeding, he put her to sleep and practiced yoga for a while. At ten o'clock in the morning, she told the nanny to take good care of Xiaotong and go out shopping by herself.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the gate of the community, she saw Gu Kai coming out of the black car by the side of the road. He was dressed in black. In this cold winter, with his stern face, it gave people a chill for no reason. Biting cold.

  Bai changed his expression one by one when he saw Gu Kai.

  Gu Kai seemed to be a little surprised by such a coincidence, and ran into her as soon as he came.

  A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he strode towards her.

A distance of two meters away, Bai Yi looked at his eyes with more alertness, subconsciously grasped the strap of the bag, with the other hand closed his coat, tightened his lips, and walked forward. When he didn't see him.

   "White one by one."

  Gu Kai's tall figure blocked her in front of her, like a wall blocking her way, not to mention, even the sunlight above her head was also covered, casting a shadow on her face.

  Bai's face sinks one by one, and asks displeasurely: "What are you doing?"

   "I have something to ask you."

  Gu Kai's narrow eyes stared at her sharply.

   "I have nothing to say to you." Bai frowned one by one, trying to bypass him and leave.

  However, she couldn't get around at all. Whether she went to the left or right, Gu Kai stood in front of her, "Get in the car, and I will leave after I ask."

  Gu Kai didn’t wait for Bai’s seizures, and took her to his car.

  Bai opened his mouth one by one, and resisted the yelling again.

  Gu Kai pulled Bai to the front of the car one by one, opened the door, and stuffed her into the car.

  Go around by yourself and sit in the main driver's seat.

   "Fasten your seat belt."

  While he fastened his seat belt, he ordered Bai one by one.

  Bai looked at him vigilantly one by one: "Just say what you have, I don't have time."

"You are used to getting entangled with men. I don't want people to know what I have to do with you." Gu Kai's mocking words once again angered Bai Yiyi, and she asked angrily: "You are afraid of being caught." Seeing something to do with me, I came to ask me what to do."

  While talking, reach out and drive the door to go down.

  Gu Kai left the lock when she had the thought. Bai Yi couldn't open the door, and the anger on his face increased by three points: "If you have anything to say, please."


  Gu Kai snorted, no matter whether Bai Yi wears his seat belt or not, he lowers his head and starts the car.

   When the car ran out, Bai Yiyi screamed ‘ah’, and her body shook heavily because of inertia. She quickly stabilized her body and said, “Gu Kai, you are crazy.”

  Gu Kai ignored her anger and smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth. Obviously, Bai's embarrassment made him happy.

  A few minutes later, the car drove into the underground parking lot of a shopping mall.

  Gu Kai turned his head and looked at Bai Yiyi who was sitting in the passenger seat. He pursed his lips and asked, “What happened that night, did you take contraceptives later.”

  White's face changed one by one.

  She was outside the community just now, and when she first saw Gu Kai, she had a hunch that he was coming for Tong Dong.

  I just didn’t expect this man to be so direct.

   Seeing him staring at him sharply, Bai caught a panic one by one, and replied coldly: "You brought me here just to ask this?"

  Gu Kai said solemnly: "Yes, I want to know, your daughter, does it have my share."

  Bai looked at Gu Kai with idiot eyes one by one: "You are sick, it was just an accidental one-night stand. You can remember it for so long and still think of children."

  "Didn’t your daughter be pregnant that night, Bai Yiyi, how many men have you slept with?"

  Gu Kai burned a fire in his heart inexplicably. He hated Bai Yiyi's frivolous attitude, just as she woke up that morning and found them lying on the same bed.

  Bai wanted to slap Gu Kai's face with a slap. She gritted her teeth fiercely and held back: "How many men I have slept with has nothing to do with you, as long as you know that Tong Tong has nothing to do with you."


  Gu Kai smiled and said bitterly: "It has nothing to do with how many men you sleep with. However, if you are a dirty daughter like you, stay away from my sister, I don't want to see you appear in front of her again."

   "I'm dirty, at least I have someone who wants it, better than you, a virgin who is 30 years old and no woman wants."


  Gu Kai growled angrily.

Bai Yi snorted coldly, opened the door, and before getting out of the car, he turned his head and said to Gu Kai: "I hope you will forget about the incident that night, and don't mention it in front of anyone. I really don't want people to know, I and An inexperienced man went to bed."

   "Bai Yiyi, get out of here!"

  Gu Kai's anger was concealed by the sound of Bai slamming the car door one by one. Seeing Bai one by one briskly leaving behind, he bitterly punched the steering wheel.

  Shameless woman!

  He felt that his head was caught in the door, so he thought her daughter had something to do with him. Before coming, he still thought, if her daughter was really the product of that night.

  Even if he is not responsible to her, he will do his father’s responsibility to her daughter.

  But now, Gu Kai feels like a joke.

  That woman, she actually dared to mock him and humiliated him again and again.

  When Gu Kai was so angry that she wanted to kill, Bai Yi quickly left the underground parking lot and entered the shopping mall. She turned her head and looked behind her. It was true that Gu Kai did not follow, and then let out a long breath.

  After listening to what I said just now, Gu Kai shouldn't come to her again and ask about Tong Dong's life experience.

   Thinking of Gu Kai’s sullen face and wishing to strangle her in anger, Bai frowned one by one. Did she pass the words just now?

  Although the man is hateful, he is Wen Ran’s brother anyway. If she continues to be friends with Wen Ran, she will still meet Gu Kai in the future.

  The sudden ringing of the phone's ringtone interrupted her thoughts. Bai stepped onto the elevator one by one, took out her cellphone to answer the call: "Hey, Brother Li."

   "One by one, where are you?"

  Li En’s voice came from the phone, with a hint of worry.

  Bai’s eyes flashed one by one, and when she reached the third floor, she pulled a shopping cart and said, “I’m shopping at the mall, Brother Li, what's the matter?”

  "I sent you some new year goods. Just now, I heard the security guard at the door say that you got in a strange man's car not long ago."

  Li En’s voice was concerned and temptation.

   Bai frowned one by one, and couldn't help cursing Gu Kai in his heart, all to blame. There was a security guard who had received Li En's favor, but she had forgotten that.

  (End of this chapter)

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