Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 87 Zhu Gaotai and Fei Ling

The spring breeze is like scissors, cutting the wicker and warming the years. The spring breeze is warm, just like the sudden breeze in summer that makes the bamboo curtains sway gently, making people feel enlightened.

Looking at the delicate bamboo leaves in the sky above the courtyard, Li Yan shook up his dark green robe and walked out of the courtyard.

The day of the Qi Condensation Stage competition has finally arrived.

On Laojun Peak, twenty battle platforms have been raised on a super large platform halfway up the mountain. There are more disciples participating in the Qi Condensation Stage, and the number of battle platforms has also increased significantly. However, the length of each battle platform has changed from the original range of fifty miles to The five-mile range is obviously several times smaller than the battle area during the Qi Condensation stage.

Li Yan looked at the five areas with tens of thousands of disciples, but he still felt that there were many fewer people than during the last foundation building competition. Just looking at the foundation building masters in front of each peak, there was a lot of future, and they came to Xiaozhu Peak. Wu Yi, Wei Chituo, Yun Chunqu, Gong Chenying, Lin Daqiao and himself, not even the three nephews came, and all stayed in the mountain to practice in seclusion. During the upcoming foundation building period, nine of the top forty people will be the main ones, and most of the rest will come to cheer like Lin Daqiao.

Like other peaks, Li Yan saw Gan Shi, the Chu brothers, and Wei Feng at Sixiang Peak; Wang Tian and his Taoist companions Zuo Shengyan, Li Zhi, and Zhang Cailian at Lingchong Peak; Baili Garden at Laojun Peak, Ning Qingqing, Zhang Tai and others. It's just that Zuo Shengyan's eyes were a little cold when she looked at Xiaozhufeng, but she didn't find Wen Xinliang, and Wang Tian was also staring here. Diagonally opposite Buli Peak was still blocked and could not be seen clearly. I thought that Li Changting and Zhao Min were included. Both of them entered the first forty-nine. Thinking of Zhao Min's slender and clear figure made Li Yan feel uneasy. There was a wave of fluctuation.

Not long after, the Jindan Overhaul arrived very quickly, but the number of people was also much smaller than last time. Only a dozen people arrived. Then the same process was followed. After Yan Longzi said a few words, he An elder of the Sect Law Enforcement Hall announced the rules, then waved and scattered red arrows, asking Li Yan and others to come and draw them, and then announced the start of the game.

This time, the twenty battle platforms were supervised and judged by twenty foundation-building masters. These twenty people were drawn from each peak, but in order to allow the forty-nine foundation-building players who participated in the secret realm picking to watch the entire battle, they were not allowed to supervise the battle. For example, Li Wuyi was responsible for supervising the battle at a battle platform.

At this moment, Li Yan saw a line of bright red characters "Thirty-Three" next to the golden bamboo on the cuff of his dark green robe. He looked at the small characters and announcement sound slowly condensing in different areas of the Qianli Streaming Mirror in the sky. He did not notice that his number appeared on it. Then he silently thought about the people Li Wuyi told him to pay attention to when he came, hoping to see their games before he went on the field.

Before the forty lines of small words condensed with blue light on the crystal screens of the twenty battle platforms dissipated, light shone brightly from various areas, and dozens of escaping lights of different colors shot towards different battle platforms.

After Li Yan glanced around, he finally locked his eyes on one of the battle platforms. On this battle platform, blue protective light shields were constantly flowing around the edges. There were two people hundreds of meters apart in the center. Looking at each other, the monks in the Qi Condensation stage did not fight like the foundation-building monks who stood dozens of miles away after entering the shield.


Standing suspended in the air. During the Qi Condensation stage, you are still unable to fly, so you can only rely on spiritual weapons and other objects to fly to high platforms. Generally speaking, both sides will collect their flying magic weapons after entering the battle stage. After all, flying magic weapons not only consume spiritual stones, but also consume spiritual energy when activating the battle. They don't have the powerful spiritual power like Foundation Establishment. If they make a mistake, their spiritual power may be exhausted in the middle of flying and fighting on the battlefield. That would be tragic.

The person on the battlefield that Li Yan was paying attention to was a man of medium build, around 20 years old, with an inch of hair standing straight up, a resolute face, dark complexion, and holding a pair of strange drums about one foot long. Feng's disciple is named Zhu Gaotai. The person opposite is a Spirit Insect Peak disciple, one person and one beast. This person is about the same age as Zhu Gaotai, but he is tall and thin, with a sinister face. On his right shoulder squats a half-human-sized mantis with a red body. At this moment, he kept tilting his head, and his big eyes kept turning, and he glanced at Zhu Gaotai opposite from time to time. The aura of this insect was clearly that of a late-stage first-order spiritual beast, and a pair of huge black and red swords crossed each other. There is a row of hard saw teeth on the grinder, which intersect to make a heart-wrenching sound. Of course, this sound cannot be heard through a thousand-mile mirror.

The reason why Li Yan focused on this battle platform was because Li Wuyi had highlighted these two people before. Zhu Gaotai, who has reached the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage, is the best in the Buli Peak Qi Condensation Stage. It is said that he can be ranked among the top three in the Buli Peak Outer Sect. Nine out of ten basic immortal arts have been practiced in the middle and late stages. He can send and receive from the heart, and he is good at driving. "Uncle Thunder Gu", ranked 630 on the list of poisonous insects. This Gu is two inches long, but it can emit a thundering sound. It will attach to the surface of the enemy's body and make its sound. The recipient's body will expand continuously and explode to death. This Gu insect makes sounds out of thin air. Although the sound is shocking to the heaven and earth, it can only disturb the enemy's mind. Its most terrifying attack is to attach to the skin of the living body. Its four claws are deeply embedded in the skin. When it makes a sound, the shock wave will pass through it. When the limbs are introduced into the living body, the living body will expand like blowing air. During this period, the internal organs are attacked by sound waves. The body may be shaken into a ball of flesh and fall before it expands to a certain extent.

The Spiritual Insect Peak disciple opposite is also at the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. Fei Ling is a master of the wood element. His companion spirit beast is the Blood Brown Mantis, a fire element beast. He is ranked 637 on the poisonous insect list and has a ferocious nature. It likes to eat all kinds of living things. The moment a pair of huge forelimb scythes cut into the body surface, the hard serrations with barbs are extremely hot. When they penetrate into the opponent's blood vessels and muscles, the high temperature on the barbs will burn the blood vessels and muscles. If the veins and veins are firmly adhered to it, it will pull up violently, directly pulling out the blood vessels and tendons of the human body or the body of other living beings, causing the enemy to curl up in a ball in pain, as if the body has been stretched, and it will Open your mouth and bite directly into your belly, and then look for the next muscle.

Unexpectedly, these two people met together in the first round. After scanning all the twenty crystal screens, Li Yan locked onto this fighting platform.

On the stage, the two faced each other for a moment. Neither party said a word, but continued to release their momentum, letting their momentum rise steadily. Just in double

Fang's aura was rising, but Fei Ling didn't wait for the aura from both sides to arrive, and his figure disappeared from the place in a flash. He was really experienced in this move. It looked like he had rich fighting experience, which disrupted the expected rhythm.

The next moment, an afterimage in the field kept disappearing and reappearing, reappearing and disappearing again. In just a few breaths, it was already approaching Zhu Gaotai, who was several hundred meters away. Zhu Gaotai seemed not to be seen, but was still gaining momentum. He is about to reach the top, and the next moment he can strike out with the force of wind and thunder. Fei Ling's figure had already reached a few feet in front of him while flickering in and out of sight. This was currently the best distance to attack. With a soft "sudden" sound, several green wind blades rotated into half-moon shapes. The attacks on Zhu Gaotai's neck, chest, abdomen and legs were all instantaneous, with only a soft sound. He chose the most common "Wind Blade Technique", but it was undoubtedly the most correct at this time. At this distance, the Wind Blade The technique is the fastest and most direct. He uses the wind blade technique that he has practiced to the late stage of Dacheng. It is extremely powerful and the rotation is as sharp as a needle.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the air on the other side, and then the blood-brown sword mantis appeared two feet to the left of Zhu Gaotai. Li Yan actually didn't see how it got there. The huge black and red double swords "dang" There was a sound of crossing each other, and a dark red light shot out from the intersection like an arrow. It was like being squeezed out by a huge pair of knives. This dark red light was as powerful as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it arrived at Zhu Gaotai's head. Seeing this power , if he is hit, even if he is protected by body-protecting spiritual power, he may not be able to block the blow. After the blood-brown sword mantis emits dark red light, his figure also rushes forward like a shadow, and his huge forelimbs slash out fiercely.

In this way, Zhu Gaotai was trapped under the attack of two masters from the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. Just when the attacks of the two were about to fall, Zhu Gaotai's originally square and loyal face actually showed a strange smile, and his body suddenly disappeared. Without a trace, several cyan wind blades suddenly hit the air and shot into the distance quickly. At the same time, a dark red light arrow also pierced the air diagonally and whizzed past. Then the figure of the blood-brown sword mantis appeared where Zhu Gaotai had been standing just now. A pair of sickles suddenly cut through the sky with a flash of dark flames.

At the same time, there was a fluctuation on the surface a few feet away, and an illusory figure quickly rose from the ground. The figure quickly changed from faint to solid. I saw him holding a drum and throwing it into the air. Suddenly, the two drums each transformed into two high-seven drums. The giant tube that was eight feet long and about twenty feet wide was volleyed in the sky, and it immediately enveloped the area of ​​several tens of feet.

Li Yan's pupils shrank. The spirit treasure turned out to be a rare spirit treasure in the Qi Condensation stage. It was more than ten times more powerful than the small sword in his hand.

This scene also fell in the eyes of many other people watching the battle platform. Many people looked envious, "I didn't expect that Senior Brother Zhu actually has a spiritual treasure in his body. This is something I have never known before."

"I have heard a little bit about it, but I was not sure when I saw Senior Brother Zhu take out this pair of drums to beat. I heard that a year ago, Senior Brother Zhu and several other senior brothers teamed up to discover a small palace under a desert, and those who were present at that time There were also more than ten people from the Taixuan Sect. They had a fierce fight over the treasures in the palace. Senior Brother Zhu


This side lost two people, while the other side lost eight or nine people. In the end, both sides grabbed some treasures. I think this spiritual treasure was obtained that time. " Another person said.

Li Yan was watching the field intently at this time. The two giant tubes formed by beating drums looked like extremely powerful defensive objects. It would be difficult to figure it out if they were covered by them. At this time, Fei Ling and the Blood Brown Mantis were in the center of the two giant tubes. If they wanted to escape dozens of feet in an instant, it would be too late.

And the next moment, an even weirder scene appeared. Just as the two giant cylinders shaped like drums and hammers covered the ground, the space a mile away was distorted. Fei Ling and the Blood Brown Sword Mantis appeared there, and At this time, his face was pale and his breath was a little disordered. Zhu Gaotai was stunned, then his face changed, and his body flashed around the side of a giant tube. He only heard a few muffled "chichi" sounds, and there were several python-like sticks. The vine thorns ejected from the ground and hit the place where he was standing just now. If he had been half a minute slower, he would have been hit by these huge vine thorns. Although he knew that there were foundation building masters supervising the battle at this time and would not let him Death, but serious injury or defeat is inevitable.

However, before he could make any move, Zhu Gaotai's expression changed again, and he was far away from this place in a flash. When he reappeared, he was already standing on the top of a giant tube. With a move of his hand, another giant tube had already appeared. It turned into a black light and shrank and flew into his hand. It was still a drum hammer. He looked at the area where he was standing just now. The vague mist floating in the space where the vine thorns shot out was slowly dissipating. He then turned to look at Fei Ling a mile away and said, "Senior Brother Fei is so good at it. I didn't expect it to be Mu Feng." The dual element, the power of wind, is extremely swift and powerful, and can actually release the 'frost vine thorns'."

He didn't expect that Fei Ling, in addition to the wood-type spiritual roots of Spirit Insect Peak, also had rare wind-type spiritual roots. Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape the giant tube transformed into his spiritual treasure "Sky-breaking Hammer". It only took an instant. Then he escaped a mile away. This speed was quite impressive if he was in the foundation building stage. Moreover, while he was escaping, he still had time to leave behind his hidden hand. If he focused all his attention on him escaping, he would inevitably get caught. He said, fortunately, his spiritual consciousness sensed it, and he didn't expect that he actually refined the "Frost Vine Thorn". This kind of woody plant is very difficult to find. In addition to the unique attacks of vine plants such as thorns, twisting, and twisting, It also emits a highly toxic poison that is easy to ignore. As long as a person inhales it or gets it on the skin, after a few breaths, the body will become stiff and severely comatose. This is also the hunting talent of "Frost Vine Thorn" one.

"Senior Brother Zhu, could it be that his methods are too low? He thinks that the attack of the non-living gold system is the sharpest. I didn't expect that among your other spiritual roots, you actually have earth spiritual roots, and they are extremely high earth spiritual roots. Although the earth escape has not yet reached the "Dust Return" "Dust, earth returns to earth," but I think it's not far away after building the foundation. You should choose Sixiang Peak. That achievement may be higher than Buli Peak." Fei Ling's face turned pale. It was obvious that he had just done so. The wind technique used exceeds the burden of the current state.

Li Yan pondered as he watched, his face extremely solemn. If he encountered such a character, how could he rely on him to win?

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