Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 700: Accompanying You (7)

Yan Tantuo and his fellow demons were born with strong physical bodies. After entering the path of immortality, they were tempered by spiritual energy and became as strong as a diamond.

But the girl in white's physical body was even tougher than her own. This was because she had specially practiced some extremely powerful body-training techniques.

At this moment, Yan Tantuo hoped that the opponent's body would be less powerful so that he could quickly capture the enemy.

After a stalemate like this for most of the night, Yan Tantuo finally stared helplessly as he watched the other party disappear into his consciousness, and Yan Tantuo's face turned livid with anger.

He was overturned in the gutter. If he didn't leave any room when he came up, there would be no chance for the opponent to take out the green gourd.

Not only did he fail to catch the opponent this time, but he was also embarrassed. A mid-stage golden elixir monk actually lost track of a fake elixir monk.

When the time comes, that small family will not dare to say anything, but privately they will definitely laugh that they are just trying to gain fame.

After returning to the sect, other elders and guests will also laugh secretly.

However, when he finally calmed down, he felt that the matter was becoming more and more complicated.

"Those Gu insects are rare, even species that have never been seen before. At the same time, her flying magic weapon is at least the third level of weapon refining, and she also has a powerful body refining secret that makes him jealous..."

Any of these things would make a large sect jealous, which is definitely not comparable to the sect where Yan Tantuo is now living.

Combining the above factors, the light in Yan Tantuo's eyes began to flicker more and more in the void.

He had already thought that this girl should come from a very powerful sect, or even a hidden immortal sect. As for why she was snatching pills everywhere, he didn't know yet.

But just looking at his acting style, he seems to be someone who is not thoughtful and has not much experience. This makes it more likely that the other party may be a disciple of the hidden sect.

After thinking for a long time, Yan Tantuo finally decided not to return to the sect where he was hiding now, but to stay away from here.

Since this kind of person has offended him and failed to kill him in time, what happens next will be extremely bad for him.

The girl in white is a little careless in her actions. She must be an elite disciple from a hidden sect who came to practice.

This time he hurt her, and when she called for reinforcements from behind, his end would be extremely miserable. Thinking of this, Yan Tantuo's figure flashed and disappeared into the night sky.

The unexplained disappearance of Yan Tantuo made Zhao Min even more mysterious.

Many people thought that even Yan Tantuo, who was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, had died in her hands, which caused many families to panic for a while.

After Zhao Min traveled thousands of miles outside, it was not until noon the next day that she flew back to the place 600 miles away from where she attacked the family last night.

Li Yan was hidden by her in a remote place covered with weeds. There was a large plain area with only some weak low-level monsters. After Zhao Min arranged the illusion array, it was considered safe.

She also doesn’t have a spirit storage bag on her body. Every time she goes out to attack the Immortal Cultivation Sect, how can she return the favor?


Dare to take Li Yan with you.

In that phantom formation, she left behind 60% of her body's Gu insect protection, which actually caused her own combat power to drop a lot.

Zhao Min didn't take this to heart. Keeping Li Yan safe was her biggest concern now.

After wandering around for most of the night, she became more and more cautious when approaching the illusory formation of grass.

She knew how big the golden elixir monk's spiritual consciousness was, but she had to come back. She had been away for too long, and the probability of something unexpected happening to Li Yan increased infinitely, and he might die at any time.

Her previous escape range was to repeatedly circle around the place where Li Yan was hiding for thousands of miles.

From time to time, she would quietly plant a Gu insect to stay somewhere. At this time, the number of Gu insects on her body did not exceed seventy.

Based on Zhao Min's cultivation, the range of her spiritual consciousness is only about 500 miles, and she cannot sense anything beyond this range.

All she did was to let the Gu worms replace the extension of divine consciousness and sense a wider range.

These Gu insects were all refined by her. Although she still couldn't sense them five hundred miles away, Zhao Min would know immediately if the Gu insects died.

The order she gave Gu Chong was to attack any monk who appeared there. Doing so would undoubtedly bring her more danger.

But on the other hand, there are Gu insects appearing in all directions, which will also disrupt the enemy's sight.

However, it might also hurt innocent monks passing by, but Zhao Min didn't care about that much.

The connection between her and the Gu insect is also limited, the longest is about two thousand miles.

But the induction was already very weak at that time, and even as the Gu insect's aura fluctuated or dropped, she would think it was death.

But she only needs to keep a distance of about a thousand miles from the enemy.

With the flying speed of the green gourd, even if she encountered the golden elixir monk last night, she still had time to escape without encountering him.

In the end, everything was safe. When Zhao Min returned to the illusion array, everything was as before, which made her breath a sigh of relief.

A few hours later, when Zhao Min opened her eyes again, she had recovered a little from her injuries. She was struck by a golden elixir cultivator's fist, and her fate was high.

The reason why she woke up so quickly was because Li Yan's aura in her consciousness continued to decline.

Enduring the pain in her body, Zhao Min ducked to Li Yan's side and quickly released her spiritual power to probe into Li Yan's body. After a moment, her face became even paler.

The spiritual power still flowing slowly in Li Yan's body, at this moment, the spiritual power in many places began to retreat towards the Dantian.

And this phenomenon is slowly happening all over Li Yan's body, as if all his spiritual power is shrinking back into Li Yan's dantian and purple organs.

"This kind of

Under such circumstances, without the nourishment of spiritual power, the flesh and blood will be completely destroyed over time, and it will slowly transform into a mortal body.

If Li Yan's soul suddenly awakens one day, and the monk's powerful soul appears, it is simply not something that this physical body can bear, and it will completely explode in an instant.

By then, Li Yan's soul will quickly escape and disappear! "

Zhao Min silently thought in his heart that the body that had lost its spiritual power would also be unable to continue to nourish Li Yan's soul.

There is another way she can try now, which is to find a magic weapon that can preserve the soul, forcibly pull out Li Yan's soul, and let the magic weapon continue to nourish Li Yan's soul.

But even a god-transformation monk might not be able to possess a soul-preserving magic weapon, let alone a foundation-building monk like her.

All in all, Li Yan's cultivation level is too low. If he is a golden elixir monk, he only needs to keep his golden elixir, while monks above Nascent Soul keep Nascent Soul.

In the future, just find a suitable body to take over.

Zhao Min stood there blankly. She couldn't think of any way. Now she could only use her spiritual power to nourish Li Yan's flesh and blood from time to time, but that was not the solution.

At the same time, it will take time for her to recover her spiritual power, not to mention she is still injured.

One day later, Zhao Min was sitting on a green gourd in the sky. After inlaying several spiritual stones on the green gourd, she let it fly on its own.

At the same time, the isolation array on the green gourd was also activated, and a thick fog enveloped the green gourd and Zhao Min, making it impossible for people to see what was going on inside.

Li Yan lay motionless in front of Zhao Min with his eyes closed. Zhao Min held the spirit stone in one hand and stretched out a white finger from the other hand to hang half an inch above Li Yan's forehead.

At about ten breaths, a drop of ice-blue liquid transformed by spiritual power will condense and form on the fingertips. As soon as the ice-blue liquid condenses, it will immediately emit an astonishingly rich aura.

It was a drop of very pure spiritual liquid, and the next moment the spiritual liquid quickly entered Li Yan's forehead.

Li Yan's face immediately had a layer of light blue spread rapidly from his forehead to his whole body, and then a vibrant color reappeared on his skin.

Zhao Min's face turned abnormally pale. To condense this spiritual fluid, she would have to consume a lot more spiritual energy.

Therefore, I had to replenish the spirit stone while refining the spiritual liquid.

This kind of spiritual power liquid, even if Zhao Min is in the fake alchemy realm, the spiritual power in his dantian will not be able to condense more than twenty drops at most without replenishing it.

And if it is condensed for a long time, her foundation will be damaged. At least her realm will be unstable and it will take a long time to consolidate her cultivation. At worst, her realm will drop to a small level.

However, after discovering that Li Yan's physical spiritual power began to dissipate and disappear, Zhao Min found that the spiritual power retained in Li Yan's physical body could not last long, even if he used spiritual power again and again to channel it.


The vitality would disappear soon, so after thinking about it, she decided to try to condense it into spiritual liquid to transfer into Li Yan's body.

It turned out that the maintenance time was indeed increased several times. Zhao Min chose this method without hesitation. As for the consequences it would bring to her, she just thought about it briefly and forgot about it.

After thinking about it in the imaginary array of wild grass, she still felt that the hope would be much greater if she took Li Yan to find a small market.

This kind of looting of pills can no longer be done.

Now that she has attracted the attention of nearby sects, the possibility of being ambushed like last night will become more and more likely. She is not invincible, and her death will come quickly.

Besides, searching for the elixir to treat Li Yan in this way is just trying your luck.

It will be easier to find elixirs in the market if you have a clear purpose.

Before, she was distracted by Li Yan's coma, so she just wanted to revive Li Yan as soon as possible, so she used the most direct and violent method.

After dawn, Zhao Min took back the dozens of Gu worms scattered outside. At this time, more than 20 Gu worms had died. That was because a monk appeared within the range of the Gu worms, and the two of them met. To.

Originally, without the follow-up replenishment of Zhao Min's Gu worms, the Gu worms scattered were of varying strengths and weaknesses, and were of various types, so they were just used.

But what surprised her was that in addition to these dozens of Gu worms, more than 140 Gu worms appeared in her mind.

It was the night before yesterday, where the family left behind Gu insects to block the pursuit of the Foundation Establishment monks.

In the end, some of the Gu insects were scattered and flew away, and then slowly flew back based on the spiritual connection with Zhao Min.

It was just that more than 600 of them had been released initially, and now these came back, which made Zhao Min feel distressed and helpless.

When collecting these Gu worms, Zhao Min was still cautious. She was afraid that a certain Gu worm was secretly followed by the other party and deliberately released it.

But what's strange is that until she collected the last Gu worm, no monk showed up.

This abnormal phenomenon made Zhao Min even more careful, but in the end his worries were in vain.

How could Zhao Min understand the reason? After her Gu flew away, there were really several monks following her.

However, in order to avoid Yan Tantuo, Zhao Min had already taken up the magic weapon and flew out of the spiritual consciousness range of the monks in the foundation building stage.

After that, Zhao Min deliberately made several large circles, and those Gu insects were also going in circles. The monks were so dizzy that they found that they were constantly going in circles in the middle of the night.

In their hearts, they already felt that these strange insects were flying around in random directions, like headless flies without any order.

As time passed, they also received a transmission message from the family behind them, asking if "Senior Yan" was with them.

A golden elixir monk lost contact, making the family behind him extremely anxious!

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