Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 698: Accompanying You (5)

These places that the big man attacks are all critical points. Even physical cultivation cannot easily reach the positions. If he is hit, he will either die or be injured.

The two were already very close to each other, and the big man's counterattack was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, the big man even felt that the tip of one of his elbows had touched the jade-like cheek of the girl in white.

Zhao Min suddenly raised her body and leaned back. In a moment, two thick elbow-bent arms flew upwards from her face with a roaring sound, causing a few strands of her hair to fly wildly.

Zhao Min leaned back and stomped his feet lightly on the ground. His whole body quickly rolled backwards, and his two long legs quickly rolled up like two long whips. ??

The next moment, the toes were already pointing towards the big man's chest in turn. At this moment, the big man's arms were turned up and the tips of his elbows were raised high.

His chest and abdomen were already wide open, and it was impossible to hide anymore. In shock, he concentrated all his strength on his chest, hoping to receive the opponent's attack.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two crisp sounds, and the big man screamed, and his whole body was quickly ejected backwards like a projectile in the hall.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise. After the whole hall shook, a lot of dust shook and fell from high in the sky. The big man's strong body had already hit the blue-black stone wall in the distance.

The protective formation on the blue-black wall was smashed, bursting out into a dazzling light and making a series of "ka-ka-ka" sounds.

The big man "popped" and a ball of thick blood was sprayed out, and a series of coughing sounds were heard in the dust.

The big man's eyes widened, and he straightened his body suddenly, trying to stand up again, but an unstoppable wave of pain in his chest swept through his mind, and he groaned again and immediately sat down.

Immediately, he could only lean against the wall and keep breathing heavily, with a look of pain on his face...

After Zhao Min put away the storage bag, his spiritual consciousness scanned the entire sect again.

When he discovered that there was a medicinal garden and spiritual plants in the sect's back garden, he immediately flew over without saying a word.

While the other three elders continued to curse, Zhao Min quickly collected all the mature and immature medicinal herbs.

Then, as soon as the person retracted the spell in the sky, a large number of Gu insects flew out of the hall. The next moment, they followed Zhao Min and flew into the darkness in the distance.

Although the three sect elders below scolded them fiercely, after a few flashes of spiritual light, they finally did not dare to pursue him.

It was obvious that the other party had held back just now, otherwise it would be impossible to say that they were riddled with holes now. If they continued to pursue them, the girl in white would really have murderous intentions.

"Master, how are you?"

The three people quickly came to the big man's side, checked the injury, and then looked at each other. Their faces couldn't help but become even more livid. They couldn't even take out a bottle of pills in their hands.

But fortunately, the big man's injuries were mainly physical, which is considered a minor injury for an immortal cultivator.

Finally, several of the Qi Condensation Stage disciples who slowly climbed up next to them took out some low-level healing elixirs. After the three elders


With an embarrassed look on his face, he scattered the medicinal powder on the big man's wounds.

The big man also took the opportunity to run the exercises and adjust his breath several times, and then his complexion gradually improved.

"Master, where did this wild cultivator come from? He has no scruples and robs wantonly. We are protected by the clan..."

Before one of the elders finished speaking, the big man reluctantly waved his hand.

"Cough...cough...look...the clothes and the...and the aura don't look like a casual cultivator, maybe...maybe someone is injured, the body... lacks elixir..., this... Anxious to take action.

But... but no matter what, this is a provocation to our... We are not... and we are not an isolated sect. Elder Ding reports to the sect quickly.

Just... she said bluntly that... she didn't... take Shang Zong seriously at all, and she was determined... to capture this person! "

The big man only said these few words, and blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth involuntarily. At this time, he was no longer afraid of being embarrassed, and he would be embarrassed if others found out.

As he coughed, he subconsciously wiped his hand on his waist, but then he paused, and the hatred in his eyes became even deeper.

Their sect suffered heavy losses this time, and the girl in white even scratched the ground. She didn't even let go of the immature spiritual herbs in the medicine garden behind, and she didn't even leave a single elixir for him to heal his wounds. .

"A female cultivator who sacrifices insects to monsters..."

The big man remembered Zhao Min's appearance firmly in his heart, but no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that anyone had mentioned such a female cultivator.

In the next two days, several immortal cultivating sects and families within a radius of thousands of miles were suddenly attacked by a man in white.

The figure of the person in white was covered by illusion, and her appearance could not be clearly seen, but from her cold shout, she could still tell that she was a young woman.

But there were also two sects who directly saw the other party, a stunning girl in white. She usually took all the other party's storage bags and herbs and left quickly, but she rarely killed anyone.

However, if the other party pursues them desperately, the man in white will kill and disappear without hesitation.

For a time, the nearby immortal cultivating sects and families were in turmoil. After mutual confirmation, it was proved that this was the work of one person.

This person is a girl who likes to wear white robes and is good at controlling insect monsters. Then, these sects and families became furious and began to join forces to chase the girl in white.


Beside a small stream, there are green grass and wild flowers everywhere. Occasionally, birds of prey fly past in the sky, looking for food everywhere.

But the small beasts here have long been so alert that they don't know where to hide. When each raptor flies over the creek, its sharp eyes repeatedly search the ground, not missing anything suspicious.

But they didn't notice that there were any wild animals below, and the scenery here was not much different from usual times.

No self found in search

After catching his prey, he let out an unwilling scream, spread his wings and flew towards the distant sky.

By the stream, Zhao Min in the magic array checked Li Yan's injuries a little tiredly, then picked out one of the many bottles and jars on the ground, poured a pill and gave it to Li Yan to drink. .

Then, he helped Li Yan remove some of the demonic energy from his body, and his expression relaxed slightly.

She stretched out her hand and a stream of clear water flew away from the stream and turned into a line of crystal water, slowly falling into Li Yan's mouth.

After doing all this, Zhao Min carefully felt Li Yan's injuries and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the past few days, she had grabbed a lot of elixirs and unformed herbs. After picking them up and giving them to Li Yan, she finally found a bottle of unknown elixirs that had an effect on Li Yan's injury.

But this made Zhao Min even more worried, because she felt the fluctuation of soul power from the bottle of elixir, which was a bottle of soul-healing elixir.

After taking the elixir to Li Yan, although Li Yan's life breath no longer dropped, it still maintained the current situation. ??

From this, my original judgment was correct. This situation was not a good sign. If the soul was injured, it should be recovered as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if the elixir lasts for a little longer, the soul will suffer irreversible trauma.

At that time, Li Yan would either die or wake up later and become a stupid person.

As for this bottle of soul-healing elixir, there are only four pills in total, and now only the last pill is left. It is a great opportunity for her to grab this small bottle this time, and it will not happen so easily next time. .

Although Zhao Min was in a low mood, her face was still indifferent. Even if there were outsiders here, she could not see any mood swings at all.

Zhao Min was in a flood of thoughts, and soon an abnormal flush suddenly appeared on his face that was as jade-like as snow.

After she coughed uncontrollably for a while, she slowly regained her composure. In response, she just raised her eyebrows slightly.

She stretched out her hand again, and three more jade bottles flew into her hands on the ground. This time, after she poured out the elixir, she did not give it to Li Yan who was unconscious on one side, but directly took it into her mouth.

Then he took out two spiritual stones, held them in the palms of his hands, and sat up cross-legged to meditate. After a long while, Zhao Min's breath gradually stabilized.

The stream reflected the sparkling light on Zhao Min's face, making her haggard face appear softer, and her white clothes outlined her moving curves.

However, there are many spots on the white clothes on the chest, which are black spots of blood, which is shocking to see.

Last night, after Zhao Min entered a family, he was ambushed by the other party. He was seriously injured and was almost captured alive by the other party.

Except for the first two times when Zhao Min did not hide his true colors due to lack of experience, he later became extremely careful and had no rules for his opponents to find.

And also cast illusion


She has magic in her body, but the magic she performs and her unique ability to drive insects cannot be concealed at all.

Not only did the opponent have a large number of people this time, there were seven foundation-building monks ambushing them, and there was actually a middle-stage Golden Core monk among them.

As soon as Zhao Min entered the family compound, she felt something was wrong, and she turned back without hesitation.

But they were surrounded by the opponent, but these monks seemed to know Zhao Min's bewitching methods. Although they were surrounded, no one dared to attack rashly.

Finally, it was the middle-stage golden elixir monk who kept scanning Zhao Min's body with lustful eyes, and took action brazenly in the midst of his lustful lust.

Facing this kind of siege, Zhao Min knew that she was in danger, but she had made a decision a few days ago to put Li Yan in a hidden place.

He has also left a backup plan for himself and Li Yan. If these people catch him, even if they place a restraint on him, he will die in a few days at most.

By then, the worst chance would be that he and Li Yan would perish together in this forgotten continent.

In an instant, hundreds of Gu insects of different colors and sizes appeared around Zhao Min, and they rushed around with a loud "buzzing" sound.

For a time, except for the middle-stage Jindan monks, although the other monks were well prepared, they were unable to get close at all and could only continue to kill the flying Gu insects.

There were three or four types of Gu insects that Zhao Min used this time. Some of them were very large and ferocious. Often four or five of them could force a Foundation Establishment monk to retreat continuously.

There was even a foundation-building monk who was thrown to the ground in an instant by the Gu insect. The shrill screams shook people's minds, and the surrounding monks became even more wary of these weird insect-like monsters.

Although some other individual Gu insects are extremely weak in combat power, they are very fast. Dozens of them can often gather together to surround a person in an instant. For a while, the surrounded monks cannot rush out at all and can only let out a series of curses and roars.

On the other hand, the monk who was in the middle stage of the golden elixir, after casually killing dozens of Gu insects that surrounded him, was already in front of Zhao Min, letting out a weird laugh of "hehe".

Zhao Min hated this person's gaze very much, it was a pair of eyes full of lust.

Zhao Min knew that her concealment skills could not be concealed from the Golden Core cultivator and had been seen through by the other party. This was also what she expected.

Zhao Min had actually seen this kind of look in the eyes of some monks in Desolate Moon Continent before, but those people were afraid of her strength or identity, so they often just passed by in a flash.

Unlike the person in front of me who is so unabashed and unscrupulous.

However, in the past few days on this "forgotten continent", although she had continuously attacked many family monks, including some who directly looked at people with their true colors, this situation had not happened yet.

Zhao Min guessed that it might be because the demon men and women were unusually handsome and enchanting, so they were not surprised by this. Even the male cultivators looked at her with a look of surprise.

Not like the golden elixir monk in front of me!

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