Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 696: Accompanying You (Part 3)

As soon as the blue characters separated the two light red filaments, the essence and blood melted into the blue characters flashed a dazzling light.

In an instant, just outside the two light red filaments, the blue and reddish airflow formed two small spiritual cages, covering them respectively, completely isolating the two light red filaments.

The two light red filaments seemed so soft and docile before except for dancing, but at the moment of separation, they immediately became extremely violent.

They were like crazy, constantly hunching, flexing, and bouncing around in the spiritual prison.

The single eye on the top of the head instantly turned into a sharp mouth, biting at the surrounding blue cages and making piercing screams.

Even if this sound is isolated by a spiritual cage, it is like a sharp cone piercing the human brain.

If Zhao Min was just an ordinary mortal at this time, he would have been shocked to death with a splitting headache just by hearing a voice. ??

Although the two red and light red filaments are crazy, every time the body comes into contact with the blue cage barrier, a red light will light up on the blue barrier, causing them to fly away directly.

But they are still as crazy as demons, as if they have fallen into extreme anger and completely lost their minds after losing each other.

Zhao Min didn't care about this. She held two small cages in one hand, and the spiritual power constantly pouring out of her palms controlled them tightly.

After her body, which was facing away from Li Yan, froze for a moment, she quickly untied the white robe on her body with one hand.

In just a few clicks, her entire left breast and upper arm were exposed, and a perfect jade body like a carved holy statue was exposed in the air.

The snow-white skin was as smooth as silk, without any blemishes. It was as white as if it was bathed in the holy light, reflecting a white halo around the lower half of Zhao Min's body.

Even the snow-white robe outside her body at this moment is no longer so bright and dazzling, and has become eclipsed in comparison.

A jade peak stood tall and tilted up, covering Zhao Min's crimson cheeks.

Zhao Min quickly shook his hand, and a cage immediately flew up in his palm, covering the holy peak in the next moment.

She pressed her free finger against the cage, and the red light flashed, and the small cage sank into her chest.

Immediately, Zhao Min closed her beautiful eyes. After two breaths, she finally let out a long breath. The moment she opened her eyes, light was already flowing around her body.

The naked left upper body has returned to its original state, and the snow-like robe has been put on again.

Then, she turned around slightly, holding another small blue cage, looking at Li Yan who was in a coma, and then gently opened Li Yan's left chest.

Without any further hesitation, the other blue cage in his palm was pressed directly.

The light red filament in the blue cage seemed to know that something was about to happen. It banged harder and harder, and the harsh sound became louder.

But in the next moment, the blue cage disappeared from Li Yan's chest, and the shocking and piercing screams also stopped abruptly.

Zhao Min slowly took it back and applied it to Li Yan's chest


She pressed the jade palm of her mouth, feeling the remaining warmth in her palm, and pursed her lips in embarrassment.

After letting out a gentle breath, his complicated eyes lingered on Li Yan's chest for a while, and finally he moved his eyes to Li Yan's face and whispered softly.

"I hope you don't mind. I hope I can't explain everything to you until I'm on the road to hell!"

Then, Zhao Min stretched out his hand and gently pulled, Li Yan's clothes were restored, and with another force on his hand, Li Yan was carried behind his back.

Immediately, she waved her jade hand, and several "咻咻咻" sounds broke through the air. She grabbed a few formation flags in her hands. Then she rolled up her long sleeves and put all the Gu insects around into the spirit beast bag.

Then, Zhao Min's white figure soared into the sky, leaving behind only a piece of bare black land by the lake.

After a long time, several beasts stood at the edge of the lake again. They looked curiously at the ground that suddenly lost a lot of weeds in their eyes.

Zhao Min didn't know where she was, but she couldn't wait any longer. She only had one thought in her mind, to find elixirs, magic weapons, and talismans to heal her soul.

Another important reason is that the spiritual energy here is too mixed, and the mixed evil energy will be inhaled into the body by Li Yan from time to time.

Zhao Min had to spend time constantly expelling the demonic energy from Li Yan's body, otherwise the spiritual power in Li Yan's body would become mixed, which would not be a good thing for Li Yan.

At least Zhao Min himself will need to use his magic power to remove some of the demonic energy from his body after a period of time.

Otherwise, she will feel more and more upset, and she will feel like rushing out to find someone to fight. This is definitely abnormal.

According to previous experience, spiritual energy in different areas will have different levels of strength, so the amount of demonic energy contained should also be more or less.

Even if it is to find a place with less magic energy than here, it is a better choice, or even to find a mortal town without any spiritual energy or magic energy.

Of course, all this is Zhao Min's own speculation. Maybe it is possible that as soon as she shows up, she will be hunted down by ordinary demons as an alien.

As for the rest, she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Looking at the increasingly brighter sky ahead, Zhao Min showed a smile. Her choice seemed to be the right one.

The coverage area of ​​her consciousness was only about 500 miles. Ever since she decided to take Li Yan to find a chance to survive, she had carefully sensed it for a long time when she was by the lake.

Finally, she chose this direction. Judging from the sunrise and sunset, she chose to go west.

In her consciousness, it seemed that the weather in the east was gloomier, and the aura there was becoming more and more mixed and chaotic.

As for the south and north directions, they are only better than the east. On the contrary, in the western area of ​​​​the consciousness, although the sky is still gray, the sky is still dark.

I always feel a little clearer, and my aura seems a little purer.

This was the conclusion she came to after repeatedly sensing it by the lake for a long time.

So in this case, Zhao Min felt that it was right to take Li Yan to the west.

No one knows where the opportunity to save Li Yan is. Given Li Yan's current situation, the purer the spiritual energy he inhales, the better.

After flying for most of the day, Zhao Min was pleasantly surprised to find that the aura between heaven and earth was becoming purer and purer.

Although the aura here is not that good, there is less and less demonic energy in the thin aura, so Li Yan actively absorbs less and less demonic energy into his body.

Zhao Min no longer had to stop frequently to expel the excess demonic energy from his body, which also saved Zhao Min a lot of time.

Along the way, there were fewer and fewer monsters below, and the thick, ink-colored trees began to feel thinner and smaller.

"How come you can't even meet a mortal or a monk here?"

Zhao Min was thinking in her heart. She flew here for most of the day and traveled more than two thousand miles. Not to mention the immortal cultivators, she didn't even see a single mortal village.

For this reason, while she was flying, she could not help but scan the surroundings carefully with her spiritual consciousness, hoping to find some hidden aura in the formation, in which the cultivators were hidden.

As long as he can meet immortal cultivators, Li Yan will have hope, but this expectation is also contradictory.

When she meets a low-level immortal cultivator, the harm they can bring to her is not great, but there may be little hope of saving Li Yan. A low-level cultivator can usually have some good things in him.

If you meet a mid-to-high-level immortal cultivator, the other person's top priority will definitely be to kill people and gain goods. Whether Zhao Min himself can be someone else's opponent is a second question.

When night fell again, Zhao Min was still flying in the air as cold as ice.

She finally discovered two mortal villages an hour ago, with about twenty households in each village.

But after meeting the people in the village, Zhao Min's last hope was completely shattered, because all she saw were demons.

"Although these people do not have spiritual energy fluctuations in their bodies, and their Dantian and Purple Fu organs are not opened, the blood of their physical bodies contains some demonic energy. These are the mortals among the demon clan."

The people in the village, regardless of whether they were young or old, male or female, or even the elderly, were all extremely strong and strong. They were not comparable to the mortals she had seen before.

Look at those old people, whether they are chopping firewood or carrying things, each ax in their hands weighs at least a hundred kilograms.

The load they carry weighs around five to six hundred kilograms, or even a thousand kilograms, but each one of them walks quickly and easily.

However, even though these people looked very powerful, as long as Zhao Min waved his hand, a village would still be wiped out in an instant.

These people just have strong energy and blood, and there is no immortal cultivator at all.



But there was one thing that Zhao Min didn't understand for a while. These "demons" she identified were very different from the demon monks she had seen before.

First of all, these demons all have unusually fair skin, and both men and women are very tall. The men are handsome and mighty, and the women are tall and voluptuous.

They all have high noses, black eyes, blue hair, and slender figures. They are not as ferocious and terrifying as the demons they saw in front of Fengliang Mountain before.

Although there are unknown patterns on the exposed white skin of these people, those patterns are very light and not so dense.

The pattern glowed with a very faint silver light, which gave the already handsome and beautiful men and women a hint of exotic style.

"Do demons still have different races?"

This is an answer Zhao Min got quickly after seeing these people.

The demonic energy in the blood of these people made her believe that they were definitely demons. Facing these demons, Zhao Min had no intention of killing them.

Instead, he selectively knocked out an older female demon, took her away from the village, flew her to a high mountain, and then dropped her casually.

Then, Zhao Min flicked the ball, and the old female demon slowly woke up.

To say he is older is only a relative term. In fact, he still looks very young on the outside. Zhao Min made the final judgment after screening other people in the village.

This demon woman looks to be in her early forties, and her slender figure cannot hide her curvy figure. She is definitely a first-rate beauty in the Desolate Moon Continent.

When this person was walking around the village, everyone who saw her would pay respect to her with a certain etiquette and a respectful look on their face.

Therefore, Zhao Min took advantage of her to attack her when she was alone.

As soon as the demon woman woke up, she looked around in shock at first. After seeing the surrounding environment, her expression couldn't help but change.

Immediately, after seeing the stunning girl dressed in white in front of her, she couldn't help but be stunned.

She gently turned over and sat up. Only then did she realize that she was not bound by any ropes, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

She could already see where she was. It should be a mountain peak about three hundred miles away from the village. She had lived here since she was a child.

Based on the abilities of their villagers, their range of activities is approximately 700 miles around the village. She has been here countless times in the past sixty years.

She fainted immediately after returning home. Looking at the current position of the sun in the sky, half a quarter of an hour at most would be considered good.

But even the youngest hunter in the village, who is the best at running, can run thirty or forty miles in such a short period of time, which is considered to be the limit. Why did he appear here in such a short period of time?

Or was it just the past few days?

The demon woman's decades of life experience allowed her to quickly judge many things and make her own inferences.

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