Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 690: The dark wind outside blows Haili

After Zhao Min sensed it, Li Yan quickly glanced towards the white light with his consciousness. To his disappointment, as soon as his consciousness entered the white light, he was pushed back by invisible forces in the white light.

Not to mention the scene behind it.

This reminded Li Yan of the previous situation where Zhao Min sensed the existence of the Little Purple Divine Dragon Elephant.

“Is that ‘Ice Soul Blue Jade Body’ responsible?”

Li Yan was a little doubtful and judged in his mind whether Zhao Min had consumed too much and had some hallucinations.

"I'm asking, you just need to nod, shake your head or gesture. Can you sense the levels of those monsters? If so, is the highest level of monsters a fourth level?"

Li Yan held Zhao Min's arm, which was covered with cold sweat, and continued to move forward with difficulty.

Zhao Min did not refuse this time, and with the help of Li Yan's power, he regained his strength slightly.

She raised her other hand and stretched out two slender jade fingers as green as green. After shaking them for a moment, they immediately lowered them, as if she had exhausted all her strength in shaking her fingers.

Li Yan immediately started thinking quickly in his mind.

"The highest level is the second-level monster, and there are a large number of monsters. That means there should be a place behind the white light where low-level monsters hang out.

Such places are usually far away from the lairs of high-level monsters, and the levels of immortal cultivators that can appear are usually not very high. "

He quickly made a judgment in his mind. Monsters have a strong sense of territory. The high-level monsters' lairs would not allow too many low-level monsters to appear for thousands or even thousands of miles.

Even if there are, they are very few. They are usually members of the tribe of high-level monsters or close confidants.

There are a lot of them, which also shows that the chance of monks appearing here is low. Even low-level monsters can be exchanged for some spirit stones. Monks in the foundation building and Qi condensation stages still like to hunt them.

"Then can you tell what type of monster there is?"

This time, Zhao Min shook her head directly. She could only vaguely sense a lot of monster auras from the white light, and could roughly tell the strength of the auras. As for the specific type, she couldn't do it.

Glancing at the white light a few miles away, Zhao Min thought for a moment, then shook the arm held by Li Yan hard, and still spoke with difficulty.

" go...over first, and I...follow..."

When it came to the last few words, she was already extremely weak. If she hadn't practiced the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, she would have been torn and bruised by those weird tearing forces and fell down.

Even though her clothes now have a lot of damage, her skin and bones are still intact, except for a few traces of blood in some places.

But under the increasingly strong resistance ahead, Zhao Min has reached the point where her spiritual power has dried up. The pills she swallowed no longer have much effect. She needs to sit down and refine them.

Moreover, there are only about ten pills left in him that can quickly restore spiritual power.


It’s a piece.

Now there are about two miles away from the white light in front, and the resistance has reached the terrifying level of transformation.

If the two of them were not body-refining cultivators, it would be possible for a layer of skin to be torn off directly, or for the flesh and blood to be separated from the bones.

At this time, Li Yan also thought of what Wei Zhongran once said, even if there is a crack in the Yin Demon Cliff, the demon cultivators have to pass through the second realm passage. The demon cultivators who cross the realm may only pass through one person out of dozens, or even hundreds of them. Save one.

The two of them were caught in the cracks of Yin Mo Cliff and almost died several times. The living conditions here are extremely harsh.

Li Yan also stopped and looked at the weak and swaying protective aura outside Zhao Min, and the light in his eyes flickered a few times.

Don't talk about Zhao Min now. In fact, he is not much better. He has to allocate 30% of his strength to protect Zhao Min at all times. In this way, Li Yan's spiritual power consumption increases greatly.

Zhao Min obviously also saw that if it were Li Yan himself, he should have reached the white light by now. Not only did Li Yan have long spiritual power, but Qiongqi's purgatory technique was even several points more powerful than hers.

But from the perspective of her practicing Qiongqi Purgatory Technique since she was a child, Li Yan's Qiongqi Purgatory Technique definitely did not break through to the third level. However, Li Yan brought too many surprises to her today, and she just didn't have time to ask.

Li Yan was already considering whether to include Zhao Min in the "soil spots". After all, the effect of the same drop of "melted bamboo shoots" swallowed by Zhao Min was very different from that of swallowing it himself.

Based on this consumption, it is possible that the two of them will use up more than half of the "melting bamboo shoots" when they reach the white light.

It would be a lie to say that Li Yan was not heartbroken about this kind of natural and earthly treasure. It was not that he couldn't bear to part with it, but use it sparingly. It was something to save your life, and it was best to use it on the edge of a knife.

Seeing Li Yan suddenly stop, his eyes flickered. Although he was the one who asked him to leave, Zhao Min suddenly felt a little disappointed in his heart.

Her character is inherently stubborn, and more often than not, she is a little extreme. What she says is often completely different from what she thinks in her heart.

This is very similar to how Zhao Min felt when he was a child, watching his parents come in a hurry every time, and turn around and leave in a hurry in the hope in his heart.

But that's it. Thinking that Li Yan could turn around and save him in the crack of Yinmo Cliff, he couldn't be too selfish now. Zhao Min kept trying to convince himself that Li Yan was right to leave.

Her childhood experience has made her always weigh and judge once she encounters an emotional matter, but she just doesn't want to show it on her face.

Suddenly, Li Yan's hand tightened on her arm, and Li Yan's voice entered her mind again.

"Don't be afraid later. It's absolutely safe there. Come out after you get out of trouble!"

Zhao Min was stunned. She didn't understand Li Yan at all.

The meaning of such a sentence came out of nowhere. She raised her eyes and looked at Li Yan in shock, feeling a bad feeling in her heart.

This was an instinctive reaction, and just when she was stunned, the spiritual power in Li Yan's hand flashed violently, and the next moment, Zhao Min's person had disappeared without a trace.

Li Yan looked at the white light in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I hope you're not surprised!"

Everything about the Five Immortals Sect is the biggest secret of Li Yan, and it is the foundation of his cultivation.

The essence and blood of the "Immortal Phoenix" will only make his strength reach a higher level, but the Five Immortals Sect involves a huge secret in the fairy world.

That is an ancient sect that makes people go crazy in the fairy world and are constantly searching for it. If anyone knows that there is a descendant of the Five Immortals Sect like him who has not grown up, searching for the soul is the inevitable end of Li Yan.

Li Yan finally disobeyed Pingtu's warning. He revealed the secret of the Five Immortals Sect for the first time. This alone could make Li Yan die countless times.

Zhao Min is different from the Snow Mosquito King and the Little Purple Divine Dragon Elephant. The two monsters have a master-servant contract with Li Yan. If Li Yan dies, they will perish. One will be prosperous and the other will suffer. ??

After doing all this, Li Yan suddenly felt relaxed. Maybe it was too heavy to carry a secret for a long time.

After making a decision that endangered his life today, Li Yan actually had a heart-to-heart feeling for Zhao Min.

However, he knew that was all. In the future, he would still find a reason for some kind of adventure to tell Zhao Min about the existence of "Tuban". After all, no one could predict the opportunity of getting a space magic weapon. .

Regardless of whether she believes it or not, the matter ends here, otherwise Zhao Min will be brought to the same endless disaster.

He must never reveal any other information related to the Five Immortals Sect.

Li Yan thought a lot in an instant, trying to find some kind of self-comfort and reason to reveal the secret of the "Tuban" space to himself.

Li Yan's robes swelled. He took a deep breath, and the spiritual power rolled out of his body. He stepped towards the white light step by step...

Zhao Min felt like she saw a flower, and then all the pressure outside her body disappeared. Then she was surprised to find that she was standing at the foot of a big mountain.

Under my feet were patches of vibrant green vegetation, stretching out. Not far away, a clear river meandered away into the distance.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there is a rich spiritual energy all around, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere.

"The best earth spiritual energy?"

Zhao Min judged it at once, which made her feel dizzy before she could realize where this place was.

Such a rich earth spiritual energy cannot be possessed by even a world-famous giant like the Demon Sect.

It wasn't until a moment later that Zhao Min gradually woke up from his trance and looked at the various wild flowers swaying far and near in the breeze under his feet. \u003c



Feeling the tranquility and serenity in this world again, he glanced around before murmuring.

"Spirit storage bag? No, I have never heard that there can be such a big world in the spirit storage bag, and there are also beings with the best earth spiritual energy. I think even the spirit storage bag in the hands of Yuanying ancestor can't do it.

This is... a secret space? "


Outside, after nearly an hour, Li Yan finally arrived at the white light.

He didn't know that in Zhao Min's wild thoughts, he actually thought that "soil spots" were related to the secret realm. Although this "secret realm" did not mean the other "secret realm", it was somewhat related.

But at this time, Li Yan was not thinking about Zhao Min in "Earth Spot". He was standing ten feet away in front of the white light, his chest heaving violently.

Even though the clothes on his body were protected by spiritual power, they still made a hunting sound.

This short two-mile journey, in normal times, would have been something he just thought about. Now it took him nearly an hour to get here.

And at this moment, the spiritual power in his body not only did not relax at all, but was operating to the extreme. As long as he relaxed a little, he would be pushed to where by the huge force emitted by the white light.

Li Yan felt extremely sore all over his body. Even with his physical body, it was extremely difficult to resist under the huge force emitted by the white light.

Now there was only ten feet of distance left. Li Yan had tried to move forward several times just now, but he was stuck in place.

Every time he raised his legs with all his strength, he was blocked and pressed down by the huge force emitted by the white light, causing him to step heavily on the ground again.

Li Yan was struggling to breathe under the terrifying pressure. The next moment, a drop of "melted bamboo shoots" appeared in his mouth again.

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. Even if he stood still, every breath would consume a lot of spiritual energy and physical strength.

As soon as "Rong Bamboo Shoots" was taken into his mouth, the black air outside Li Yan made a whistling sound, and his breath suddenly grew.

The "Five Elements Return to Hongmeng" technique exploded, and the aura on Li Yan's body suddenly reached a level of fluctuation that could only be seen by a golden elixir monk.

He shouted loudly, raised his leg suddenly, and then stepped forward quickly and heavily.

After a long sound of tearing brocade silk, the robe and lining trousers on Li Yan's legs were instantly torn into rags.

The Lingbao-level clothes, when Li Yan moved forward with all his strength and no longer protected him, were as thin as cicada wings, and instantly collapsed into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

After Li Yan took one step, he no longer cared about the clothes on his body, and quickly raised and lowered his other foot.

There was another crisp tearing sound, and the hem of one robe and the top and bottom of the other leg were torn apart and disappeared again.

Li Yan stared at the vast white field in front of him expressionlessly, and slowly walked forward step by step...

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