Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 686: Who is with me (5)

Li Yan was suddenly confused. Zhao Min didn't want to drag him down and asked him to fly up quickly, but how could Li Yan be willing at this time.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes, and the next moment he rushed straight down with his head and feet.

Sensing the sound of breaking through the sky, Zhao Min opened her eyes and saw Li Yan rushing back. An angry look suddenly appeared on her jade face. Just as Li Yan reached her side, she finally spoke.

"Do you think you are unparalleled in chivalry? In this way, no one will live, even idiots will be assigned to the right place..."

Li Yan didn't care about her. This time, an arm directly wrapped around Zhao Min's waist. Zhao Min suddenly stopped when he was speaking.

Her eyes were filled with dullness for a moment.

Zhao Min felt a strong force wrapping her up in it, and the man's majestic aura coming from that arm was somewhat familiar to her.

Of course she had smelled this kind of smell before. She had smelled it before when she was sitting next to Li Yan on the back mountain platform.

But the breath was so close at the moment, and the warmth coming from her arms made her unable to react for a moment.

"Come up together!"

Li Yan just said a simple sentence, and then two drops of "Rong Bamboo Shoots" were taken into his mouth.

"The Five Elements Return to Hongmeng" caused the muscles and veins in the body to expand more than twice, and the spiritual power surged out like a tide.

The two bodies actually started to rise again. It was only then that Zhao Min realized that her face was starting to feel hot.

Although they were separated by clothes, the warmth from Li Yan's arm around her lower abdomen caused a wave of heat in her lower abdomen, and she already felt a shiver in her body.

Although she had taken the initiative to put her palms on Li Yan's shoulders before, the feeling was completely different.

Her subconscious spiritual power surged again, trying to shake Li Yan away, but she found helplessly that Li Yan seemed unaware of her spiritual counterattack.

After his own spiritual power touched Li Yan's arm, a gentle force blocked it.

Zhao Min didn't expect that Li Yan's cultivation level was so much higher than hers. Although he had already made a judgment before, after experiencing it personally, he realized that the difference between the two was not even a little bit different.

"Don't move or we will all die!"

Li Yan's urgent voice sounded in her ears, and Li Yan's breath was a little disordered. It was obvious that the distance he had just climbed was extremely difficult.

Seeing that Li Yan insisted on this, and that he really could not shock the other person away, doing so would only increase his burden, Zhao Min also calmed down.

Zhao Min also raised her head and looked above. The sky above was hazy, and what made her feel even worse was that the consciousness emitted at this time actually swept away the top of her head.

There was no aura of a monk in her consciousness. If she calculated correctly, the two of them would not have descended more than three hundred feet under deliberate control.

At this distance, no matter what, the spiritual consciousness can spread to the top and see some situations clearly.

Then, Li Yan's urgent voice came again.



careful! "

They did not rise again, but fell sharply downwards like two heavy iron blocks.

Li Yan's face was unusually solemn. At this time, no matter how hard he used "Five Elements Return to Hongmeng", it would be of no avail.

Countless hands seemed to stretch out from below at the same time, like countless wronged souls from Senluo Palace, unwillingly dragging the two of them down, sinking into the Nine Netherworld together.

What's more, what makes Li Yan feel bad is that the power of his consciousness is only less than two feet away from his body while sinking.

The surrounding space seemed to suddenly become many times smaller, pressing the two of them into a small space. They seemed to be in a bottomless straight space.


Zuo Qiu Dan circled around and stood at the edge of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff again. At this moment, with the arrival of Yan Longzi and others, the surrounding space demon cultivators were finally cleared away, leaving a small area. space.

Now, the leader of Sixiang Peak, Yi Peak, personally brought three golden elixirs and more than twenty demon foundation-building monks to expand the blocking range from the inside out.

Wei Zhongran had fallen into Li Yuyin's arms at this time, and she had placed two green thumb-sized Gu insects on Wei Zhongran's forehead and Dantian respectively.

The emerald green Gu worm erupted into circles of green ripples, and these ripples entered Wei Zhongran's body at an extremely fast speed. Wei Zhongran's originally pale face became filled with life in a short period of time.

It's just that the auras of the two emerald green Gu insects are constantly weakening.

When some disciples from the distance saw this scene, their eyes showed pain. They had only cultivated three Gu insects like Buli Feng in the past seventy years, and they had never been willing to use them.

Except for the big female insect, these two were always kept by Peak Li's side, and this time they were all taken out at once.

Looking at this situation, these two Gu insects will definitely be severely damaged in the next ten years. Without the use of heavenly materials and earthly treasures for ten or eight years, they will not be able to recover.

They could all see that Master Wei was just in a coma from exhaustion and should be able to revive him with pills, but recovery would require a period of solitary confinement.

But under the current circumstances, it is estimated that not only will he wake up later, but his magic power will also be restored to some extent.

Wei Chituo was taking out pills to treat Lin Daqiao at this time, while Gong Chenying looked at Yan Longzi with a pale face.

"Headmaster, junior brother and the others..."

"The person is gone, and the suction below is gone. Now you can go down and take a look. As for what happened below, we can only wait until Wei Zhongran wakes up."

Yan Longzi's Taoist robe was badly damaged, and he also had several bone-deep injuries on his body. At this moment, he had just communicated with Zuo Qundan and was using his spiritual consciousness to detect the lower part.

He didn't say a word. He vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with Kong.

It is related to the law of time, but it is not certain, after all, his cultivation is not that far.

The Zuo Prisoner Pill that Yi was testing had just circled up. Just now, all the power in the abyss below suddenly disappeared. He immediately sank, but found nothing.

Before, when Li Yan went down again, he wanted to replace Li Yan and go down himself, but Li Yan's movement skills were too weird.

Zuo Qiandan didn't even see clearly, but the boy was already at the side of the girl in white.

Although Li Yan had a trick to use the suction force in the abyss, Zuoqiu Dan thought that he would not be able to fall so quickly in a short distance. Li Yan clearly possessed extremely superb escape skills.

What he didn't expect was that just when Li Yan reached the bottom of the abyss, the suction force below increased sharply. Not to mention Li Yan, that force did not dare to get close, so he could only avoid its sharp edge.

In his anxiety, the powerful suction force came and went quickly. In just one breath, everything disappeared in his consciousness, including the fallen corpses and mountain boulders.

When he went down to look again, the abyss under the crack in Yin Mo Cliff was only more than 7,000 feet deep. The pit had been filled with large and small boulders and debris, and the entire pit was less than twenty miles in circumference. ??

Zuo Qiandan was shocked and carefully checked several times with his spiritual consciousness. Except for a pile of rubble, there was no trace of Li Yan and the others, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

After Zuo Qiandan searched around, he could only return angrily. After flying up, Yan Longzi and the others just cleared a space above them, and the two quickly communicated through sound transmission.

At this time, around the edge of the crack in Yinmo Cliff, the auras of many golden elixirs and Yuanying from Fengliang Mountain emerged more and more.

I don't know if they finally arrived, or if the demon cultivators finally discovered that the crack passage in Yin Mo Cliff had completely collapsed, and gave up risking their lives to intercept it.

In the space of more than ten breaths, the great changes in the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff have changed the situation of the battle, and the fight between several gods in the sky disappeared after a few faint shouts...

After Gong Chenying heard this, his body began to tremble continuously, and his face lost all color in an instant, becoming frighteningly pale.

She tried her best to suppress the panic in her heart, put the halberd behind her back as soon as she held her hands, and flew down without any hesitation.

Wei Chituo and Dalin Qiao on one side looked at each other. They knew that Gong Chenying and Zhao Minqing were sisters. Besides, they still wanted to know the whereabouts of Li Yan and Li Yan, so they followed them.


Li Yan looked at the dark yellow sky outside the spiritual shield warily, and he still had one hand firmly around Zhao Min's waist.

As the two of them fell, they were pulled back and forth by the strong suction force, and the whole crack below the Yinmo Cliff began to become chaotic.

Instead of a single suction coming from below, there would suddenly be several suctions coming from any direction. The two of them could no longer stabilize their bodies, and their bodies were constantly moving left and right.


Like two fallen leaves in the wind, falling without a trace.

But fortunately, these suction forces were not as terrifying as Gang Feng, and they did not tear them into pieces instantly, which made the two of them feel a little relieved.

Li Yan has been counting silently in his heart. Before, when he only counted to three breaths, the space outside him suddenly changed color, and they seemed to have arrived in a vast dark yellow world.

There were no more gravel or strong winds around, but their bodies continued to fall uncontrollably. There was also a dark yellow below, and the same endless dark yellow in all directions.

After a while, Li Yan and Zhao Min could no longer tell whether they were falling downwards, rising upwards, or flying sideways.

Because, as far as the eye can see, it is dark yellow, and you can't distinguish up, down, left, and right.

"This doesn't look like a crack in the Yinmo Cliff!"

Zhao Min looked around and suddenly said softly.

She has been in the Yinmo Cliff Crack for some time. Although she has not visited all the places in the Yinmo Cliff Crack, someone has told them about all the dangerous places in the Yinmo Cliff Crack.

She had never heard of such a place in the crack of Yinmo Cliff. This place gave her a great sense of danger, but her consciousness could not be far away from her body.

As far as the eye can see, there is a dark yellow color far and near, as if they are the only two people existing in the world, giving people a feeling of floating forever.

The only thing that gave the two of them a sense of life was the shimmering light of the spiritual shield outside their bodies.

"Take out all the defensive talismans and magic weapons. I will defend first, and you are ready to respond. This place is very weird!"

Li Yan withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhao Min on one side. At this time, Zhao Min still had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't even know he was in a dangerous situation.

But Li Yan still knew something about her, and knew that Zhao Min had always had a cold temper, and expressions such as panic and fear were almost never shown on his face.

He got the answer to this reason later when Gong Chenying told Zhao Min's life experience. Zhao Min was sent to the family when she was a child. In the longing and fear, she had already buried these things deep in her heart.

Because she knew that no matter how much she cried, all she would get was the silence around her and the final cold word "cultivation".

As Li Yan spoke, a layer of purple energy appeared outside the spiritual shield, and the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" was directly sacrificed by Li Yan.

Then, in the flashing light, more than a dozen talismans of various colors flashed with soul-stirring light and were attached to the outside of the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation".

These talismans included those he had captured from the enemy, and some good defensive talismans from the sect, the "Ghost Cart Talisman".

Being stared at so closely by Li Yan, feeling the warmth from Li Yan's arm on her waist and abdomen, Zhao Min felt a little nervous, but also a sense of calmness.

The nervousness and calmness did not come from the unknown and danger of the outside world, but from Li Yan at the same time.

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