Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 684 Who is with me (3)

As a result, the situation between the two sides was reversed again. Gong Chenying and the others were now facing waves of attacks, and many magic cultivators had even commanded magic weapons from above to attack Li Yan below.

There were also desperate demon cultivators who jumped down directly, which shocked Li Yan below. He looked at several demon cultivators who were desperately rushing toward them, threatening to perish together.

Li Yan could only lift Wei Zhongran up and constantly adjust the direction. In this way, the speed at which he consumed spiritual power became even more terrifying.

Several times, either the opponent's attack came instantly, or a demonic cultivator risked his life to directly block the two of them, threatening to sink into the abyss with the two of them.

But fortunately, the attacks here are completely unpredictable, and most of them rely on luck.

Those demon cultivators that Li Yan had avoided were unable to carry out a second wave of attacks when they whizzed past Li Yan.

Although their physical bodies are strong, their cultivation is not much higher than that of Zhao Min, a fake elixir monk.

Zhao Min couldn't steady his body and climb up, and they couldn't do it either. Only then did these demon cultivators know how powerful the cultivator was who was still climbing up with one person on his back.

"He is a golden elixir!"

"Masters, please come down, this man is Jin Dan!"

Many demons have made unwilling voices upwards...

The abyss beneath my feet seemed to be about to collapse completely, and the suction force coming from it was getting stronger and stronger.

Once those demonic cultivators pass by Li Yan and sink below, they will launch attacks upwards unwillingly. Often the attacks are less than half a foot away from the body, and will be completely offset by the strong suction force below.

Therefore, Li Yan only needed to prevent attacks from above.

Zhao Min was still sinking, and had already made contact with those demonic cultivators that Li Yan had missed, but they were often just a touch away. The spells used by both parties, unless they were very close, were just trying to increase consumption.

Without the absolute strength to control his body's stability, it would be difficult for the demon cultivator to deliberately approach Zhao Min as he fell further into the abyss.

Li Yan's consciousness was always staring down. He saw Zhao Min fighting with the demon cultivator several times, falling faster and farther, and he began to feel anxious.

After fully exerting "Five Elements Returning to Hongmeng", he unleashed all his strength, and then accelerated to lift Wei Zhongran upwards, but now that there was interference from the demonic cultivators above, he was still disturbed.

Moreover, he had to swallow a drop of "melted bamboo shoots" every two breaths or so, and his spiritual power seemed to be drained out in an instant.

When the demon soldiers above saw that their magic weapons did not attack Li Yan, they were instantly swept away. Suddenly no one was willing to use their magic weapons to attack easily.

They could only fight with the human monks at the edge of the expanding crack in Yinmo Cliff, waiting for Li Yan's arrival and waiting for an opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

Gong Chenying and the others also tried their best to open up a space for Li Yan, knowing that this would make it possible for the other two to come up.

Even mortals know the principle of "beating the old master to death with random punches". If Li Yan and the others approach the edge of the cliff, the surroundings will


After smashing the magic weapon randomly, the result can be imagined.

Looking at Wei Zhongran's figure that was still enlarging, although Gong Chenying and the others were still anxious about Zhao Min, no one wanted to go down casually, and they had to hold on to a cliff.

And around them, there were also monks from the Shibuyuan, the Demon Sect, and other unknown sects who were trying their best to hold back the low-level demon monks.

In only about six breaths, Li Yan lifted Wei Zhongran up, but Li Yan's state during the process was worrying.

Li Yan often has an obvious pause during his second breath, and his breath is suddenly strong and weak, which is extremely unstable.

Although Gong Chenying's face was calm, she already felt bad in her heart. Looking at Zhao Min who continued to sink, she wanted to go down several times.

However, with Lin Daqiao already seriously injured, there were waves of attacks here, leaving the second senior brother and Lin Daqiao behind. There was a high chance that their team would be destroyed.

Moreover, the area below that Li Yan directly targeted was theirs. Although there were many monks from the Demon Sect in the surrounding areas who were also blocking the attack, most of them were focused on preserving themselves and constantly wandering around to fight.

Just a few moments before the demon cultivator launched his attack, and under the surprised gazes of everyone, Li Yan had already lifted Wei Zhongran to the upper edge of the crack in the Yin Mo Cliff.

Then he looked at the demonic cultivators who could never come out once they fell into the abyss, and noticed that among the cultivators here, none of them knew Li Yan's strength.

Several demons with livid faces were charging towards this place, but they were tightly entangled by the Jindan monks from Fengliang Mountain. Li Wuyi was also rushing to the edge of the cliff that had expanded after the collapse.

In just a few breaths, he had killed a demon and seriously injured two of his opponents. However, the other party also achieved its goal of holding him back, and was once again entangled by the demon cultivators behind him.

In front of him, Li Yan came up holding the unconscious master, with gratitude in his eyes, but then he became worried about Zhao Min.

The white light in the slip in his hand dazzled again, and several torn pages flew out from the jade slip, instantly covering the two demon cultivators opposite, and streams of blood were already pouring out of the corners of his mouth.

Li Wuyi still began to explode some of the power of his natal magic weapon, and he wanted to save Zhao Min.

Li Yan's rising target area was also seen by the demon cultivators. They were an army, and fighting and blocking were their strengths.

But today, the boy's movement skills were far beyond their reaction speed, and he suddenly appeared in the abyss.

The attack was like a violent storm, which stirred up Gong Weiying and the monks of the Demon Sect. They could only dodge back and forth in the battle, and could no longer stay where they were to respond to Li Yan.

Similarly, when Li Yan was approaching the upper edge of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff, the scene that Li Yan least wanted to see appeared.

Magical magic weapons and fairy magic were desperate for his life, and they rained down on him like raindrops.

It was coming from this direction. No matter how fast Li Yan was, he couldn't completely dodge it at such a close distance.

The spiritual shield outside his body flashed wildly, causing his body to sink again, and there was a huge suction force under his body that kept tearing him apart.

The spiritual power in Li Yan's body was consumed at a rate that even a golden elixir monk could not bear. He almost swallowed three drops of "Melting Bamboo Shoots" in an instant, but in the face of overwhelming attacks, he just couldn't get up.

The veins on Li Yan's forehead bulged, and bloodshot eyes appeared. If things continued like this, even though he was carrying the heaven-defying thing "Rong Bamboo Shoots", he would not be able to withstand such consumption.

Wei Chituo and Lin Daqiao above were covered in blood, and they roared repeatedly, but they couldn't move their hands at all.

Gong Chenying even turned her halberd into a dragon and flew around wildly. She poured out all her magic power and kept fighting the surrounding demon cultivators at close quarters.

In the continuous sound of "bang bang bang...", it is often just a face-to-face encounter, that is, life and death. Either the other party is killed, or a blood arrow flies out of Gong Chenying's body, or a large mouth of blood spurts out.

Several monks from the Demon Sect tried to use magic weapons to trap Li Yan, but the magic weapons also flew around as soon as they entered the abyss. What they did was that in an instant, the bodies of several people were hit by the desperate demonic cultivators.

The physical body was torn into pieces in an instant, and the Tao disappeared and the body died.

Seven or eight Shibuyuan sword cultivators laid down sword rains on the edge of the cliff without hesitation, but this only reduced the number of enemies attacking Li Yan below.

Mei Hongyu swung her jade hands, her face was cold, and a pillar of wind enveloped the two foreign monks in front of her, leaving them no time to distract themselves from attacking the bottom of the cliff.

Dealing with two foreign monks at the same time, not to mention killing the opponent, being able to trap the opponent is her limit.

There were battle groups in the distance, and there were continuous screams and roars. More monks from both sides were desperately trying to prevent the other party from moving closer, or trying their best to move closer to Li Yan.

When Li Yan approached the upper edge of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff, the middle and low-level monks on both sides became red-eyed.

Li Yan below not only had to avoid immortal arts and magic weapons, but also had to avoid corpses falling in from both sides.

In his consciousness, Li Yan even saw a corpse hit Zhao Min. Zhao Min suddenly dropped more than ten feet and was now nearly eighty feet away from him.

Li Yan's eyes were already red, and he regretted that he had not kept a spirit storage bag on him at all times.

Although that kind of thing is extremely expensive, it can be purchased with Li Yan's wealth. However, he has not been able to go to Fangshi since he returned from the Sea of ​​Beiming.

He just wanted to seize it. Among the golden elixir monks he met and fought, only Teng Wuji had it, but he didn't know where his master put it.

Even if he saw it, he might not be able to remove the mark of spiritual consciousness left by Wei Zhongran on it.

Where did I meet later?


I am afraid that golden elixir cultivators like the beautiful woman and the male cultivator in Cyan Luosha also do not have a spirit storage bag, which shows how precious this thing is.

"Tuban" is the secret of the Five Immortals Sect. Pingtu Qian warned him not to expose it in front of others. If he, Zhao Min, and Wei Zhongran were the only three people here, Li Yan would expose it and use it without hesitation.

But there are Nascent Soul and Soul Transformation monks here. Li Yan's actions are not saving people, but tantamount to committing suicide.

This kind of heaven-defying thing cannot appear in the mortal world at all. The difference between it and the spirit storage bag can be seen at a glance. By then, even the giants like the Demon Sect will not be able to resist it and will bring consequences to the entire sect. A devastating disaster.

He had held back just now when he passed by Zhao Min, but now he was about to fall short.

Just when Li Yan was hesitating whether to put Wei Zhongran into the "earth spot" space, so that he could free up his hands to perform magic tricks.

Above his head, a soft force suddenly came, covering his surroundings in an instant, isolating all attacks, and then a familiar voice came into Li Yan's ears.

"Little friend Li Yan, hurry up, come up quickly."

Li Yan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. This was the voice of Zuo Qiu Dan. Li Yan could already feel the pressure all over his body suddenly reducing, including the endless suction coming from his feet. This was because Zuo Qi Dan used his own magic power to isolate everything around him.

Li Yan didn't hesitate anymore. He shouted loudly and threw Wei Zhongran's body upward.

Only then did he have the opportunity to scan upwards with his spiritual consciousness, and he saw Zuo Qiudan standing on the cliff in a blue shirt.

But his back was also dripping with blood, and large drops of blood were dripping down the hem of his green shirt. It was obvious that he had fought all the way here, and he was seriously injured.

I have to say that Zuo Qiu Dan's strength is much more powerful than other Jin Dan monks of the same level.

Since Wei Zhongran disappeared quietly, he lost a familiar person to join forces with, and now he no longer followed the monks of the Demon Sect, and chose the area where the Pure Land Sect was located to fight the enemy.

But not long after the fight, the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff had undergone tremendous changes. When he heard Wei Zhongran's voice, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that my friend had used some method to make it seem as if the entire crack in the Yin Mo Cliff had collapsed. He should be running for his life at this moment.

At the moment, after scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he felt that Wei Zhongran could completely escape. The newly generated suction force below should not have much impact on Wei Zhongran, let alone the speed of his escape.

He also temporarily gave up his plan to respond in the past.

But then, a giant palm suddenly appeared, and with the monks on both sides starting to become gods, they ordered to attack and protect Wei Zhongran like crazy.

This caused the area where Zuo Qiu Dan was located to instantly fall into a more fierce fighting.

Zuo Qiandan knew that Wei Zhongran's situation was seriously bad!

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