Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 681: Fighting

The demons and foreign cultivators were desperate, and their attacks became more and more fierce. Almost instantly, the dazzling light of the self-destruction of the cultivators appeared in dozens of places on the battlefield.

Many of them were demon cultivators and foreign cultivators who were seriously injured or outmatched, and half of them were Nanhai monks who had been inspired to restrain themselves. The demons no longer had any reservations about the Nanhai monks.

In just this moment's delay, without any external support, Wei Zhongran was instantly overtaken by that giant palm.

That giant palm was like a world-destroying demon coming to the world, and it grabbed Wei Zhongran's hand.

The grasp of the giant palm was earth-shattering, like an old man slowly closing his five fingers. When the five fingers were brought together, the huge peak of rubble falling into the abyss above was carried by the wind.

In the sound of "bang bang bang", it turned into powder all over the sky.

Wei Zhongran's figure was as fast as lightning as he shuttled through the rubble. He was doing it with all his strength. With all his strength, he had already reached an unprecedented speed.

But even though he was as fast as lightning, he still couldn't escape the range of the five fingers that slowly closed together. The five fingers were like an ever-expanding cage of heaven and earth, firmly locking onto Wei Zhongran's body that had turned into an afterimage.

The huge force coming from below caused Wei Zhongran to move upward from the hem of his robe, shattering inch by inch and turning into balls of flying ash.

He closed his lips tightly, and his whole body was full of spiritual light. The spiritual power in his two dantians was like a rushing tide, making a thunderous sound in his body, and the spiritual power traveled rapidly through his veins. ??

This is Wei Zhongran's biggest secret. He is different from ordinary people. There are two Dantian seas in his Purple Fu organs, and his magic power is two to three times that of monks of the same level.

He could already display some magic techniques that could only be used by monks in the early stages of Yuanying.


Li Yan kicked a demon cultivator in front of him to the point of breaking his bones and tendons, but as soon as he saw it, two demon cultivators pounced on him again.

A ray of his consciousness was constantly scanning the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff. Wei Zhongran's sincere affection and righteousness made Li Yan, who was already a little ruthless and ungrateful, very fond of this master.

On the other side, Gong Chenying and the other three were also frantically blocked by waves of desperate demon cultivators.

Because at this time, very few of the foundation-building monks were rushing to the edge of the cliff, and even most of the golden elixir monks were very hesitant.

There were quite a few demons in the abyss just now, and such cultivations were sucked away without a trace in an instant. The foundation-building monks did not dare to get closer, and they just killed each other nearby with the demon cultivators.

But Gong Chenying and the others just wanted to get closer to the edge of the cliff and got closer at all costs.

Under the madness of the demon cultivator, Lin Daqiao suffered two serious injuries again. Li Yan and the others had to protect Lin Daqiao to reduce the enemy's attacks on him.

In the distance, there is a figure that is like a madman, rushing down the crack of Yinmo Cliff at all costs. That person is Li Wuyi. At this moment, he does not have any of his usual elegance and calmness.

But the more he acted like this, the more he attracted more and more attacks from the demonic cultivators. They all saw that Li Wuyi was a good man, and this kind of person might be hiding a lot of trump cards.



But letting him get closer would most likely help the fat monk under the cliff to rush out together.

Li Wuyi and Li Yan originally flew up from the crack of Yinmo Cliff, and because they were lagging behind, they were not too far away from the cliff.

Although Li Yan was assisting Gong Chenying and the others to rush towards the edge of the cliff, he had actually been thinking about whether to rush over with all his strength.

Although he was thinking about Wei Zhongran, the giant palm in the cracked abyss of Yin Mo Cliff and the strong suction generated below were a natural barrier.

Li Yan felt that besides being a burden in the past, he could not do anything else. Even if Li Wuyi passed away now, he could not help Wei Zhongran in any way.

Li Yan already knew a lot about Wei Zhongran's strength, and he was a powerful being that could fight against Yuanying monks.

Under such circumstances, Wei Zhongran himself became so embarrassed, hiding here and there, with little power to resist. Although Li Wuyi's cultivation was now much stronger than that of ordinary early-stage Jindan monks, he was still too weak.

At the same time, amidst the noisy shouts of killing around him, Li Yan vaguely heard the anxious voice of his master's wife. He searched for the sound and spread his consciousness, and soon caught the figure of his master's wife Zhao Zhi in the distance.

Zhao Zhi's slender figure is still at least twenty miles away from the crack in Yin Mo Cliff.

Li Yan didn't know where the master's wife was ordered to guard before. Now she thought about it, but it was difficult. Just crossing the various large and small battle groups in the middle would take a lot of time.

The distance of usually twenty miles can be reached by a golden elixir monk with just a thought.

But now, although Zhao Zhi and a dozen monks from the Demon Sect beside him struggled to rush towards this direction, he had to pay a huge price for every step forward. How could he break through in just a short while?

Despite the efforts of all the monks on Li Yan's side, it only took a moment. The five fingers under the crack of Yin Mo Cliff were close to holding Wei Zhongran in his hand.

Looking at the five fingers that were constricting, Wei Zhongran could not break through and escape no matter how he rose, as if he was trapped deep inside.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the five huge fingers getting closer and closer in front of him. The huge pressure coming from all around made him unable to breathe.

The aura outside the body is turning into little bits of aura and quickly dissipating amidst the sound of "ding ding ding" as dense as rain.

His body was in intense pain, piercing his heart and soul. His bones made loud cracking sounds. Beads of sweat formed thickly on Wei Zhongran's forehead, but he didn't even hum.

Suddenly, he let out a low shout.

"This is the moment!"

Something flew out from his waist. In an instant, the aroma of wine overflowed under the crack of Yin Mo Cliff. A drop of amber liquid swirled around, wrapping Wei Zhongran in it.

Wei Zhongran stopped immediately

All movements stopped, just like a human-shaped amber formed over millions of years, sealed inside.

At this time, the five fingers were just ready to be grasped, and there was a crisp "bang" sound, like the sound made by someone crushing a piece of porcelain.

While everyone who was paying attention here was stunned, the liquid that seemed to be blown away instantly became stronger than the eternal steel.

The five huge fingers that seemed to be able to hold the world to pieces actually began to break apart inch by inch under a strong grip. Then, a painful groan came from the bottom of the abyss below the crack in Yin Mo Cliff.

A faint shout reached everyone's ears.

"Shu Zi, you must die..."

The five fingers that were about to dissipate suddenly condensed into an index finger again in an instant, but this finger had become extremely weak, as if it could be blown away in one breath.

But in fact, the huge peaks of gravel around the fingers were like balls of flour, being passed by.

Then, this finger quickly pointed towards Wei Zhongran, just as the finger pressed down.

There are streaks of ink-colored tobacco on the edge of the finger that are quickly dissipating. The finger continues to fade as it moves, and is already close to a state of nothingness. This is the last blow that the opponent is using his last strength to condense.

He was determined to kill Wei Zhongran on the spot in order to calm down the rage in his heart.

At this moment, the amber liquid outside Wei Zhongran's body also turned into traces of amber mist under the grip of his five fingers and was quickly dissipating.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a thin layer of amber covering the whole body.

Seeing the huge pillar-like finger pressing towards him, Wei Zhongran's eyes widened with fierceness, and he could feel the murderous intention brought by this faint finger that was about to disappear.

With a shake of his hands, a pair of black gold sledgehammers appeared in his hands. This was his magic weapon and had accompanied him through a hundred years of war.

At this moment, it had been eight breaths since he had escaped from below. The suction force below was getting stronger and stronger, and Wei Zhongran could hardly keep his body still.

With the two hammers in hand, Wei Zhongran's body was full of violent energy. This time, the two Dantians in his body did not hold anything back. All his spiritual power came out, and he smashed the fingers that were about to hit him without any hesitation.


A loud sound resounded throughout the world, even amid the series of deafening sounds surrounding the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff, it was still like a sudden thunder between heaven and earth, coming from the abyss.

When Wei Zhongran hit the finger, his whole body was thrown away.

The finger suddenly collapsed into black smoke, but the disparity in strength between the two sides was too great.

The two hammers in Wei Zhongran's hand suddenly turned into two balls, which turned into almost transparent black light and penetrated into his body, and his whole body was thrown upward.

At the same time, an angry roar came from the endless abyss below, and was immediately drowned in the rumbling sound of rock collapse.



Wei Zhongran's body was only thrown up near the edge of the cliff, and then quickly fell downwards again. He did not take the opportunity to escape from the abyss.

At this time, the people on the cliff suddenly realized something was wrong. Wei Zhongran seemed to have fallen into a coma, and he could no longer resist the strong suction coming from the abyss.

When his body was about to reach the edge of the cliff, he fell downwards again even faster. In an instant, he had fallen more than ten feet.

From the five fingers of the huge hand grasping, to re-condensing into fingers, to Wei Zhongran blocking the attack, everything happened in an instant, incredibly fast.

It wasn't until Wei Zhongran's body fell again that many people realized what he was doing.

Many demonic cultivators immediately looked up to the sky and roared, their roars filled with joy and joy.

At this moment, a white bolt seemed to fall from the sky, and in an instant it passed through the gaps in the crowd in front and shot towards Wei Zhongran below.

Li Yan, Gong Chenying, Wei Chituo, and Lin Daqiao had just reacted. At this moment, they fought back from high altitude, although they were still not close to the cliff.

But in just a few breaths, due to the collapse of the surrounding areas, the abyss in the Yinmo Cliff crack had expanded to their feet, and Li Yan and the others were already near the edge of the cliff.

Now only monks above Jindan and Yuanying dare to have the idea of ​​rushing downwards, except of course Gong Chenying and a few other disciples who are desperate for their lives.

And this white bolt came very quickly. It was shot diagonally from the side of Li Yan and the others. It was Zhao Min who was dressed in white.

The white clothes are no longer better than the snow, and the spots are red, like plum blossoms blooming in winter.

I don't know if she has been hovering near the cliff or if she has rushed back. There are thousands of various Gu insects outside Zhao Min.

Her face, which was as white as jade, was already pale. Controlling so many Gu insects at the same time had already exceeded the limit of her cultivation, but she said nothing and tried her best to keep the spell in her hand.

Every breath in the sea of ​​consciousness was like being hit by a heavy hammer. She just bit her red lips tightly without making a sound.

These Gu worms were large and small, with different shapes, and ferocious. It was obvious that Zhao Min had desperately scattered all the Gu worms he could take out.

A small empty space had formed near her body, and seven or eight demon cultivators were densely covered with poisonous insects. They screamed pitifully and kept slapping it with their hands.

Or the demonic energy on the body is surging crazily, trying to knock down the large number of Gu insects on the body.

There were more demonic cultivators nearby. Even though they saw Zhao Min's ferocious and cruel methods, they still rushed towards her regardless. The more the enemy behaved like this, the more closely related they were to the cultivator below.

Therefore, they also wanted to kill the girl in white to relieve their anger.

Zhao Min was desperate, driving the Gu worms all over the sky, and rushed towards the cliff step by step, not caring about the demon cultivators rushing around, but she thought it was so easy to get there.

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