Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 667: Appearance (Part 2)

Zhao Min was dressed in white as snow. After her eyes moved away from Wei Zhongran, they fell on Li Yan's back.

"It's a fake elixir. It's really fast. It's at the same level as me. What have you experienced in the past two years? It's still due to the poisonous body."

Zhao Min's cultivation talent is extremely high. Since the knot in her heart was untied, she has been stagnating for many years and has begun to advance by leaps and bounds.

The cultivation level has been improved from the late stage of foundation building to the false elixir, and the "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique" has also been cultivated from the late second level to the third level.

She thought that when she saw Li Yan again, Li Yan would be able to reach the peak of the early stage of foundation building soon, but the result gave her a big surprise.

It's just that she is cold and cold, and there is no fluctuation in her face.

Gong Chenying's figure is as proud as before, with long legs and steep peaks on her chest. She is still in the fake elixir realm, but her aura is much longer and deeper than Zhao Min and Wang Tian.

Having reached the peak of the foundation building stage, forming a pill is just a matter of time. The "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique" has reached its third peak, and the light is flowing on the brown skin.

"He's really back!"

Gong Chenying murmured something in her mouth, and after her chest rose and fell violently a few times, she suppressed it immediately.

Because, their team also began to rush forward at this moment.


At the same time as the action was taking place below, the monks who were high up in the sky had already taken over, but they all deliberately suppressed their own cultivation.

In order to avoid causing the rejection of the laws of heaven and earth in Desolate Moon Continent, the result would be unpredictable. Even so, the fight between them was frightening.

The few people didn't use any magic weapon at all, but just hit it casually, and a spatial crack visible to the naked eye would appear in that space.

In these space cracks, you can faintly see the darkness in the turbulent space, and the strong wind blowing out of it is also fleeting.

Even if these strong winds hit the Nascent Soul cultivator below, their flesh and bones will be separated and their souls will dissipate without the protection of magic weapons.

But several god-transformation monks turned a blind eye to this and allowed these strong winds to blow on them.

These space cracks often disappear quickly after one blow. This is not because they deliberately control it, but because the cultivation of the God Transformation monks has only just touched a trace of the laws of heaven and earth.

After casting a spell that contains the laws of heaven and earth, it is impossible to control the intensity, which results in the phenomenon of splitting some spaces. These space cracks will be filled up and disappeared in an instant under the laws of heaven and earth.

Mr. Da fought alone against the great monk Da Ling and the Nascent Soul of Yuandu, Tutai fought against Zhan Tian, ​​and Su Changyang fought against two men in black robes, Mr. Six and Mr. Eleven, foreign monks.

Among the three battle groups, Su Changyang's side was the easiest. He was in the middle stage of becoming a god, and the two of them were in the early stage of becoming a god. Under the suppression of their realm, although they could not win immediately, it was difficult to be evenly matched.

Tutai and Zhan Tiandou are evenly matched, the demon


The qi is raging and the sword qi is arrogant.

On the other side, Dalling and Yuandu fought extremely hard. Although Dalling was infinitely close to the late stage of divine transformation, that was just close. There was an essential difference in understanding the laws of heaven and earth from the real late stage of divine transformation.

Mr. Da often waved his hand seemingly casually, forcing Da Ling and Yuandu to dodge in all directions. The two were in a state of embarrassment for a while.


Below, with the addition of Mo Qing's monks, the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent finally had a numerical advantage. All of this was also the result of the early plan of the Desolate Moon Continent.

No matter how fierce the demons and foreign monks are, the number of personnel has been reduced by more than half due to constant losses in the early stage.

Now many sects in the South China Sea have secretly lifted the ban due to the secret operations of "Luo Shuhu" and other four Nanhai Nascent Soul monks.

In the battle in the past few days, the demons had no choice but to find that the restrictions they had planted could no longer affect some sects. Instead, they were violently attacked by some sects, and many demon cultivators and foreign cultivators were assassinated. .

All this made the demons and foreign monks furious, but that was when Fengliang Mountain began to attack, and for a while they had no time to take care of it, so they had to bury these hatreds in their hearts until autumn to settle the score.

The decisive battle resumed today. Even with the presence of some Nanhai monks, the demon side was surrounded by monks from the Desolate Moon Continent not long after the fight.

This is especially true for low-level monks. Often three or four people surround a demon cultivator and attack fiercely.

Among these monks, there was a fat young man holding a pair of hammers and a Confucian scholar in blue clothes who stood out. Both of them were in the realm of golden elixir. They seemed to often join forces and cooperated extremely skillfully.

Both of them look very gentle and harmless, but any monk who encounters these two people will be in bad luck. Not only are these two men ruthless, but they are also very vicious.

The fat young man holding the two hammers opened and closed them widely, walking back and forth, looking down at the world. Wherever the hammers passed, blood flew everywhere, but there was always a smile on his face.

In just ten breaths of time, he killed two demons and two Nanhai Jindan monks.

The scholar in green shirt followed the fat young man step by step. Often when the fat young man was attacking with all his strength, he would create a mist or a gust of wind with a wave of his hand.

Anyone hit by this has fallen to the ground in the sound of wailing. The scholar in blue shirt does not distinguish between low-level and mid-level monks. His attack range is wider. As long as this area is involved, he will take action.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivators, he would look for opportunities to coordinate with those Fengliang Mountain Nascent Soul cultivators to retreat with one blow.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivators dare not block the mist or strong wind he blasts. They can only curse angrily, but they are very likely to be severely injured by the Nascent Soul of Fengliangshan Mountain during this period.


In addition to opening and closing a pair of sledgehammers, the fat young man would also quickly penetrate the crowd with only his physical body when the sledgehammers transformed into dragons and flew out.

Anyone who had a close fight with him would either have their skin ulcerated or fall into the clouds for no reason, but it was impossible to tell what technique he used.

These two people were none other than Wei Zhongran and Zuo Qiudan. Their cultivation levels were so high that together they were not afraid of facing Yuanying monks.

As they looked at each other and smiled, they would attack at the same time. The ordinary Nascent Soul was not the enemy of the two of them together. For a moment, the two of them caught the demon clan off guard.

Of course, if the other party is a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying or above, the two of them should stay away from those Yuanying monks. As long as they don't take the initiative to meet them, there will be people on Fengliang Mountain to stop them.

The two of them went back and forth in an instant, stirring up the storm. No monk below the Nascent Soul stage could be his opponent.

However, the demons did not retreat in this situation. Instead, they aroused more ferocity and relied on their strong bodies to fight hard against their opponents.

The monks in Fengliang Mountain also fell down one by one, including a famous Jindan monk.

As for Li Yan, he did not go over to join Gong Chenying and the others. At the same time, he left the Qing Sixteenth Team and handed over the coordination command to Gong Yuantai.

Li Yan is not good at commanding. He is better at being alone. Under the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique, Li Yan is like a ghost, quickly shuttled among the low-level demon cultivators.

Often in the eyes of others, people are just a blur before disappearing. Li Yan will not take action all the time, but will take action immediately when the time is right.

Once he takes action, someone will inevitably fall from the sky, but by the time the people around him react, Li Yan has already disappeared.

Li Yan was more concerned about not being targeted by mid-to-high-level monks, so he didn't dare to use his full power like his master.

He likes to wander around like a ghost in the night.

The two sides were now in a huge melee, with monks dying every moment on both sides, so Li Yan's actions did not attract too many people's attention for a while.

But if this continues, Li Yan knows that sooner or later he will attract the attention of the demon clan.


Ten thousand feet high in the sky, eight transformed gods were fighting together. For a fight with their level of cultivation, each battle group would need at least a space of ten thousand feet or more.

But the target of the demon clan today should be the crack in Yin Mo Cliff. The range has always been controlled at a high altitude behind Fengliang Mountain and is not far away. As a result, the four of them did not dare to leave the crack in Yin Mo Cliff too far.

Therefore, the fight between the eight people was mainly close and rapid. The fight between the two sides appeared to be extremely short and intense. The sound of "bang bang bang..." sounded like a violent storm.

And in such a close and rapid encounter, Tutai saw at a certain moment that they


The three battle groups were actually within three hundred feet, with a flash of light in their eyes and a loud shout.

"Mr. Big!"

As soon as he said this, Zhan Tian frowned slightly, and he and the opponent were evenly matched.

"Is he asking Mr. Da to hurry up and capture Da Ling and the others?"

At this time, the robe of the great monk on the other side was stained with blood, and Yuandu's aura continued to decline.

Dalling and Yuan were both worried, and they could not hold on for much longer.

Now everyone is waiting to see if Su Changyang can quickly deal with the two early-stage god-transformation monks, otherwise they can only desperately explode their god-transformation cultivation and fight to the death to drag the other party into the turbulent space.

Su Changyang on the other side had already gained the upper hand. Although he was anxious, there was nothing he could do for the moment. His opponents were all god-forming monks.

Although he has realm suppression and can defeat the two of them, it is almost impossible to kill his opponent.

The two opponents also knew this truth, just like Daling and Yuandu, so even though they knew they would be injured, they still desperately entangled their opponents.

However, at this time, Mr. Eleven, who had the lowest cultivation level, looked as if he was drunk. The black robe on his body was already torn in many places, with little blood stains on it.

At this time, he was even more shaky. He didn't know when he was tricked by the old man in brocade robes opposite him.

Mr. Eleven only felt dizzy and his steps were a little shaky, but his profound cultivation kept him from falling, and instead he gradually seemed to wake up.

Su Changyang also felt a headache when facing these two monks in the early stage of becoming a god. These two people practiced ancient immortal arts. Not only were their magic powers extremely powerful, but the power of each blow was two or three times more than that of ordinary monks in the early stage of becoming a god. He had to deal with it with all his strength.

Especially when he secretly poisoned the opponent and injured the opponent, the two people on the opposite side seemed to have a physique that was not human at all. They actually stood up and showed signs of relief.

Just when the Tutai shouted the words "Mr. Big", a strange smile suddenly appeared on the wrinkled face of Mr. Big in the distance.

His smile fell in the eyes of Da Ling and Yuandu opposite, and they both felt their hearts trembling, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Then Mr. Da moved his body back, temporarily out of contact with Daling and Yuandu, and both of them felt the pressure decrease.

Before he could catch his breath, as soon as Mr. Da stood still, he stretched out his hands, and a heart-stopping wave suddenly appeared from his withered hands.

The eight people present were very familiar with this fluctuation, and even Zhan Tian and Su Changyang in the distance looked over.

The next moment, the expressions of several people changed drastically, and the commander shouted out loud while his expression changed drastically.

"Release the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage, you... you don't want your life, the rest of us will be squeezed out of the Desolate Moon Continent..."

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