Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 665: Storms and clouds gather, clouds move and wind moves

Many people below could guess the origins of these people in the sky, but who were these Divine Transformation cultivators? Ninety percent of the cultivators didn't know.

Whether there were Divine Transformation cultivators in the mortal world, in the minds of seventy percent of the cultivators, the answer was uncertain or they thought there were none. Thirty percent of the cultivators believed there were, but most of them were guessing.

Not to mention Divine Transformation cultivators, before this war, how many of them, including those Jindan cultivators, had ever seen Yuanying stage cultivators.

Divine Transformation was already a legendary immortal-like existence on land, and should not belong to the mortal world.

"Isn't it said that once a cultivator reaches the Yuanying stage, due to the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth, their cultivation can no longer break through?

So, this is why they have to ascend to a higher level. How can there really be Divine Transformation cultivators in the mortal world?"

This thought immediately came to the minds of most cultivators, but they didn't dare to ask casually.

Only in families or sects with a long history, some core disciples vaguely knew a little about Divine Transformation cultivators, but after personally confirming the existence of Divine Transformation cultivators today, they were all shocked.

Even after the war between the two tribes began, the top combat power they knew was the Yuanying stage cultivators. In their minds, the final victory or failure should be decided by the Yuanying late stage cultivators on both sides.

"The sudden attack just now should be the attack of the Huashen cultivator, otherwise, how could the Fengliang Mountain formation be destroyed in one blow."

Many cultivators thought of the attack just now without any signs, which killed hundreds of cultivators in an instant, including many Jindan cultivators.

Although they knew that Yuanying cultivators could kill low-level cultivators like grass, there was a formation set up by Yuanying cultivators to protect this place.

As the Yuanying cultivators on both sides stopped, rays of light flew from all directions to the back of the Yuanying cultivators. Li Yan and his team saw that they knew that both sides were gathering cultivators.

So after looking at each other, they also flew towards the Yuanying cultivators who were suspended in the air. Li Yan and his team carefully chose a route relatively close to the north.

In comparison, this route is much less likely to be attacked by the demons and foreign monks in the far south.

But all this did not happen. Li Yan and his team quickly flew behind the Nascent Soul cultivator. At the same time, other monks were flying here quickly all around.

Below, a middle-aged scholar in the Nascent Soul stage spread out his consciousness, and after waving his expressionless sleeves a few times, he rolled the surviving and seriously injured Fengliangshan monk into his soul storage bag.

Then he looked at the opposite side coldly, and then turned around and flew into the air again.

The demons on the opposite side, which were less than 500 miles away, stood in the air, with sneers and ridicules on their faces, and did not step forward to stop them, allowing this Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivator to save people.

Li Yan saw his master Wei Chongran here. Wei Chongran also saw Li Yan in the crowd. Seeing that he was not abnormal, he nodded to him. The battles were frequent, and he also repeatedly told Li Yan something.

Li Yan looked at other areas again. Among the low-level cultivators in the back, he also saw Bai Rou, Gong Yuantai and others.

Almost everyone was in a very embarrassed state, with more or less injuries on their bodies. Even Bro, who was famous for his many magic weapons, had disheveled hair and a bloodstain on his shoulder. It can be seen that he had just escaped with his life.

Only Bai Rou's appearance surprised Li Yan a little. Bai Rou was spotless and her breath was extremely stable.

But then, Li Yan thought of the reason. When he left Bai Rou, Bai Rou was still with Shuang Qingqing. With that terrifying woman by her side, it would be strange for Bai Rou to be in trouble, unless she met a Divine Transformation cultivator.

But Li Yan did not see Elder Chi Gong and other injured Yuanying and Jindan cultivators before, and he didn't know how they were now.

When Bai Rou saw Li Yan in the crowd, she just nodded slightly and did not send a voice message.

Li Yan immediately flew to the area where Gong Yuantai and his team were, where the members of the Qing 16th Team began to gather.

Li Yan could not recognize all the monks who were recently recruited to the Qing 16th Team, but it seemed that only about 70% of the old members he knew appeared, and the rest of them were either dead or on their way here.

At this time, Li Yan had long forgotten about returning to the sect.

After Li Yan arrived, he had a few words with Gong Yuantai and his team through voice transmission, but no one knew what had happened. The entire Fengliang Mountain collapsed in an instant, and no one got any news.

And none of the Yuanying monks in the air in front of him spoke either. The demons hundreds of miles away had been killing intent and ready to go, which seemed a bit secretive.

For a while, both sides seemed to fall into endless silence, and the whole world was suffocatingly oppressive, and the storm was about to come.

Even Li Yan, who had quietly whispered to ask the people around him at the beginning, only lasted for more than ten breaths before returning to silence.

Only a few rays of light occasionally flew in from afar, bringing a breath of air to this world, and then disappeared into the group of cultivators after a flash.

Li Yan and his companions watched the middle-aged scholar Yuanying cultivator take in the injured cultivator, not hiding the murderous intent that was gradually rising in his body, and then looked at the energetic middle and low-level cultivators on the opposite side.

They guessed that after the destructive blow just now, the other side should have only sent out some Yuanying cultivators, so the middle and low-level cultivators were not injured.

On the other hand, the Fengliangshan monks were unprepared and were affected, killing hundreds of them.

At this moment, Li Yan suddenly felt something

There is something wrong. Of course, there are many monks who are as sensitive as Li Yan, especially those Jindan monks in Fengliang Mountain.

They suddenly looked back, and Li Yan immediately turned his head when he felt something strange. However, when he turned his head, his whole body felt numb, as if he had been struck by lightning instantly.

Because just fifty miles behind them, which was once the back mountain of Fengliang Mountain, suddenly thousands of monks emerged densely from the ground.

The auras of the leading twelve people soared into the sky unabashedly, and an overwhelming murderous intent rolled out. Suddenly, the iron-blooded energy filled Li Yan and the others' bodies and minds.

They were twelve Nascent Soul cultivators, among them an old man with white beard and hair and a lean and naked man. Their auras were as surging as the abyss and the sea.

The auras of the two people actually matched those of Liao Yuan, Zhu Luan and Mo Gu in front of them. They were also two great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, but the naked man had a demonic aura on his body.

All the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage of the mortal world have come to the world...


Thousands of feet high in the sky, a big man in armor, with a body as majestic as a mountain, looked at the three monks opposite him with a playful look.

"I wonder who really doesn't want to leave today? We will completely settle all the grievances immediately. Unexpectedly, the famous 'Yin Mo Cliff Crack' in Desolate Moon Continent is hidden in Fengliang Mountain.

It's really a big move. If I guess correctly, who among you has secretly moved Fengliang Mountain, Tunmo Ridge, and Jianfuyuan? This outsider doesn't feel the change at all.

Use these three places to move to cover the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff that have been revealed before. This is a method of transforming the world. Except for a few of you cultivators, no one in this world can do it. "

Tutai's armor is as black as ink, covering the entire burly body. Only the helmet is exposed as dark as iron skin, and a pair of ring eyes are like two giant lamps in the dark night, which is breathtaking.

The majestic body seemed to cover half of the sky, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression. At this moment, he secretly called out luck.

If he hadn't come across the border, made an agreement with the clan, and had a backup plan, it would be really difficult to find the location of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff now.

The location of Master Wan Zun's Yin Demon Fissure has long since disappeared. Tutai has been searching for it for several months. It was not until the date agreed with the Demon Realm came today that he used his supreme magical power and sensed a hint of cross-border infiltration. After the demonic energy struck with all his strength, there was indeed a turn for the better.

After such a long stalemate with the monks from Desolate Moon Continent, they were exhausted, and now they could finally launch the final fatal blow.

At this moment, there were three people standing in the air around the table, standing in the south, north, and east directions, half surrounding the table.

One monk and two lay people. The monk only looks like he is in his early twenties.


The simple blue-gray monk's robe of coarse cloth has an indescribable elegance to his facial features. One glance at it will make a warm sun rise in your heart.

On the left side of the young monk is an old man in brocade clothes. The old man has black hair with a faint light, a complexion like gold, and a pair of gray eyebrows like an eagle flying into the sky, straight into his temples. There is boundless arrogance on his old face, and he is staring at the picture gloomily. Behind the stage.

On the right side of the monk is a middle-aged Confucian scholar in a green robe. The middle-aged Confucian scholar is squinting his eyes and looking at the other person. It seems that there are thousands of swords hidden deep in his eyes. As his eyes move, there is a faint sound of sword whistling. He is dressed in green. The shirt swayed slightly.

The young monk just smiled slightly when he heard this.

"For several months, I have heard about Tutai Demon General for a long time, but I can't see him today. I guess if it wasn't for you having some kind of agreement with the demon world.

Something strange suddenly appeared under the crack in Yin Mo Cliff today, and you have no way of sensing the location of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff.

This is also true for the late-stage god-transforming ‘Mr. Big’ behind you. I wonder if what I said is right? "

As he spoke, the young monk smiled, raised one palm and made a Buddhist salute behind the table.

Thousands of feet away behind the table, three men in black robes with long hair hanging on the ground have been standing quietly in the air. The three people's long hair is hanging down, covering their entire faces, making it impossible to see their appearance clearly.

The three men in black robes just looked at the three people around them coldly from beginning to end. No one spoke. Even when the young monk asked directly, the three people were still extremely cold and silent, like three zombies.

"Your Majesty, why are you saying these useless words? The cracks in Yin Mo Cliff have appeared. If you are aware of this, then you will lead the entire Desolate Moon Continent monks to surrender.

We will leave a place for you to live in peace in the land of Beiming, so as to avoid the misfortune of the entire clan.

Otherwise, hey hey hey..."

A series of laughter erupted from the picture table.

The young monk is the great monk of the Pure Land Sect's Transformation Stage. The two people beside him are the other two Soul Transformation monks from the Desolate Moon Continent, Su Changyang of the Demon Sect, and Zhan Tian of Shibuyuan.

The great monk did not answer Tutai's words, but looked at one of the three men in black robes seriously.

"Amitofo, sir, if I didn't notice the aura of the immortal spell you just cast, it is the ancient immortal spell 'Daohua Naihe' from the Desolate Moon Continent.

Mr. Da destroyed the Fengliang Mountain Formation and the Illusion Formation in the back mountain with just one casual blow. The power of the ancient immortal method is really unbelievable, and we admire it. "

The three men in black robes who had never spoken a word, after listening to the words of the great monk, the man in the middle slowly raised his head.

After the long hair fell towards his face, a thin and old face was revealed. His eyes contained no emotion at all, they were cold, ruthless and indifferent, and an old voice finally sounded.

"Junior, although you have extraordinary knowledge, you can't change any outcome. Is this considered begging?"

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