Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 663: Accidents and Return Dates

Fengliang Mountain is indeed a branch of Shibuyuan. Although the spiritual energy concentration on Xiaozhu Peak is much lower than that on Xiaozhu Peak, this is definitely a place that top-notch sects must compete for.

Therefore, Li Yan and the others do not need the assistance of spirit stones for their daily breathing here, but where Jindan monks like Wei Zhongran and others live, the spiritual energy nearby is much richer than that in Li Yan and his cave.

Li Yan waited for two hours. When Wei Zhongran came back with a tired look on his face, he just waved to Li Yan and walked towards the cave first.

Li Yan stood up and followed him with a normal expression, showing no sign of impatience at all.

After entering the cave, Wei Zhongran sat down on the bed, first rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

After days of fighting, coupled with the formulation of follow-up plans in the past day, and the arrangements for Fengliang Mountain's major and minor affairs, even though he is an immortal cultivator, he feels a little tired.

After seeing Li Yan come in, Wei Zhongran waved his hand casually, motioning for Li Yan to sit down.

"I called you here today mainly because you completed this mission very well, so the higher-ups want to give you some rewards."

As he spoke, Wei Zhongran did not hesitate. He flicked his sleeves and threw a storage bag to him.

Li Yan was a little surprised when his master mentioned rewards right out of the gate, but considering what he had done under the eyes of the Nascent Soul Demon General, he deserved to receive these.

It's just that when I accepted the task, I was a little frightened, and I forgot to mention the conditions for a while. It seemed that my master had thought very carefully.

Li Yan couldn't help but feel a little depressed that he couldn't take the opportunity to put forward the conditions at that time. His character still needs to be strengthened.

Otherwise, he should be able to take the opportunity to ask for what he wants instead of this random reward.

But even the reward given by the superiors was not too bad after thinking about it. After Li Yan grabbed the storage bag in his hand, he thanked Wei Zhongran.

Seeing that Wei Zhongran didn't seem to care, Li Yan thought it contained some kind of spiritual stone or magical skill. Spiritual stones were not in short supply for him now, but if they were good offensive and defensive magic, that would be what he lacked the most. of.

As for any method of cultivating spiritual power, Li Yan would definitely not practice it. With his mixed spiritual talent, any practice would be in vain.

At that time, he proposed to exchange for a powerful magic technique. Maybe there would be no problem. Li Yan's thoughts suddenly changed and he had already released his spiritual consciousness.

But when Li Yan's consciousness penetrated into the storage bag, his originally calm face turned into a look of ecstasy after being stunned for a moment.

It was only then that Wei Zhongran's long and leisurely voice came over.

"Here are most of the body materials of a third-level peak 'Jade-horned snake' that failed to transcend the tribulation. The 'Jade-horned snake' you mentioned last time probably doesn't require a whole piece.

These materials should be enough for you to use. I originally planned to go to the Shiwan Mountains in person after returning to the sect this time.


I remember there should be a third-order ‘jade-horned snake’ there.

But with this opportunity, you can ask for it. Master Mo Qing personally asked for it from the Taixuan Sect, and it took a lot of effort. You can see if it is available. "

Li Yan's consciousness passed over a piece of crystal-like jade material in the storage bag. One eye, seven teeth, several vertebrae of the "Jade Horned Snake", and half of a ferocious head that was two feet in size were all there. in.

Then there were some dried organs, and finally Li Yan's consciousness fell on a pair of tentacles that were like nine-day ice. The tentacles shone with a cold crystal light, which made Li Yan's consciousness feel dizzy.

"Third level, this is the third level 'Jade Horned Snake' material, and it failed to survive the tribulation..." Li Yan muttered to himself in surprise.

After hearing Wei Zhongran's words, Li Yan quickly answered.

"It can be used, of course it can be used. Disciple, thank you Master!"

After Li Yan withdrew his consciousness from the storage bag, he quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

Not only did this gift surprise him, it was also very valuable. It was also a third-order Bing Yun Ling, but the material was much inferior to that of the "Jade-horned Snake".

Those two ice cloud feathers were obtained by Wei Zhongran and others who worked together to kill a third-level early stage colorful ice goose.

And the material of the "Jade Horned Snake" here turned out to be the body material of a third-level peak monster that failed to transcend the tribulation. This is just like the early stage of the Golden Elixir and the false infant monk. There is not even a slight difference between the two.

The physical bodies of monsters that have gone through the tribulation, even those that failed in the final tribulation, have been tempered by the tribulation. The benefits are difficult to explain. At least the skeleton and flesh body have been improved by one level, or even higher.

And the most difficult thing to explain is that some monsters that died in the catastrophe may have a trace of the power of heaven and earth, such as thunder, wind, rain, etc., which may bring additional attributes to their refining natal magic weapons.

Of course, it is only possible for the magic weapon to have attack characteristics that do not belong to it, but this glimmer of hope is what the monks look forward to most.

Although Wei Zhongran can easily crush an early-stage Golden Core to death, which is almost the same as waving his hand, but at this level of monsters, a Golden Core-stage monk is definitely not willing to encounter it.

Even Wei Zhongran doesn't have much chance of winning, not to mention that this kind of monster is hard to come by. If you want to see it, you must have a great chance.

Wei Zhongran raised Li Yan's body with one hand and lifted him up.

"Your mission is really good this time. Master Mo Qing appreciates you very much, so he is willing to say a word for you and replace other rewards with this item."

Wei Zhongran said calmly, without mentioning himself at all, but Li Yan was not stupid, and the weapon refining materials he needed could be

Only Bai Rou, Sun Guoshu and Master knew.

Ancestor Mo Qing could deliberately change these refining materials. He is not a real god. He can't figure it out. Only his master will propose it. This is what he needs most at the moment.

Li Yan did not continue to praise archery. Both the master and the disciple were smart people, and it was enough to know some things.

Li Yan suddenly remembered something at this moment.

"Master, could it be that one of the Nascent Soul monks who attacked the Nameless Valley that time was Patriarch Mo Qing?"

Li Yan recalled that when he was lurking on the steep mountain where he plotted against the beautiful Cyan Luosha woman, there was a vague sense of consciousness hovering around him, as if protecting him secretly.

Now thinking of Wei Zhongran's words, Li Yan immediately had an idea, could that divine consciousness be Master Mo Qing? Otherwise, others will not take care of themselves like that.

Especially when the divine consciousness reappeared at the last moment of his escape, he saved his life.

Wei Zhongran nodded gently, this time he did not cover up.

"I begged Master Mo Qing to take action for my master. After all, your cultivation level is too low, and there is no guarantee that you can be protected by others." ??

The others Wei Zhongran was referring to were of course those old Nascent Soul monsters from Xiao Yaoyuan, and the master and disciple had a tacit understanding.

Li Yan was moved again. Unexpectedly, Master Mo Qing's appearance was also due to Wei Zhongran's request. As a master, Wei Zhongran had already taken great care of his disciples.

Li Yan's eyes flickered for a few times, but he still didn't say anything like thank you again.

"Master, your sudden appearance in the war a few days ago is related to the mission I performed?"

"Well, you have also thought about this level? It is very important, so that's why the death order was issued that day, requiring that the powerful magic weapon in the nameless valley must be destroyed before dawn.

Otherwise, you can imagine that when the war started, although they could not use powerful magic weapons on both sides of the battlefield.

However, almost all the middle and high-level monks from both sides were out, and the three defensive formations at Fengliang Mountain, Tumo Ridge, and Jianfuyuan were bound to be hit hard.

If there are not several Nascent Soul cultivators in charge, the rear will surely be lost, no matter how well the front is fought. They are already directly threatening the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff.

The opponent only needs one Nascent Soul Demon General holding a powerful magic weapon in the nameless valley to hold back three to six of our Nascent Soul monks from coming forward. Without so many Yuanying monks on the front battlefield, the pressure and consequences will be terrible. Not optimistic anymore. "

"What if I fail to complete the task?" Li Yan asked.


Or two Nascent Souls could hold the demon general tightly, preventing her from having any chance to cast spells. But at the level of Nascent Souls, casting spells is only a matter of seconds, and if you want to hold them back, you can only talk a little.

At most, the opponent lacked the support of the altar in the valley when she was attacked, so she just couldn't fire more shots instantly.


But while flying, the demon general could sometimes control the magic weapon to attack a certain place, so this solution was only a last resort.

By the way, now that you have obtained the materials for the 'Jade Horned Snake', you have gathered all the materials you need to refine your natal magic weapon. Do you want to go back to the sect?

You have performed quite well these few missions, and no one will gossip about you if you go back. "

After Wei Zhongran gave a simple answer, he then thought about the fact that Li Yan had never refined the natal magic weapon. This was too important for a monk.

Li Yan's own fighting power is already quite good. If he has another magic weapon with him, then his chance of saving his life in this battle between the two clans can be increased by at least 10 to 20%.

Regarding this, Li Yan's heart was already moved and he thought about it for a moment.

"This disciple also has this intention. Now that we have obtained the final main material, it is time to refine the magic weapon of our destiny."

"Jade Horned Snake" In fact, Li Yan only needs some skeletal materials. He also saw the teeth and vertebrae just now, but he doesn't plan to use these now.

Because the pair of well-preserved tentacles is the hardest part of the "Jade-horned Snake", it is a better choice for Li Yan.

Fortunately, the senior from the Taixuan Sect didn't use it. This was Li Yan's great luck.

Next, Wei Zhongran asked Li Yan in detail how he escaped this time. When he learned that if Master Mo Qing hadn't taken action at the last moment, Li Yan might have been discovered and killed by the other party, he felt happy in his heart.

An hour later, Li Yanfei left Wei Zhongran's cave, feeling really happy. He wanted to pack his things when he got back. He planned to teleport back to the sect with Elder Chi Gong and the others early tomorrow morning.

Thinking that he had left the sect for two years, Li Yan, who was flying in the air, missed Xiaozhu Peak and his small courtyard for a while.

Although there is currently only Fourth Senior Sister Miao Wangqing guarding the peak, Xiaozhu Peak is after all the place where he truly began to cultivate immortality. Every plant, tree, bamboo and cloud there contains his most youthful memories.

Under the huge full moon, a man and a woman on the platform were having sex and whispering in the night.

"I wonder how Zhao Min and Chen Ying are doing now?

The crack in Yin Mo Cliff, after I complete the refining of this natal magic weapon, I will also propose to go there. "

Two figures appeared in Li Yan's mind, which actually touched the long-lost feelings in his heart, and a burst of warmth surged in his heart.

Then, the faces of Li Wuyi and Lin Daqiao appeared in front of them.

"Hehehe, I wonder if they will be surprised when we meet again."

Thinking about his current cultivation level, Li Yan felt a little proud. However, he knew that refining the natal magic weapon would probably take about three months, or even half a year, no matter how quickly it was refined. This still did not include the time for nourishment.

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