Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 658 Gift

Li Yan then remembered that the man in front of him had traveled the world with his master. Based on his understanding of Wei Chongran, his master was very proud in his bones.

He rarely heard him mention other cultivators of the same level with whom he interacted. He didn't expect that this person in front of him was one of them. He couldn't help but be more respectful.

"Oh, my master rarely mentioned his experience, so please forgive me for not knowing. This time, I am really lucky to see you again. I don't know what you want to see me for. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Li Yan hurriedly bowed to answer, and Zuo Qiudan waved his hand to him, indicating that Li Yan didn't need to stand up.

"Hehe, I came to find you this time. I don't have anything that needs your help. I just want to see you.

I just teleported to Fengliang Mountain a few days ago. Although I have been fighting outside with your master these days, we are all fighting on our own. I am always thinking about how to save my life..."

Speaking of this, Zuo Qiudan paused, and his eyes showed a dazed look, but then he returned to normal. ??

"So I didn't know that you were his disciple. Just now after finding Bro, I learned about your identity. I guessed that you might be one of the three defense points. You are here.

What I didn't expect was that Li Xiaoyou turned out to be a disciple of the famous Wuliang Sect, and a disciple of Wei Chongran. This really surprised me.

Oh, you hid your cultivation at the beginning, I didn't even see it. It seems that the current fake Dan realm is your real realm."

Zuo Qiudan looked at Li Yan, raised his slender hand and pointed at him, and laughed.

"Senior, I did hide it a little at first, but I only broke through the realm of fake pills recently."

Li Yan said vaguely, he didn't want to talk much about his cultivation.

Bro thought to himself.

"He is not an ordinary fake pill, that is a fake pill that can kill about ten demon cultivators of the same level in a battle. I wonder if you would just brush it off if you knew about it."

He now has a feeling that Li Yan is invincible at the same level, but after dating Li Yan for such a long time, he knows that Li Yan doesn't like others mentioning his cultivation the most.

So, after thinking about it, he decided to talk about it when he was alone with the young master. After all, this is also the first friend he made, which shows that his vision is still good.

"Little friend Li is a disciple of the Wuliang Sect. I think he must be good at refining poison pills. I wonder how many pills you can refine now?" Zuo Qiudan suddenly changed the topic again. He just talked about it casually. He didn't really want to know Li Yan's cultivation, so he didn't continue talking about this topic. This made Li Yan feel relieved. After hearing the other party talking about refining pills, Li Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. If he wasn't stupid, he should know that this pill master was taking the opportunity to teach him a thing or two. Even if he just said a few words, it was enough to repay the favor of saving Bro. "It seems that he doesn't know the function of the silver paper. Even Bro won't tell the reason why he was chased, so as not to be punished by Senior Zuo, saying that he only robbed when he was not strong enough." It is natural for cultivators to compete for cultivation resources, but it is not advisable to act arrogantly like Bro after robbing. Then, Li Yan thought of the silver paper in an instant. In fact, Bro's silver paper had already repaid his life-saving grace. But Li Yan couldn't tell the secret of the "Immortal Phoenix". He didn't want to mention it to anyone anyway. If Wei Chongran hadn't seen his incredible body reconstruction process last time, and Li Yan had no reason to lie, how could Li Yan tell the truth. Although alchemy and instrument making are only one of the many methods of cultivation, alchemy is very important for any cultivator. Whether it is killing, healing, or curing diseases and saving people, it is necessary. Now, with such a great opportunity, Li Yan will seize it well. Next, Zuo Qiudan and Li Yan talked about the way of elixirs. Li Yan's level of refining elixirs was actually very weak, and he spent most of his time on cultivation.

Now, he could only barely refine a first-grade elixir, but his understanding of the way of poison was so profound that Zuo Qiudan's eyes lit up.

At the same time, Zuo Qiudan couldn't understand why a cultivator who had such a deep understanding of plants and trees had such a poor level of elixir refining. This was simply a contradiction.

He also knew that the elixir refining and weapon refining of the Wuliang Sect were very high. Although some elixir refining masters were not as good as himself, they were also very strong.

Even if their disciples came to teach the kid in front of them, they would be more than enough, and their level would not be so poor. However, if he didn't have a long experience in refining poison pills, how could he analyze poison pills so thoroughly?

"Could it be that Li Yan was born with a plant body and has an innate perception of the way of plants? Otherwise, this is too unreasonable. It's a pity that he doesn't practice the way of alchemy.

I heard that Xiaozhufeng has always been very aloof. It is possible that he has not been discovered by the alchemist. I have to find time to ask Wei Chongran," Zuo Qiudan complained in his heart, but how could he know that others who make pills must force themselves to remember the characteristics of various plants, the characteristics of the materials on the monsters, etc.

These were just memorized by rote. After getting the raw materials for refining and getting started, I realized that there are more things that require the practice of a master to understand. All of these require a large amount of spiritual stones to accumulate.

Therefore, an alchemist

His cultivation is very difficult. If he doesn't show extraordinary talent, the sect will not be willing to spend a huge amount of spiritual stones on him.

However, in the early stage, no matter how talented you are, you still have to spend your own spiritual stones to learn the basics, which is also a huge expense.

Li Yan did the opposite. He didn't have many spirit stones himself, but he would often find others to fight with. Whether the opponent was sacrificing poisonous beasts or shooting poison pills.

Once used, Li Yan inside will try to swallow it into the body bit by bit, and then detoxify by dividing the poison body.

This process is his experience of in-depth understanding of various poisonous mists and direct insights after the poison enters the body.

Except for a few fellow disciples who knew about his special physique, others thought he had a corresponding antidote.

Afterwards, Li Yan compared the ingredients of the poison pill's refining formula to check the feeling after entering the body one by one. His method could not be learned by others.

Of course, most of the elixir prescriptions that Li Yan obtained had only ingredients and no refining process. Only the elixir prescriptions that recorded the detailed refining process were the real elixir prescriptions.

However, this was enough for Li Yan to understand a certain poison pill formula and its effects. He could even sense problems in a certain formula.

He figured it all out on his own, and there will still be deviations in some places.

Therefore, Zuo Qiudan discovered during his conversation with Li Yan that Li Yan's understanding of some alchemy materials was inconsistent. At this time, he would point out the differences, which benefited Li Yan a lot.

Many erroneous ideas that Li Yan had previously understood only by feeling after the pill entered his body suddenly became enlightened.

The two of them talked about the poisonous elixirs at the beginning, then the elixirs for replenishing energy and health, and even the elixirs for assisting monks to advance to meditation.

As long as Li Yan proposed Zuoqiu Dan, he would explain it in detail one by one like a treasure trove, and even tell the formulas of some of his improved pills. These are all secrets that are not passed down.

In fact, there is no distinction between poison elixirs and cultivation elixirs. Once the poison elixir is used, it becomes the best cultivation elixir. If the cultivation elixir is slightly changed, it will become a highly poisonous elixir.

Bro also interjected a few words from time to time during this period, and some of his words always spoke at key points, which allowed Li Yan to hear things he had never known from another perspective.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart that even though Bro didn't specialize in alchemy training, he was much better than him in alchemy due to his childhood exposure.

Time passed so quickly that Li Yan felt that the conversation had not lasted long before Zuo Qiudan stopped talking.

"Li Xiaoyou has unlimited potential in the cultivation of alchemy. If he can devote himself to this way, it is reasonable for him to become a master of alchemy over time. It is impossible to even become a grandmaster."

What he said was half-truth and half-lie. The first half of the sentence was really about being optimistic about Li Yan, but the second half was just a reluctance.



But he really thought that Li Yan might be the legendary body of grass and trees, with extraordinary talents.

He didn't know how Li Yan came to delve into the path of alchemy. His understanding of elixirs fluctuated, and Li Yan sometimes acted ignorant of some basic theories that were obviously very low.

But sometimes it is clearly a certain kind of extremely high-potency elixir. Li Yan has a special understanding of the toxicity of the ingredients, as well as the process and subtle symptoms of the poison, as if he had personally tested the poison.

Otherwise, it is impossible to draw these conclusions and judgments just by observing other people's poisoning symptoms.

Of course Zuo Qiu Dan would not believe that there would be people who would try all the poison pills they knew about. That kind of person would be too crazy.

The antidote is not 100% guaranteed to be completely fine, and several of the poison pills the two of them just mentioned, even if there are antidotes, with Li Yan's foundation-building cultivation level, they will be completely It hurts the foundation.

Although he had heard a little bit about Zuo Qiu Dan, the three major poisonous bodies of sprites, it was a legendary thing, so he really didn't think about Li Yan in this regard.

However, Zuo Qiandan would not rush to ask Li Yan how he did this. As an elder, he had a close relationship with him after just a few meetings.

Li Yan couldn't understand the meaning of the words. He just shook his head helplessly. His family knew about his family affairs.

"Oh, I have something to discuss with your master and a few other friends, so I won't delay Little You Li here."

Zuo Qiandan stood up as he spoke and nodded to Li Yan with a smile.

Li Yan then noticed that it should be noon outside the cave at this time, but he didn't expect time to pass so quickly.

Just now, he was completely immersed in Zuoqiu Dan's alchemy like the vast sea, and he didn't feel the passage of time at all.

"Senior Zuo, please help yourself!"

"Oh, as a poisonous cultivator of the Sprite Sect, you should have a lot of poisonous pills on your body. I also have two 'dustless pills' that I refined earlier.

You are also in the realm of fake elixirs. I think it won't be long before you may form elixirs. I know that as a master, it is no problem to get a 'dustless elixir', but this is Consider it a small gift from Zuo to your little friend. "

After Zuo Qiandan stood up, he did not leave immediately. Instead, a green light flashed in his hand, and a small, crystal-clear green bottle appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Li Yan casually.

Li Yan was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously took it in his hand. Of course he knew the name of "Wuchen Pill". Senior Brother Li Wuyi had this pill in the first place, which increased his hope of forming a pill.

Similarly, on his way to the Sea of ​​Beiming, many killers killed Zhuo Lingfeng and Huchen Wuding until they were desperate and almost lost their lives in order to obtain a "Wuchen Pill".

It was because of the "Xuan Ming Order" that he took action to save those two people.

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